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Keep far from a false charge, and

do not kill the innocent and

righteous, for I will not acquit the
wicked.-Exodus 23:7
Before I formed you in the womb
I knew you, before you were born I
set you apart; I appointed you as a
prophet to the nations.-Jeremiah


Pro Life vs. Pro Choice

The mother shouldnt have
a say in the child's life.
Pro Life supporters believe
that the fetus is a human
and that abortion is murder.

The child is a part of the

mothers body and she has
every right to do with it
what she wants.
Its not a baby until it is born
or late in the pregnancy, so
therefore it is not murder.

Abortion Around The World

Abortion occurs around the world.
For instance in China there is a great deal
of gender selective abortion, where most
people abort their daughters in hopes of a
future son in order to uphold the family
name. China's one child policy is greatly
enforced by using forced abortions.
In Great Britain the Abortion Act of 1967
legalized abortions in England, Wales, and
Scotland. The act states that an abortion
must take place in a hospital or a special
clinic. Two doctors must also agree that
the abortion would cause less harm to the
woman in question than a continuation of
the pregnancy would.

Abortion in the US
In 1821 Connecticut became the first state to legalize
abortion after poison was administered to the woman
after the fourth month of pregnancy. Abortion began its
road to becoming legal in the US during Roe versus
Wade about 40 years ago

Reasons for Abortion

Abortion Procedure
Morning after pill: up to 72 hours
Methotrexate and Misoprotol:
Methotexate causes the cells in the
placenta to die and Misorotol empties
the fetus from the uterus.
RU-486: The drug interferes with
progesterone, after prescribed the
woman comes back 2 days later to
receive a prostaglandin drug that
induces labor and expels the dead

Manual Vacuum Operation: 7 weeks or less
Suction Curettage: after 14 weeks:
D&C: within 12 weeks- loop shaped knife
D&E: 13-24 weeks- tears, cuts and crushes
Saline: after 15 weeks Prostaglandin: after 15 weeks
Hysterotomy: after 18 weeks- similar to Csection
D&X: after 20 weeks

D&X Abortion

Which of These is Your View?


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