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KINGS 1(Template for musical)

Servant 1
David we'll find someone
Servant 2&3
In Israel
Servant 1
She will lie close to you
Servant 2&3
Keeping you warm
Servant 2&3
We will search everywhere
Servant 1
Until you've found one that you like.
(Musical(high) interlude)
Servant 1,2,3 leave the stage to find a girl, the King David then paces slowly round the room. There
should be hung up on a wall a clock that can easily be turned. David turns the clock forward, then
the starting music happens again, Servant 1,2,3 re-appear with a girl called Abishag waiting off
Servant 2&3
Here we've found someone
Servant 1
She's from Shunham
Servant 1
Abishag's her name
She will be true
King David
Well come and bring her now
See if she's fit for the job
Servant 1 exits and brings on Abishag, she is slightly squirming but as soon as she is in front of
the king she stops immediately. [They have now taken men plays as she dances erotically around
and next to the king].
There maybe sixty queens
and eighty slaves, both of women
And so many girls, that you cannot count them
But there is only one, like a dove, my perfect one.

Bathsheba bursts in, the music abruptly stops and starts with [Over he goes]
He stabbed us in the back!
King David
Who is it now?
Your son Andonijah
King David
What has he done?
He claims to be the king King David
Abishag hand me my rod, let me fix this.
David points at Bathsheba after gathering his rod.
King David
Send me Soloman, and be quick about it
While I'm sill living, I'll hand him the torch
He must pay, right out of his own pocket.
Abishag comes close to Bathsheba in a small like whisper, but perfectly loud enough for the
audience to hear.
How can he be so cold
To his own son
That son's betraying him what should he have done?
Maybe forgiven him
That's what the lord would have done
King David
Turning to Bathsheba
Would you also, send in the priest.
Zadok will give me a pleasant release
We will make, short work of this business.
Bathsheba walks of stage and shouts Priest Zadok!, he then comes on stage

Priest Zadok
You've summoned me, at a time of pleasure
I hope it's worth the while
Time is precious for a man of your age
And is mine, so don't
King David
Soloman, fetch me Soloman.
Soloman enters, and stands up straight [Lets no talk of crime plays]
Priest Zadok
Let us not talk of crime let us not talk of hooligans
Let us be thankful for what we have

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