Fitness Health Lesson Plan

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Montclair State University

Exercise Science and PE Department
Lesson Planning and Teaching Assessment
Planning and Implementation Standard
Name: John Gazerwitz
Title of Lesson: Fitness Concepts
Target Audience/Grade Level: 5th Grade
Numbers of students in class: 24 students

Date: March 15th, 2013

Class Time: 12:00 pm (45 minutes)
Teaching Location: Bradford Elementary School

Goal of the lesson:

Students will complete the different fitness activities that relate to having a healthy heart, muscular strength, and
flexibility/balance. They will be able to understand the benefits of each.
Instructional Objectives:
o Students will be able demonstrate in their teams different activities that have to do with cardio,
muscular strength, and balance
o Students will be able to describe the benefits of a healthy heart, good muscular strength, and
o Students will be able to use the equipment presented in class in future lessons.
o Students will be able to apply the skills learned to life experiences.
New Jerseys Core Curriculum Content Standards and Cumulative Progress Indicators:

2.5 Motor Skill Development: All students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop
and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.
A. Movement Skills and Concepts
2.5.6.A.1- Explain and perform movement skills that combine mechanically correct movement in smooth flowing
sequences in isolated settings (i.e., skill practice) and applied settings (i.e., games, sports, dance, and recreational
2.5.6.A.3- Create and demonstrate planned movement sequences, individually and with others, based on tempo, beat,
rhythm, and music (creative, cultural, social, and fitness dance).
B. Strategy
2.5.6.B.2- Compare and contrast strategies used to impact individual and team effectiveness and make modifications

for improvement.
2.6 Fitness: All students will apply health-related and skill-related fitness concepts and skills to develop
and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.
A. Fitness and Physical Activity
2.6.6.A.2- Determine to what extent various activities improve skill-related fitness versus health-related fitness.
2.6.6.A.3- Develop and implement a fitness plan based on the assessment of ones personal fitness level, and monitor
health/fitness indicators before, during, and after the program.
2.6.6.A.4- Predict how factors such as health status, interests, environmental conditions, and available time may
impact personal fitness.
2.6.6.A.5- Relate physical activity, healthy eating, and body composition to personal fitness and health.
Materials and Equipment:
Gymnastics Mats
Colored Buckets
Index Cards
Team boards with labels
Cones and domes
Balance rocks
Yoga steps
Circle pads
Foam sticks

Time Allotment

Lesson Plan Segments

5 minutes

I will start off the class by asking
them what their definition of
fitness is. I will take a few
answers from the class about
what they believe being fit is.
My next question will be, What
are some things that make up
the total components of fitness?
The answers I will be looking for
are Cardio, Strength, Flexibility,
and Balance. Next, I will show the
class a few pictures and will ask
them which component of fitness
we are talking about matches the
picture that I am holding up. This
opening activity will get the class
ready for our activities for the

35 minutes

Learning tasks / experiences

Part 1
In their assigned teams and
designated lanes, the students
will have a few pieces of
equipment on a gymnastics mat.
The students will start at the end
line and in the middle of their
lane will be a mat, hurdle, 2
domes, and cone. The students
must come up with a workout

Formations and



routine on their own for at least
10 minutes that includes all of
the equipment. At the end of 10
minutes I will have the class sit
back down on the end line with
their team and will reward them
points for their behavior and
effort (5 total points each
round)in the form of index cards
that have benefit on them
representing each category of
fitness that we are talking about
Part 2
On the gymnastics mat the
teams must make their way
across the gym by wheel
barreling with one another. The
rules for this activity is that
everyone must go at least once
and you must make it across the
gym and all the way back to the
starting point. At the end of the
activity. The students are
expected to be back on the end
line sitting correctly waiting to
get their next set of points (5
more index cards).
Part 3
Part 3 will be a balance station.
When I call the team names, the
teams must run out onto the
floor within 10 seconds and find
an object to balance on for 5
seconds and then return to the

line. Then the next 2 teams will
come out. Next the team will also
have 10 seconds to find a spot to
balance on and then 5 seconds
to balance. After the first round is
over we will go through it again
this time only giving the students
5 seconds to find a spot to
balance on and hold their
balance for 5 seconds. A third
round will be done also and the
students will then have 3
seconds to find a spot and to
balance themselves. At the end
of the activity, the students will
receive their last set of points.
5 minutes

Cool Downs
With the 15 index cards that
each team received, they must
categorize them into heart
healthy benefit, muscular
strength benefits, and flexibility.
They must have the correct cards
in the correct categories.

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