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Mao Zedongs Biography.

Mao ZeDong is Born in December 26th, 1893 in Shaoshan, China

MaoZedong was born in the farming community of Shaoshan, in the
province Hunan, China, to a peasant family. Mao attended an small
school in his village when he was 8 years old, and he learned not a lot.
By age 13, he was working full-time in his dads fields, gorwing bored
and ambitious overtime. When he turned 14, his father tried to arrange
marriage for him, but when Mao turned 17, he left the fields to enroll in a
secondary school. In 1911, when the Xinhua Revolution beganed its
rebellion against the monarchy, Mao joined the KMT to fight. After the
KMT took control of China, Mao graduated from school, ans became a
teacher. He traveled to Beijing and became an librarian assistant at
Beijing University, this is when Mao heard about the successful Russian
Revolution, so he joined the Chinese Communist Party in 1921. KMTs
founder/leader Sun-Yasten made an alliance with the CPC, but when he
died and Chiang-KaiShek, the more traditional-like leader beganed a
violent purge of eliminating all Communists. Mao decided an retreat
would be best to avoid massive slaughter. When Japan invaded China,
forcing Chiang Kai-shek to flee his capital, the KMT soon lost control of
the coastal regions, and most of the major cities. The KMT, and CPC
then made a part-time truce to fight the Japanese. After Japanese were
pushed out, both sides returned to fighting, and Mao set sights on
controlling all of China, and became the leader. After the CPC defeated
the KMT, Mao still had fears that there were people who didnt like his
control, so he arrested thoudands of rightists (or supposed
Nationalists). Then in 1958, Mao ZeDong launched the massively hated
Great Leap Forward Plan, which resulted in failure and the death of
thousands by famine. In 1966, Mao ZeDong made his return to public,
and again launched a Cultural Revolution, which was to regain
supporters. He closed all schools in the cities, and sent the students to the
countryside to be educated. This created massive social chaos within
China. In 1972 Mao wanted to further solidify his place in the history
books, so he made the famous meeting with Richard Nixon, a meeting
that eased tensions between the US and China, and made China a world
player. Mao died from Parkinsons Disease on September 18, 1976, then
he was age 82.

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