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Dear Student,

Kirkby International College is organizing an Award Ceremony for the

students who have qualified to receive the Certificate of Higher Level
from the University of Hertfordshire. This ceremony will be held on
Monday, 8 December 2014 at 5:00 pm in the College Auditorium. On
behalf of the college, we invite you to attend this ceremony. The
detailed programme will be mailed to you shortly.
To mark the occasion, we intend to bring out a souvenir brochure. We
would like to invite you to send a submission for publication in this
brochure. This submission could take the form of artwork, a poem or a
write-up about your time at Kirkby International College. Your artwork,
poem or write up could be about your KIC experiences or mostcherished memories, or could reflect the sense of pride and privilege
you felt when you were a student at KIC or the special place KIC has in
your heart. Poems and write-ups should be in English and could be
150 - 200 words.
The last date for receiving your submissions is Monday, 24 November
2014. Please do attach a recent photograph with your submission.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours truly,
Dr Sunil Kumar
Souvenir Publication

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