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Diana Voropaeva

Period. 8

Current Event
APA Citation: Taub, A. (2014, September 19). Scotland votes "no" on independence,
will remain in the UK. Retrieved September 22, 2014.
The Scottish Referendum is in and after all the ballots were counted 55.3% of the vote
was a clear no to becoming an independent country. The minister of Scotland leader of
independence campaign called on having the Scots follow suit and accept the
democratic verdict. The referendum failure was based on the fact that there was no
support shown from the pro-independence campaign. Many financial markets reacted
badly to pro-independence pools. This caused some undecided voter to choose
differently. By the 8th of September a Yougov pool showed a small favor in independence.
Many stocks fell in Scottish companies, which convinced many voters that independence
could be too risky. Many Scottish leaders push towards independence in order to pursue
their own liberal and political agenda, since Scotland is more liberal than conservative.
The independence referendum was more for the national pride in Scotland and belief of
its ability to thrive and not the freedom from oppression. Some leaders of the major UK
parties persuaded some undecided voters that full independence wasnt necessary. The
Scottish parliament would be given almost all control over reserved matters with only a
few expectations.
The UK wont loose Scotland entirely but this doesnt mean the status of quo is going to
prevail. Devolution is a point of contention in UK politics since England does not have its
own parliament. This means that the Scottish get to vote on matters of the English policy,
but the English dont get to vote on matters that have been devolved to Scotland in some
way. Many Scottish Metropolitan police will still be voting on matters that do not affect
Scotland whatsoever.
Why is Scottish Independence such a bad idea?
Independence might expose Scotland to big, unnecessary risks. The process of separating
out from the UK could be very risky. Many banks have relied on London for a bailout
whenever a financial crisis hit, even many wind power farms are administered by
Westminster, this can cause wind power to stagnate for years. Even though independence
would reflect more on Scottish voters the UK has agreed to give Scotland greater control
over its own affairs.

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