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National History Day Resources (Individual)

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Use this document only if you are completing an individual NHD project. As an
individual, you will be responsible for accumulating a minimum of 20 resources. Refer to
the NHD Research Guide for more information.
Provide as much information as possible for each source you use. When all research is
complete, this file will be printed and placed in your binder.
For each source, complete the following.
MLA Citation: Type in an MLA format Citation. Feel free to refer to a Citation
Machine, like
Annotation of the Source: Briefly summarize what the article presents and
identify the information from this source you will be using. (See the example of
an annotation below.) The annotations need to be short, precise, and informative.
Resource Type: Identify if the source is a primary or secondary source and
Identify the type of media.
Types of Media
Newspaper; Diary; Letter; Speech; Photograph;
Eyewitness Interview; Music from the time period;
Multimedia clip of a movie, documentary, or
newsreel footage from the time period; other
Book, Magazine, Journal, Encyclopedia, Website,
Documentary, Movie, Interview with an expert,
Field Trip

Sample Annotation from

Sample MLA Annotation
Lamott, Anne. Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life. New York: Anchor
Books, 1995. Print.
Lamott's book offers honest advice on the nature of a writing life, complete
with its insecurities and failures. Taking a humorous approach to the realities
of being a writer, the chapters in Lamott's book are wry and anecdotal and

offer advice on everything from plot development to jealousy, from

perfectionism to struggling with one's own internal critic. In the process,
Lamott includes writing exercises designed to be both productive and fun.
Lamott offers sane advice for those struggling with the anxieties of writing,
but her main project seems to be offering the reader a reality check regarding
writing, publishing, and struggling with one's own imperfect humanity in the
process. Rather than a practical handbook to producing and/or publishing,
this text is indispensable because of its honest perspective, its down-to-earth
humor, and its encouraging approach.
Chapters in this text could easily be included in the curriculum for a writing
class. Several of the chapters in Part 1 address the writing process and would
serve to generate discussion on students' own drafting and revising processes.
Some of the writing exercises would also be appropriate for generating
classroom writing exercises. Students should find Lamott's style both
engaging and enjoyable.
In the sample annotation above, the writer includes three paragraphs: a summary, an
evaluation of the text, and a reflection on its applicability to his/her own research,

Source 1
MLA Citation:
Fitzgerald, Stephanie. Ramses II: Egyptian Pharaoh, Warrior, and Builder. Ed.
Catherine Neitge. Minneapolis, Minn.: Compass Point, 2009. 112. Print.
Annotation of the Source:
In this book the author, Stephanie Fitzgerald, describes the life of Rameses as a ruler
through different historical facts and discoveries. The book starts out with the different

ceremonies and cultures Egypt had maintained and evolved while under Ramses rule.
Starting from 2655 B.C, the old kingdoms evolvement and decline, as well as the
beginning of the new dynasty, set by Ramses I. Even though Ramses II did not also given
the title of Supervisor of all constructions. Fitzgerald describes the steps of history that
made Ramses the sole ruler of Egypt, as his appetite for power and rule grew he began to
act through military rule regaining the territories that previous pharos have lost. As
Hittites and the Egyptians fought, the Muwatallis of the Hittites sent a letter asking for
peace, although this was not considered as the first peace treaty, both returned home
claiming victories. But after that fights still occurred over Northern Syria and Hattusilis
knew that it would be in their best interest to just align with Egypt, that was when the
first peace treaty was established, and signed in year 21 of Ramses the II rule.
Coming from a royal bloodline, like his father he had become one of the greatest
warriors, and soon after he was The author gives a lot of background information about
the economy and history of egyptian evolution, sharing informative facts and different
scientific guesses on how certain situations happened and why they may have occurred
during his rule. Her transitions in the book help the readers understand the progress of the
new era in Egypt as well as others who have interacted with them. The book also deals
with the different actions that were portrayed by the people with showing the
evolutionary events taken place.
The division of the sections in the book will be good to use for timelines or different
historical events that took place and how they changed other things involving the rule of
Ramses. Chapters 6-9 hit on the main topics that i am focusing on, the establishment of
rule and peace treaties that changed the rule of egypt as well as other places. Having a

separate timeline in the book really helped to organize the major historical turns and
Information/Quote being used from this source:
In year 21, the two kingdoms signed a peace treaty, which was inscribed on two
matching silver tablets and copied onto walls of the temple at Karnak and the
Ramesseum. The treaty represented a promise that the two nations would never go to war
again. It also stated that they would come to the others aid as necessary. (Ramses II,
Is this a Primary or Secondary Source?

What kind of media is this source?



Source 2
MLA Citation:
Sheafer, Silvia. Ramses the Great. New York: Chelsea House, 2009. Print.
Annotation of the Source:
In the book, Ramses the Great(Ancient World Leaders), Sheafer starts out with ramses
childhood, the way he was taught and raised to become a successful ruler in Egypt.
Describing different legacies of Ramses and the historical background behind the
different events that took place. The different sets of stories described his commanding
interest and honor to rule. As Sheafer describes the different changes from Middle
Kingdom to New Kingdom, she also describes the enrichment in art, culture and beauty.
As Ramses rules Egypt he is faced with many trials and battles, some which he had to
boldly charge and attack himself, being brave and fearless he taught his people how to
fight and win. As a master builder and strategist he has worked hard to develop a strong
civilization. As Ramses fought the Hittite he refused many times on making peace with
them. After the wait, documented on a stone tablet was a peace pact forged by both of the

The Author uses imagery to convey the story of Ramses life, his personal feelings and
ideas in every situation he has been. This gives the reader a wider historical
understanding on why Ramses was a strong ruler and why he acted in different situations
differently. The artistic language captures the reader as well as gives them a better and
much more detailed view of Ramses life. The Author also incorporates sections of
historical items that evolved during Ramses II rule.
The different chapters in the book explain the major accomplishments Ramses achieved
throughout his rule, as well as some historical background information. Chapters also talk
about how these historical events affected the rule of Egypt through the next 3,000 years.

Information/Quote being used from this source:

Outnumbered and under siege, Ramses II led the Egyptian army against the Hittites at
the battle of Qadash. With the arrival of reinforcements, the young pharaoh was able to
defeat his enemy. Documented on a stone tablet, a peace pact was later forged by both
kingdoms. (Ramses the Great, pg. 79)

Is this a Primary or Secondary Source?

What kind of media is this source?



Source 3
MLA Citation:
Nardo, Don. Ramesses II: Ruler of Ancient Egypt. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow,
2006. Print.
Annotation of the Source:
In this book the author, Don Nardo, describes the history that affected and clearly lead to
the rule of Ramses II, determining how he viewed different situations and the choices he
made with the consequences that followed. The introduction starts out with Ramses and
his rule, leading to his son Ramses II. With equal military intelligence and strict ruling,
the author shows the distinct differences these two rulers made. As we go through

Ramses II rise to the throne, the author summarizes different stories carved on walls that
Ramses himself has hired to write on. The result in Ramses success may be because of
his social positions and opportunities for political authority that was established before he
was born. Talking about the different steps Ramses took to become a high and advanced
ruler, with the challenges he faced and the luck that accompanied him, he became a clear
success. In the chapter of the Hittites king and Ramses battles, the author divides this
event into several sections. The planning of ambush, the battle, after the attack and the
unexpected reinforcements that lead after. The peace offering was a historical change that
lead to the first treaties and paper alliances.
The Author sets good descriptions on historical events, showing maps and demonstrating
each event through a set of small passages and stories. He clearly gives evidence to all his
background ideas and the findings and opinions of different historians that study the
history of Egyptian rule.
The battle section in the book was very detailed and clarified many of the questions I had
over the treaty and how the two became allies. The divisions and sections of the book
were summarized into smaller sections which gave the reader an introduction to the
history before going into main details.
Information/Quote being used from this source:
In the absence of any significant military triumphs abroad in recent years, perhaps the
next best thing was a major diplomatic achievement...[The treaty and alliance] provided
good propaganda value for the pharaoh.
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Source 4
MLA Citation:

Dr. Sameh, and M. Arab. "Tour Egypt :: Egypt: Ramses the Great, The Pharaoh Who
Made Peace with His Enemies And the First Peace Treaty in History." Egypt: Ramses the
Great, The Pharaoh Who Made Peace with His Enemies And the First Peace Treaty in
History. AKN Solutions. Web. 20 Nov. 2014.
Annotation of the Source:
In the essay, Egypt: Ramses the Great, the author begins with the major factors that
made Ramses a strikingly important figure and ruler of Egypt, that many have known,
feared, and respected at that time. Reigned for 67 years during the 12th century and from
that time his glories surpassed all others before him. As he established laws, fought
battles, and conquered territory as well as created new monuments, he ended the long
years of hostility and wars with the Hittites.
The Author gives us a great intro, using evidence to demonstrate the historical change
that happened during Ramses II rule. He sets the thesis of his article, demonstrating
different historical events, but mostly revolving around the Hittites battle and peace treaty
with the Pharaoh. He sets Inferences on the Hittites and what the purpose was for Ramses
to start a war and end it with an alliance. Stating the different advances Ramses II made
towards Syria and the most resulting battle that happened during Egyptian history.
The different sections of the essay covered the background history of Hittites, the battle
and the peace treaty as well as the history that happened after that event. This really gave
a smooth transition and establishment in the essay and will be good for reference of the
Hittites. It also gave clear facts and historical information that showed Ramses II rule and
the way he created the new era in Egypt.

Information/Quote being used from this source:

Two copies of the treaty were recorded, one in hieroglyph and the other Akaddian, and
both still survive. Both copies are identical except for the overture, in which the Egyptian
version stated that it was the Hittite king who demanded peace, whereas in the Hittite

version, it was Ramses who sent them emissaries. The Egyptian version was recorded on
a silver plaque presented by Hattusili to Ramses, then copied on stone at the Karnak and
Ramesseum temples.
Is this a Primary or Secondary Source?

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Source 5
MLA Citation:
Prososki, Lisa. "Egypt's Golden Empire." PBS. PBS, 15 Mar. 2006. Web. 20 Nov. 2014.
Annotation of the Source:
In the article, Egypts Golden Empire, the author talks about the massive diplomacy
and building program as the Greatest pharaoh in history ruled the New Kingdom in
Ancient Egypts Golden Age, despite the shaky starts. Born as a child of a military
commander, whose great skills lead him to become the ruler of Egypt. Facing many
challenges and becoming under threat of the Hittites. As Ramses II took the rule he began
a huge campaign planning battles and after many years creating a peace treaty. Ramses
became a legendary figure, creating the new kingdom and ruling for most of his life.
The Authors summary gives details on the problems that Ramses II faced during his rule,
the different establishments he made and his achievements that went down in history. By
giving evidence to all his background ideas and the findings of Ramses ideas and goals
that he accomplished. The Author uses imagery to convey Ramses advancements but also
the failures that came from his hopeful characteristics.
The Author covered the major historical ideas but focused on Ramses II mistakes or
certain failures that were caused by his ambitious character, this is a good way to argue
against the idealistic image he presents.

Information/Quote being used from this source:

Now at peace, Ramesses could concentrate on his two great loves - his chief queen,
Nefertari, and himself. He constructed the Ramesseum, a temple, purpose-built to
manufacture tales of his greatness. At its heart was the House of Life, a massive library
dedicated to glorifying the pharaoh. It contained some 10,000 papyrus scrolls that created
an official image of Ramesses that was larger than life.

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Source 6
MLA Citation:
"Egypt Profile." BBC News. 11 Nov. 2014. Web. 20 Nov. 2014.
Annotation of the Source:
In the article, Egypt Profile: A Chronology of Key Events, the author lists the different
historical, major important event that happened throughout history of Egypt. Listing the
growths and developments throughout the time. As the settlement began in 7000 BC,
Egypt began to evolve by creating the lower and upper kingdoms, developing different
cultural traditions, writing and construction. As the rulers change and the different
empires establish, a republic was declared in 1953.
The author listed the different changes in rule and establishments made in the egyptian
governments, showing the rises and the falls throughout times. Showing the different
changes as well as the historical facts in that time period. Going over different situations
and their progress in different years.
This timeline is a good way of showing how different situations affected Egyptian rule in
the future as well as their rulers. The divisions and sections of the timeline were
summarized into smaller sections which gave the reader an introduction to the history
before going into main details.

Information/Quote being used from this source:

Kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt unite. Successive dynasties witness
flourishing trade, prosperity and the development of great cultural traditions. Writing,
including hieroglyphics, is used as an instrument of state. Construction of the
pyramids - around 2,500 BC - is a formidable engineering achievement.
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Source 7
MLA Citation:
"The Egyptian God-King | National Geographic Channel." National Geographic
Channel. Nat Geo. Web. 4 Dec. 2014.
Annotation of the Source:
In the National geographics video, The Egyptian God-King the author gives an
introduction and an overall summary why Ramses II was one of the strongest leaders in
Egypts history. He didn't give much facts that are set to the date of the peace treaty, but
he did explain how his power trumped all others. In Abu Simbel, southern eastern tip of
egypt, one of the greatest temples that gave Ramses II his title of the greatest pharaoh.
Half man- half god, Ramses was a leader with great potential, always exceeding his
potentials he was a creator and a leader many still cherish today. Dr. Kent Weeks, a
professor in the American University in Cairo states that the pharaoh had a complex
position, relating to a powerful man but also a god. By the 19th dynasty he has already
earned the title of god and was seen as a powerful man.
The author, gave a clear summary and introduction to Ramses rule and the relation of a
god. I liked the fact that there were given interviews from which I can grasp the concept
of Ramses rule and his historical events.

Information/Quote being used from this source:

The unique features of the Abu Simbel temple show that Ramses was no ordinary
pharaoh -- he was also a god.

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Short Documentary

Source 8
MLA Citation:
"Tomb of the Pharaoh's Sons | National Geographic Channel." National Geographic
Channel. Nat Geo. Web. 4 Dec. 2014.
Annotation of the Source:
In the National geographics video, The Real Ramses:Tomb Pharaoh's Sons he author
gives an introduction on how Ramses governed his kingdom all four years. As historians
looked at Ramses many constructions they claimed that they have never been in such a
large tomb. As they were going through the halls they stumbled upon one of Ramses
statues as osiris. This shows how the people respected the leader like a god, or what not
connected him to godly figures. Declaring himself to be divined he has changed historys
kingship in Egypt.
The author clearly gave examples in how the great Pharaoh was successful in many of his
theories and goals. There were a set of given interviews, and a background story that
talked about their experience in the tomb. They also gave background historical moments
in which they related Ramses great successes and rule.
I think this information will be beneficial in my outline as well as my background story.
Information/Quote being used from this source:
The discovery of a mausoleum built for Ramses' sons reveals much about how the
pharaoh governed his kingdom in his later years.

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Short Documentary

Source 9
MLA Citation:
Brand, Peter. "Egyptian-Hittite Peace Treaty." Milestone Documents RSS. University of
Memphis. Web. 4 Dec. 2014.
Annotation of the Source:
In the article the author begins with the introduction of the peace treaty, stating that this
was not the first one made in history, but is the oldest between states of equal power. It
explains how each side has the same rights in the peace treaty, making it bilateral. Only
one thing makes this untrue, since the Pharaoh has great power he can come and aid the
Hittites king or his rightful heirs. Most relations with the Hittites were said to be good
since they did not share a common border. The treaty consisted of two documents one for
each ruler, as copied clay tablets were made for public. This agreement held for much of
their rule.
The Author gives an explanation of the history in the establishment of the treaties in
different sections of the text. He sets given facts and explains certain events that took
place and what impacted the results.
The history behind the establishment of the treaty is a good source to use for the
beginning of the history events and well as the proof that this was a strong comprehended
Information/Quote being used from this source:
In 1276 BCE the Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II and Emperor Hattusilis III (also called
Hattusili) of Hatti concluded the Egyptian-Hittite Peace Treaty, ending some eighty years
of warfare between the two ancient superpowers. Although this was not the first peace

treaty in history, the Egyptian-Hittite Peace Treaty is the oldest known accord between
independent states of equal status and power.

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Source 10
MLA Citation:
Annotation of the Source:
In the translated article the author begins with the introduction of days that had major
important events that took place before the establishment of the peace treaty. The given
timeline gives great examples and descriptions of the pharos rules and his choices made.
The given article has a translated treaty, the preamble, former relations and the present
treaty. As the translations go on you see that the Pharaoh treated the Hittites like his own
brothers and he had full respect when in need of help. This shows the generosity and
power of such ruler, giving him the respect and understanding for both sides.
The author gave a clear translation of the treaty, having it easy to read and understand, he
also listed the different articles and sources he used while typing this.
I think this is one of my main ideas, the translation of the peace treaty was given and it
clearly showed the emotional pathos that was translated in the writing.
Information/Quote being used from this source:
The reign of Ramses II began in hostility against the Hittite state. However, by this
pharaoh's twenty-first year (about 1,290 B.C.), both powers were ready to conclude a
treaty, so that they might turn their attention to other problems, such as the
encroachments of the "Sea Peoples." The offensive and defensive alliance set forth in the
following document mentions no effective frontier between the two empires. Perhaps

there was no one firm line, but Egyptian hegemony was recognized in Palestine and
southern Phoenicia, Hittite hegemony in Syria and northern Phoenicia.

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Website/ Article

Source 11
MLA Citation:
Bryce, Trevor. "The Eternal Treaty from the Hittite Perspective." Britishmuseum. 1 Jan.
2006. Web. 4 Dec. 2014. < The Eternal
Annotation of the Source:
In this article the author talks about the war of Hittites, and the establishment of the peace
treaty. As he talks about their eternal treaty he gives us background information about the
two cultures and their rules. Explaining how they maintained their equilibrium and rose
in power. He gives some of the facts on military uses and war organizations which shows
why this treaty was established.
The author clearly states the given facts, has clear transitions in writing and sets the
reader into a historical vibe, traveling further down in time and giving the key ideas.
I think this is a great way to summarize the war with the Hittites as well as their coming
up on agreements.
Information/Quote being used from this source:
It was intended to establish between the two Great Kings peace and brotherhood for all
time. Two independent versions were composed, one in the Hittite capital Hattusa, the
other in Ramesses capital Pi-Ramesse. The Hittite version was originally written in
Akkadian, from a first Hittite draft, inscribed on a silver tablet, and then sent to Egypt,
where it was translated into Egyptian. Correspondingly, the Egyptian version of the treaty
was first composed in Egyptian, and then translated into Akkadian on a silver tablet
before being sent to the court of Hattusili. There are no sig- nificant discrepancies
between the two versions, and it is clear that all critical issues had been discussed and
negotiated in advance of their preparation.

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Source 12
MLA Citation:
Mark, Joshua J. "The Battle of Kadesh and the First Peace Treaty." Ancient History
Encyclopedia. 18 Jan. 2012. Web. 4 Dec. 2014. <>.
Annotation of the Source:
In the article, the author talks about the starts of war and how Ramses decisions lead to
the treaty being established. Without some of his choices or moves, this might not have
been so easy for the Hittites nor the Egyptians in the future, thinking about the upcoming
years, Ramses lead the people to a golden age. Most of Ramses historical events were
written in poetry, and this website had certain ones translated that related to the war with
Hittites and the peace contract.
The author gives us certain main events in which he later goes in depth about, relating
different actions to past events and giving theories.
This can help greatly with the timeline since they both are close in relation.
Information/Quote being used from this source:
The Ptah Division arrived in time to prevent a complete rout of the Egyptian army and
Ramesses personally led the remains of the Amun division repeatedly into battle, driving
the Hittite forces back to the Orontes river where many drowned. At this point Muwatalli
only needed to march from the walls of Kadesh to trap Ramesses forces between his
army by the river and his advance but, for reasons unknown, he decided to remain in the
city and never committed his reserve troops to battle.

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Source 13
MLA Citation:

Muhammed Amin FRCP (Glasg), Osama Shukir. "Kadesh Treaty." Ancient History
Encyclopedia. Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike, 14 Apr.
2014. Web. 2 Jan. 2015. <>.

Annotation of the Source:

This image is a photograph of the Kadesh Treaty. It displays the two tablets found in
Bogazkoy, ancient capital of the Hittite, Turkey in 1906. This is useful for my project
since this is a display of the peace treaty between Ramses II and Hattusilis.
Information/Quote being used from this source:
The treaty of Kadesh was written in Akkadian language in 1269 BCE. It was a peacetreaty which was concluded between Ramesses II (the Egyptian pharaoh) and Hattusilis
(king of Hittite). These two tablets were found in Boazky-Buyulkale (the ancient
capital of the Hittite), Turkey in 1906. Terracotta, Hittite imperial era, 1269 BCE.
(Istanbul Archeological Museum/Ancient Orient Museum).

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