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The person who takes your money in a supermarket is the

---------- and she/he puts the money you pay in the------------2. You can normally pay ---------------or by -------------------3. The amount of money the cashier gives you back when you pay in
cash is called
4. If you have a lot of shopping and no private transport, some
supermarkets offer a ------------------ service. There isnt usually
any--------------------- for this service as long as you have spent
the minimum amount required by the shop.
5. The piece of paper you get when you pay for something is the
----------6. The -----------is attached to clothes and tells you where the
product was made, the material composition, the name of the
manufacturer, and the washing instructions.
7. When you take something back to a shop you will sometimes be
able to get a --------------------8. If you can't get your money back, you will probably be able to
--------------- your purchase for something of similar value.
9. In large supermarkets (sometimes called hypermarkets) theres
a wide-------------- of products for shoppers to choose from.
10. When a piece of clothing is small for you , you will ask for a
11. If you want to buy some food youll go to a ------------------------12. when a piece of clothing is too big for you, you will ask for a
13. When you cant afford something very expensive, youll look for something
---------------14. At the supermarket , you normally use a ----------------- to keep
your purchase
15. In most supermarkets , you have to pay for the -------------16. When you are angry and not very satisfied with your purchase ,
you can make a --------------------------. Youll sometimes have
to fill in a ---------------------------------

1. Cashier /till, 2. cash/credit card , 3.change, 4. deliver/
charge, 5. receipt, 6. label, 7.refund, 8. exchange, 9.range.
10. larger, 11. supermarket, 12. smaller, 13. cheaper,
14. trolley, 15. plastic bags16.complaint/ complaint form

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