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SULIT 4551/2 Biologi Kertas 2 September 2%jam Nama Tingkatan JABATAN PELAJARAN MELAKA Dengan Kerjasama PERSIDANGAN KEBANGSAAN PENGETUA-PENGETUA SEKOLAN MENENGAH MALAYSIA (PKPSM) CAWANGAN MELAKA PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN SWJIL PELAJARAN MALAYSIA 2007 BIOLOGI Kertas 2 Dua jam tiga puluh minit, 4._Kertas soatan in mengandungi JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERITAHU ia bahagyan Bahagian &, Bahagian & Untuk Kegunaan pemeriksa an Bahagian C Javed semua soslan dalam” Banagian A, sat Bahagian [No ‘soalon danpadoBahagian B dan satu coalan dangad Banagian C 2. Jawapan kepade Bahagian & hendiotah dias dalam ruangjowazan Yang disecakan dalam keris soalan, Largkah pening. manga hendanian tunjsran 4. Jawapan kepada Bahagian 8 dan Bahagian C hendakian ats dalam eras jawapan yang ceediakan Anda dininta menioweb dengan fesh ppaning ttoo janopan mest ol dan lagi. Dalam jayapan anda, persamaan, gambar aia, j2dual, grt dan cara lain yang seu’ unk Imenjelaskan amapan anda Bolen digunakan Marken 4. Jowopan kepada ketiga-tiga bahagian ini hendakiah diserankan 8 6 ‘bersama-somg. Ando hendaliah menyeranan kertas tls don kertas ‘graf tambahan, ka digunakan,bersama-sama dengan Keres solan. 5. Rajah yang mengiing!soalan cmoksudkan untuk member maktumat "yang berguna Bag menjawab soaan, Raja tak aukskan manghut oc S ‘hala kecuall dinyatakan sebatkey e 6 Pengqunsan kaldultorsaintiik yang tidak botondprogremkan adalah cdbenarkan yon Jumiah 7. Masa yang dicadangkan untuk menjowab Bahagian A alzh 90 mint Jumlah Besar Bahagian B 30 mi jan Bahagian © 39 mint 4551/2 Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 39 halaman bereetak termasuk kulit [Lihat sebelah] For Section A Feaminer's [60 orarks} * Answer all questions ue The time suggested to complete this section is 99 minutes. 1. Diagram 1.1 shows a model of plasma membrane, DIAGRAM 1.1 May (a) (Name tne structures labelled P,Q and R [3 marks] . (i) Name the process nccur at R and explain how? Process at R Explanation stati, [3 marks} ro Bahagiar A Kegunaan (60 markan} | Jawa semua sosian dalam bahagian in Masa yang dicadangkan untuk menjawab bakagian ini ialah 80 minit | 1 Rajan 1.1 menunjukkan mode! memibran plasma | | | | | | RAJAH 44 | (@) @Namakan stuktur bertabe P, a dan R | {3 markah] 40) | —_(i)._Namakan proses yang beriaku di dan terangkan bagaimane proses 1 tersebut beraku? | L Proses di R: | Penerangan { sel, — | [3 markah] 4 aod (©) How does the process at P differ from the process that occurs at Q? te | { | l | 40) | ft mark] (c) Diagram 1.2 shows the plasma membrane of a red blood cell which burst after being immersed in a solution J | Before After i DIAGRAM 1.2 | expininnow the red ood cl buat | (2 marks} For (b) Bagaimanakah proses yang berlaku di P berbeza daripada proses yang berlaku Ecaminer' ‘oa? [1 markan] (c) Rajah 1.2 menunjukkan membran plasma sel darah merah meletus selepas direndam dalam larutan J. Sebelum Selepas RAJAH 1.2 ‘Terangkan bagaimana sel darah merah tersebut meletus. te) | [2 markah] co (@) Diagram 1.3 shows a plant watered with fertiliser. Use After two days Before After DIAGRAM 1.3, () Using your biology knowledge, explain what happen to the plant, [2 marks) (i) Sketch aciagram to show the structure ofa plant cell that yau have described in (d)(i) cont | r } | oral. | i | [1 mark) 7 rr | feat, | (8) Rojan 1.3, menunjukkan tumbuhan sebelum dan selepas dua hari cisiram we dengan baja fea a | Selepas dua han Sebelum Selepas RAJAH 1.3 (i) Melalui pengetanuan anda tentang biologi, terangkan apakah yang telah beriaku terhadap tumbuhan tersebut (2 markah] (i) Lakarkan rajah yang menunjukkan keadaan struktur sel tubuhan yang anda nyatakan di (4) [1 markah 8 | For |2. Diagram 2.1. shows a transverse section through a part of dicotyledion leaf Ue | le Xilem >) | |s Stoma, eee | DIAGRAM 2.1 |a) Name the structures labelled as R dan Y. ' Le | [2 marks] 2) 9 9 2. Rajah 2.1 menunjukkan rajah skema tindak balas yang berlaku dalam tumbuhan Pemeritsa | | Cahaya matahari re | silem Urat Daun ; Tub f? floem: s cor Rang udara Liang soma RAJAH 2.1 | (@)_Namakan struktur yang berlabel R dan Y. { R y 2(a) [2 markah] i 8 | 2 Diagram 2.1 shows a transverse section through a part of dicotyledon leaf For Examiner's Ue : Sunlight oe Vein Aie space | Stoma ae | | DIAGRAM 2.1 | 2) Name the structures labelled as R dan Y. | | R | \ Y: 7 | {2 marks} | 22) | 9 2, Rajah 2.1. menunjukkan raja skema tindak balas yang berlaku dalam tumbuhan ree hijau untuk menghasilkan makanan melalui proses fotasintesis. Pemeritsa | abaya mataar seus | R rat | Daun s | : Rang udara | ene RAJA 2.4 | | fa) Namakan struktur yang berlabel R dan Y. R | Y 2) | [2 markah] | 10 Examiner's) Use Diagram 2.2 shows the structure of Y. Starch granule | | onoraM22 | Descibe the photosynthesis rescions which occur in structures P and Q | (Structure (es | (i) Structure @: | 2¢b)ti) [a marks} 200 | (i) Write down the full equation for photosyntesis | 2x) | {1 mark] f | | (@) On Diagram 2.2, mark with arrows to show the path of how raw materials for | otosyntesis. get in [eee photosyntesis getinto ¥. [2 marks] 2090, on 2) rm (b) Rajan 2.2 menunjukkan struktur Y. Gramul_ lipid e Granul Kanji DIAGRAM 2.2 Huraikan tindakbalas fotosintesis yang berlaku dalam struktur P dan Q ()Struktur P: (i) Struktur @ [4 markah (CK) Tuiskan persamaan perkataan untuk tindakbalas fotosintesis. [1 markahl (i) Pada rajan 2.2, ukiskan anak pana untuk menunjukkan bagaimana bahant mentah untuk proses fotosintesis masuk ke dalam Y. (2) The process of photosynthesis contributes to the balance of nature. For | Examiner's ed (State one importance of photosynthesis to the balance of nature. ae | [t mark) i) Explain how the problem of air pollution can affect the sate of photosynthesis. fo marks) B (a). Proses fotosintesis didapati menyumbang kepada keseimbangan alam sekitar Untuk KXegunaan wo Nyatakan satu kepentingan fotosintesis kepada keseimbangan alam Pemeriksa weit [1 markah] 2ay(i)_ (i) Terangkan bagaimana pencemaran udara member Kesan terhadap i kadar fotosintesis. 218) [2 markah] For | Examiner's Use “4 shows the mechanism of blood clotting 3. Diagram 3.1 Platelets in contact with damaged tissue Thromboplastin L______} Vitamin S| fon | Thrombin | meee Prothrombin — Fibrinogen | w DIAGRAM 3.1 (a) Name Vitamin $ and Jor T. Vitamin S: lon T [2 marks} (b) Diagram shows a vertical section through struccure W Redblood cell w DIAGRAM 3.2 15 Untuk {3 Balan 3.1. menunjukkan mekanisma pembekuan darah, Kegunaan Pemenksa i dengan tisu yang cedera vitamin S| ton T Prothrombin | i Thrombin | Tombopiasin | | Fibrinogen RAJAH 3.1 (a) Namakan vitamin $ dan ion T Soeeneas Vitamin S: | | | ton: [2 markah) (b) Rajah 3.2 menunjukkan keratan secara menegak menerusi struktur W. | Sel darah merah DIAGRAM 3.2 () Name structure W. For tse if mara S(O) (ii) Explain how structure W is formed. || SiOx) i | [8 marks] (i) State the necessity forthe formation of stucture W around the wound. ste | {2 marks] | (iv) The structure W does not normally formed in intact blood vessels. Explain why? Hoi) ' 1 | | {2 marks] 2 (©) Whats the consequence if blood elt form within the unbroken blood vessel? (1 mark) || (@) Haemophilia is a genetic disease in which the individual cannot produce a clotting factor. Suggest one method to save the afflicted person from dying due to excessive bleeding. TOTAL Untuk Kegunaan Pemeniksa (0M) 3(oyii) LJ seh 3¢0)(u)_ @ «wo (i (wy () @ Namakan struktur Wy {1 rmarkah Terangkan bagaimana struktur W terhasi (3 markah} Nyatakan kepentingan pembentukan struktur W di kawasan yang luka {2 markany] Struktur W tidak terhasil di dalam salur darah yang tidak cedera. Terangkan kenapa? {2 markahy ‘Apakah akibatnya sekiranya terdapat darah beku didalam salur darah? [t markah Hemofiia adalah penyakit yang menyebabkan individu berkenaan tidak dapat menghasilkan faktor pembeku, Cadangkan satu cara untuk mengelakkan orang yang berpenyakit hemofilia ini mati akibat pendarahan berlebihan. (1 markah Is For |4. Diagram 4.1. shows a part of human brain , kidney and a nephron which involve in kd the process of osmoregulation Use _—Hypthalanus. | Individual Y | drink excess | i Adrenal gland Kidney Hormen Distal —cornated thse Nephron z P HB —cotecting duct w ! f Renal artery —] DIAGRAM 4.1 (a) Whats the function of kidney in osmoregulation ? [2 marks] Untuk Kegunaan Pemerikse 4b ato 21 (b) Individu ¥ telah minum air secara beriebinan () Apakah yang berlaku kepada tekanan osmosis darah? (t markah (ii) Terangkan bagairmana hipotalamus dan kelenjar M bergerakbalas terhadap keadaan di (b)(i)? Hipotalamus: Kelenjar M (4 markah] (6) Sekicanya individu Y makan makanan yang terlalu masin, kelenjar adrensl akan merembeskan kurang hormon Q. {) Anak harmon a? [1 markah (@Terangkan bagaimana harmon Q terllbat di dalam mekanisma imengawalatur ‘tekanan osmosis darah balik ke aras normal (3 markan fl 2 (@) Kidney function may be impaired by excessive blood loss, certain poisons or | Infectious diseases which can lead to kidney failure. Diagram 4.2 shows a haemodialysis machine which can save a kidney patient’ fe Roller pump, Blood reiur ~ 0 patient fun DIAGRAM 4.2 Explain the principle on how the machine operates 4a) [_ TOTAL Untuk Kegunaan Pemariksa (a) Buah pinggang boleh diresakkan oleh masalah kekurangan darah, racun atau Jangkitan penyakit yang akhirnya menyebabkan buah pinggang gagal berfungsi Rajah 4.2 menunjukkan mesin yang boleh menyelamatkan buah pinggan pesakit RAJAH 4.2 Terangkan bagaimana mesin di atas berfungsi [3 markan] For | § Diagram 5.1 shows types of wings in fruit fies ¢ Drasopia sp.) Examiner's Use ye \ DIAGRAM 5.1 ow 6 of wings as shown below. sal f fo] { | Type of wing: Type of wing, | (2ma | (©) (i) State one factor that causes variation between the two types of wings in | frat hes Si | | a (mar (i) Describe how the factor in (b) () causes variation For Examiner's | (o\i) Referring to diagram 8 1, construct a histogram forthe numberof rut fs against Use the types of wings. | sein | j | } |i L | | | | [3 marks |e iagram $2) a dagram 52 show ho changes excurin sive of | fel iE fe] fe lo aj jal & | | R| = \s jg} > {s | )s Tl s R | 7 ul 7 |r | wo lvl u) DIAGRAMS 2) DIAGRAM 82.) | com | (i) State one factor which causes the mutation - | | [1 mark| | (W) Compare the mutations which occur in dlagram 5.2()) and 5.2(i)? 28 Section 8 (20 marks} [Answer any one question from tis section. The time suggested to complete this section is 30 minutes, 6. Diagram shows three organisms P, Q and R a __ DIAGRAM 6 (a) )_Deseribe the type of skeleton in P and Q [4 marks} (i) Explain one similarity and two differences between the skeleton Q and R. [6 marks] (0) Muscle cramp, muscular dystrophy, osteopomsis and arthritis are four heath problems related to the musculoskeletal system. State the causes of each problem and suggest ways to overcome these health problems, [10 marks} 7. Diagram 7.1 shows the human lite oytle tosis. differentiation Sn growth pwemte Bae aes nopiord stages ep 0 aipiova stages DIAGRAM 7.1 (2) Explain the importance of meiosis in maintaining the number of chromosomes in human in Diagram 7. [4 marks] ©) Diagram 7.2 shows the product of cloned plant | DIAGRAM 7.2 Based on Diagram 7.2, explain how the plant being cloned [6 marks] ©) Diagram 7 3 shows the organs found in the mangrove trees. DIAGRAM 7.3 Explain the adaptive characteristics of o:gan P,R,S and T that enable the mangrove trees to Survive at the swampy seashore [10 marks} sectlén c [20 marks] Answer any one question from this section. The time suggested to complete this section is 30 minutes. 8. Diagram 8.1. shows cycle of events in the ovary and the hormonal control of menstrual cycle. Piutary Gland ——~ \ SS) ae — Hormone ® Hormone R —— —oO—e8—_! ae er uy t Owiaiion ee alr / /| ae Hormone Y DIAGRAM 8.1 (a) ()_— Based on Diagram 8.1, state the meaning of menstrual cycle? [2 marks | (i) Starting with hormone produced by pituitary gland and ovary, describe how the hormone reguiate the menstrual cycle and an ovary produced an ovum ? [@ marks | 36, (b) Diagram 8.2 shows a longitudinal section f shoot tips of a plants. DIAGRAM 8.2 Describe the process of growth in each zone temarks} () Diagram 8.21) and Diagram 8.3(i) show the growth curve for two organisms, Length of bosyirnm) Dry mass of Aaa maize piants (@) \ ee | Stage Tinatsay DIAGRAM 83 (i) DIAGRAM 8:3 (i) Based on Diagram 8 3(i) and Diagram 8.3(i), explain the differences between the two growth curve of both organisms, [4 marks} 9, Diagram 9 shows walking past the dr lake bed of Task Pedu in Kedah DIAGRAM 3 (a) () Name the environmentat problem shown in the diagram and how it occurs (i) Expiain ways. to overcome the environmental problem that you have stated in (a). [10 marks} (©) [When sewage is released into the pond gradually, the number and the size of aquatic animals increase but when more sewage is released into the pong, al the aquatic animals die. Explain how this sewage affect the pond ecosystem and the balance of nature {10 marks} END OF QUESTION PAPER

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