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Constitution Guarding Against Tyranny

The fight against tyranny is the one thing that makes America what it is today;
preventing the exposure of people and elements that ruin and oppress a nation and
develop an undesirable system. On the May of 1787 a new constitution was being
planned out to create a strong central government that will hold the nation together
overall, despite the challenges, they were willing to make a Constitution that was strong
enough to hold the states as well as the people of America. It is because our Constitution
guards against tyranny, that we do not fall under complete control of one individual. The
Constitution guarded us against tyranny in several ways such as federalism, division of
powers, checks and balances, and the equal opportunity of large and small states.
The first guard against tyranny was federalism, which divided the powers between
the central and provincial governments. Some power is given to the Central, while some
is given to the States, and some parts are shared between both powers. Some examples
would be that the central government regulated trade, conducted foreign relations,
provided an army (could declare war), print money and set up post offices. (Document A)
The powers that were given to the states mainly focused on the local minority, which held
elections, establish schools, set up local governments as well as regulate in state
businesses. (Document A) Both shared the making and enforcement of laws, setting up
courts, borrowing money and taxing. (Document A) The division of these powers helps
them share things among different departments as well as having their own powers in
The second guards against tyranny by the division of powers between the three
branches. This is done so that no one has full control or that none of the branches become
powerful over the others. These three great departments of power are separate and

Constitution Guarding Against Tyranny

distinct from one another. The legislative branch consists of the Senate and the House of
Representatives, the executive branch is vested in a President and the judicial branch
consists of the Supreme Court. (Document B) The separation of these powers helps them
control one anothers decisions and have a vote in approving or denying proposals.
The third guard against tyranny was checks and balances, which shows the
consistent division in offices. This means that each branch can check on each other as
well as confirm or disagree with their declarations. This makes sure that none of the
branches are dominant over the others. For example, Congress can approve the
presidential nominations, override the presidents veto and remove him from office, as
well as impeach judges and remove them from office. (Document C) The President can
veto congressional legislation as well as nominate the judges. And the Judges can declare
presidential acts unconstitutional as well as the laws at congress. (Document C) This
keeps them close enough as to not have constitutional control over each other.
The fourth guard against tyranny was equal opportunity of large and small states,
which was divided between the house and the senate. This is done by appointing a
number of representatives to a state based on population of thirty thousand. (Document
D) This benefits the big states and speaks for the majority of the population. The Senate
is composed of two senators from each state chosen by the legislature for a term of six
years. (Document D) This benefits the smaller states and the voice of the minority of the
population since each senator has one vote. This helps keep equality between the largely
populated states and the smaller ones as well.
Our Constitution has four different ways, which defends us against tyranny, this is
extremely important since it shapes our government and country as a whole. The guards

Constitution Guarding Against Tyranny

against tyranny give us individual rights for every citizen as well as no single control that
would give absolute power without the peoples agreement. It is important to understand
how the constitution works as well as how it forms our government and country. If we
didnt have guard against tyranny, we would be in a whole different situation and maybe
have limits in our freedom.

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