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Through the images used in this digipak the artist is represented as an attractive,
flirtatious and sensitive women. This is seen through the use of the artists clothing
and appearance in the images the hair and makeup allows the audience to view her
more effectively and the exemption of all other digipak conventions in order for the
audience just to focus on the artist is done quite well. Also the secondary image of the
artist in the bed of roses represents her as vulnerable as she is asleep on a bed of roses
which indicates to us she is oblivious to any other presence at the moment. This could
be a hint to the tracks in the album itself in the form of you will be oblivious to this
new sound that Rihanna will bring in this album. The font used here is large but thin
and easy to read this is done in order to not allow the letters to block the image of the
artist which is the main focus of this digipaks design which represents the artist as
being the centre of attention which also may hint that the actual album does not have
many features of other artist. One song in the album really links well with this albums
name and the digipak cover which is love the way you lei a music video adapted from
the song featuring Eminem. This song depicts the abusive relationship of a couple the
reason that this links with the album title firstly is that LOUD can refer to how the
abusive couple in the song would abuse each other and how loud voices and screams
can be heard from both partners. While the cover art of an attractive yet fragile,
sensitive and vulnerable stands to insinuate how victims of abusive relationships are
weather they are the inflictors or the receivers of abuse.

Label the digipak with the conventions (what typical information is

included on a digipak?)


Explain how the artist has been represented through the cover
Describe the fonts used throughout the digipak and explain how
they represent the artists style/ genre of music?
Analyse any secondary images of the artist on the digipak and
explain how they add to the overall representation of the star.
View some of the music videos from the songs on the album. Is
there a correlation between any of the videos and the digipak?

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