GM EPUF Jan 2015 PDF

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Global Ministries

Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and United Church of Christ

Rev. Didier Crouzet

General Secretary
United Protestant Church of France
January 14, 2015
Dear Didier,
It is with great sadness and dismay that we have followed the events in Paris since last
Wednesday. Needless to say, the worlds attention has been on France and the horrible acts of violence
the murder of journalists and leadership at the magazine Charlie Hebdo, and the subsequent hostage
criseswhich have resulted in the death of innocents, and global response of support and sympathy for
the victims and their families. We wish to express to you and to your colleagues in the United Protestant
Church of France and the Protestant Federation of France our solidarity and support, as the people of
France wrestle to make sense of all that has happened and the implications.
We mourn the senseless loss of life, and affirm the words of Rev. Clavairoly, speaking on behalf
of the Protestant Federation of France, who wrote late last week, remembering how precious human life
is in the eyes of God, we affirm that there is no justification in such a case that any religion could
claim. Video images of the perpetrators carrying out murder and of the efforts to rescue the hostages
have been harrowing and sobering. We affirm life, in all its abundance, and offer prayers for all those
who have been affected by these events.
We affirm the rights to exercise free speech and freedom of religion, both of which are core
elements of our two countries basic principles. Freedom of speech has been loudly affirmed by many
around the world in the wake of these events, and we also recognize that religious identity is intertwined
in the narratives of the past week. Jews and Muslims alike have been victimized by and for the acts
carried out by the criminals in the name of their faith. We know that these principlesand the reasonable
limits of their manifestationare constantly tested when we try to live accepting and respecting our
neighbor in human community. We abhor the use of religious rhetoric to support violence, intolerance,
and murder; we similarly are alarmed by the negative impact on religious communities by these events,
particularly Jews and Muslims, each in different ways.
And we stand with the United Protestant Church of France, the Protestant Federation of France,
and the people of France in this time of reflection and reconciliation, knowing that the events of the past
week have opened again many difficult debates and histories. We pray for you as you as a society and
country come to terms again with these issuessocio-economic justice; immigration, identity, and
citizenship; principles of religious toleration and acceptance; freedom of speech; and international issues
and relationseven as we recognize that our society and country must also face these issues constantly.
You are not alone, and we pledge again to support each other in these difficult times and on these
challengingand very divisivedebates.
In this season of Epiphany, we rely on God to guide us toward a more perfect light, and are
grateful for the deep relationships we share with you, and with partners and people around the world.
And we pray for peace and justice for all peoples in all places.
In Christs name,
Rev. Julia Brown Karimu
President, Division of Overseas Ministries
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Co-Executive, Global Ministries

United Church of Christ

700 Prospect Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115-1100

Rev. Dr. James Moos

Executive Minister, Wider Church Ministries
United Church of Christ
Co-Executive, Global Ministries

Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

P.O. Box 1986
Indianapolis, IN 46206-1986

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