Of Mice and Men Summativeproject

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Olivia Ray

English 1
Of Mice and Men Prequel

The rustling grass hummed in the breeze as dragonflies skipped across a choppy
brook. The broken down melody of a single blue jay trying to sing filled the small
meadow of golden grass. The sky was fading and the clouds were casting shadows onto
the field and tiny town beneath.
An odd pair of mismatched boys sat near a tree a little farther up the flourishing
hill, one in the tree looking down at the kids, the other leaning against the tree looking
behind him, anxious. The smaller one looked over to the other with a smile like a rabbit
caught in a trap and nervously awaiting. The larger boy returned the smile with happiness
as he sat in the tree, swinging his boots in the air to and fro.
So, uh, whats yer name gain? The larger one asked with his bemused and
unfocused expression as he looked down at his thinner friend. The one below clicked his
tongue and started to shake his head for this was a normal question for him. All that
mattered was that everything was going smoothly so far, but that was until the sky turned
a darker as the evening progressed.
My names George, The one below repeated for the hundredth time that day and
his patience started to decline in supply.
Oh, Lennie answered quietly, lost in the thought of today. What are we doing
here? He looked like a mouse, giddy and hyper, yet innocent and irritatingly dumb.
God, do I have to repeat it again today! George folded his arms across his chest
and turned away from Lennie, whose smile had fallen for the first time that day. But
before Lennie could speak up to apologize or something, George turned away as he
noticed a light glowing in the long grass not to far off.
Ill be right back Lennie, He said as he started to walk away. Before Lennie
could even protest, if he wanted to, George had left him in the darkness.
Well, Lennie commented to the darkness. A leas I still have my mouse. He
reached into a tattered pocket, hoping to find a little furry bundle, but there was nothing
there. God dang hole in my jacket! He swore and while Lennie looked for his mouse in
the darkness, George headed towards the light.

Is e wher ya said he would be? An intimidating boy holding the lantern said
with a sinister sneer on his face. George only looked up timorously without a word, his
pale eyes full of worry and a slight touch of anxiousness. The older boyheld a face of
sordid confidence with a little goatee growing on his chin and he easily towered over
George. He looked to his other partners, each of them growing a little hair as well, all
taller than George. Each of them snickered with a shared a glance and looked back at
George who only nodded with shame. For his mind returned to what his mother had said.
George Milton! She had said to him. Dont ya dare let that Lennie Small get
into no trouble or Ill box them ears of yours! That definitely scared George into
listening to his poor ma until a day ago.
Good man Milton! Ya know, for an idiot lil farm boy with that brain bein the
size of a single grain! One of the crooks jeered while the other two chuckled with
satisfaction. This will be a perfect welcome to the neighborhood, dont cha think? They
laughed good and hard and then set to their caustic work.
A bucket of fresh milk appeared in one of the boys hands as he mumbled time to
make my secret mixture as another boy dumped fresh dirt into the liquid. The leader
with the growing goatee laughed hard as George looked in crestfallen horror at what he
had let happen. The clandestine prank was almost ready, but George had one last task to
complete. The task to get Lennie towards another tree for the other boys to complete what
they had taken two days to prepare for.
Please dont hurt him, George spoke quietly for fear of a punch from an older
boy. He just didnt want to see the bewildered bloke getting hurt, even if he was a pain at
Georges side. Lennie was not a bad person, he just didnt understand or remember stuff
like other people, or so Ms. Clara had told George. Ms. Clara was a long time family
friend who had just become the legal guardian of the poor Lennie Small whos parents
left for somewhere to find a job, leaving their son with the mothers sister. Not knowing
what to do and with poor health, the poor and struggling woman left for her only hope,
the Miltons.
We shouldnt be doin this. Georges voice grew louder so that the closest boy
to his right could hear him. Instead of commenting, the older boy gave him a sharp

anguished look as if it was forcing him to shut his mouth. George obeyed the silent
orders with a quivering frown.
On the count of three, One of the boys stated with dark, clever and enthusiastic
eyes. Well run up them trees over there. George, He pointed to the smaller boy,
George, who quivered in nervousness. Go man, you know what to do, One of the older
boys demanded as George turned away and headed towards Lennie.
Hey man, George said to Lennie with a nervous grin, a lamp in hand. I wanna
show ya somethin. Lennie nodded, his face slightly fixed into a frown, but turned into a
smile when he saw George.
Did ya find my mouse? He asked hopefully as they started to walk over to the
group of three trees. George shrugged and walked in silence over to where their trap was
Ya know what, George said without looking at Lennie. I did see yer mouse
oer here. Between them trees. He pointed to a spot where all the trees towered over. The
leader of the boys nodded to George with a smile that felt like a brick forced into his face.
Thanks! Lennie called back to George as he stepped into the small center where
the trees were. The mixture fell from the trees as George yanked Lennie backwards.
Move ya lazy good for nothin George stopped mid-sentence as he noticed that
the milk mixture hadnt even fallen onto Lennie, but instead right in front of them.
George sighed in relief and pulled Lennie up. Come on! We gotta go! He shouted as he
took off running down the hill. Them older boys will get me and ya for this!
Lennie could only nod and allow George to pull him down the hill. He wore a
grin on his face, and had forgotten about the mouse that had been lost ten short minutes
ago. It didnt matter for this was more exciting then finding some little mouse.
So, Lennie said, his hands shoved into his pockets. Ya got my back?
Yeah, George smiled up at Lennie, out of breath. Cause I got you
And you got me! Lennie finished with a grin filling his face and George could
only give a shy, hidden smile as they hugged. Oh, how the guilt he felt tore at his soul and
as they broke away, George looked downward in shame; in that moment, he promised
himself that he would never let Lennie Small get hurt once again. Never again.

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