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, ,
IV . , 1.
(. . . foedera, ..),
foedus (. , ..),

. , ,
(. foederati, ..)
, de facto -,
2; , ,
, ,
, ..
- .
. (30 1817 1 1903 .)
, ,
, foedus
, .
hospitium3 (. ) amicitia4 (. ),
deditio(. , , ..) clientele5, 1.

Heather, P.J. Fourth-Century Foedera and Foederati in: Walter Pohl (Hrsg.): Kingdoms of the
Empire. Leiden, 1997, pp. 8597.
Heather, P.J. Goths and Romans AD 332489. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991, p. 165.
William Smith, A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. New York, 1882, pp. 511513.
Howard Hayes Scullard, Andrew William Lintott. The Oxford Classical Dictionary. Oxford University
Press, 1996, p. 356.
William Smith, A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. New York, 1882, pp. 267268.



, deditio , ..
, foederati6. ,
IV- V- .
7, ..

, ,

(15 1905 27 1964 .),
, ,
, IV- . ,
foederati , []
( , ..)
, 9. ,

10, ..
- (cives Romani ..).
, o VI- . (
11, ..) ,
buccelarii12. .
, , VI- .
; , , ,
, 13.

Mommsen, T. Das rmische Militrwesen seit Diocletian in Gesammelte Schriften, Vol. 6, 1910.
ibidem. p. 226: []die foederati dieser Epoche sind rechtlich nicht verschieden von denen der Republik
und der frheren Kaiserzeit, n. 5.
, . Roman attitudes towards barbarians in: Gerhard B. Landers,
Images and Ideas in the Middle Ages, Vol. II. Eddizioni de Storia e Letteratura, Roma, 1983, pp. 777779
Procopius. (trans. by H. B. Dewing). Vol. III. London and New York: Heinemann, 19241928, p. 103.
A. Schenk Graf von. Stauffenberg, "Die Germanen im rmischen Reich" in: Das Imperium und die
Volkerwanderung. Rinn, Mnchen, 1948, pp. 3684.
Procopius, History, III. XI. 1-4.
, , . Mommsen, T. Das rmische
Militrwesen seit Diocletian in Gesammelte Schriften, Vol. 6, 1910, 226, n.5; pp. 233239.
Maspero J. et dans larmee byzantine au VI sicle Byzantinische Zeitschrift, XXI
(1912), pp. 97109.



14. , VI- .
, ..
VI- ., . ,
16, ,
, 17. Foederatoi
stratiotai ( , ..),
, ,
, 19, ,
, , ..
20. VI- .,
, 21,
, .. , ,
14. Mommsen, T. Das rmische Militrwesen seit Diocletian in Gesammelte Schriften, Vol. 6, 1910, p.
226, n.5.
15. 103 ,
: milites, limitanei, foederati. ,
Notitia Dignitatum. , foederati
, (
, , ..) Notitia Dignitatum.
, , ,
103 , dux, .
, . The in Shahd, Irfan. Byzantium and the Arabs in the
Sixth Century, Dumbarton Oaks, 1995, pp. 202206.
16. comitem foederatorum, . Corpus Scriptorum
Historiae Byzantinae - Ioannis Malalae Chronographia, ed. Ludwig August Dindorf, Bonnae 1831, Lib.
XIV, p. 364; Vulgarum ductor, . , II, 299-302, Stein, Bas-Emp. II, pp. 145146;
comes foederatorum, . Theopahnes. The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor
(Byzantine and Near Eastern History AD 284813), A.M. 6005; comes foederatorum, .
PLRE. II, p. 1171.
17. John L. Teall, The Barbarians in Justinian's Armies. Speculum, Vol. 40, No. II (Apr., 1965), pp. 294
18. Maspero J. et dans larmee byzantine au VI sicle, Byzantinische Zeitschrift, XXI
(1912), pp. 108109.
19. ibidem. pp. 97104 [] partir du VIe on ne peut citer aucun texte tablissant la prsence rgulire et
habituelle de barbares dans les corps de stratotai,
20. 600 symmachoi []Massagetae whom
they now call Huns, , . Procop. III, XI. pp. 716.
, (, , ..), . Procopius (translated by
H. B. Dewing) in Six Volumes - Vol. II, History of wars book III and IV. London, 1914, III, xi. 2-7: But
at the present time there is nothing to prevent anyone from assuming this name [].
22. John L. Teall, The Barbarians in Justinian's Armies. Speculum, Vol. 40, No. II (Apr., 1965), p. 295, n.1.



. . .
(19261979 .)
, VI- VII- .
e a
(, , ..), ..
, ,
. , 527554 .
24 ( - , ..),

, foederati (
symmachoi, ..) stratiotari,
, - ,
, 27.
, 28. ,
. -
, , .
, :
1) foedera
, foedus
foederati (.. , ..) 23. ibidem. p. 294, n.1.
24. , . ,
, , .
, p. 295, n. 3.
25. ibidem. p. 303: The process of war had brought about profound changes in the nature of the army itself,
changes that at least one of four crises or problems during the years 540-542 would further develop in a
direction already visible.
26. 540- .
, . Theopahnes. The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor (Byzantine and Near
Eastern History AD 284813), A.M. 6032: The Emperor send the Bulgar prisoners to Armenia and
Lazica and had them enrolled in the numeri; ,
. . 21 ,
. . John L. Teall, The Barbarians in Justinian's
Armies. Speculum, Vol. 40, No. II (Apr., 1965), pp. 312313.
27. . ,
, - ( VI ., ..)
, , ,
. John L. Teall, The Barbarians in Justinian's Armies. Speculum, Vol. 40,
No. II (Apr., 1965), pp. 320321.
28. Scharf. R. Foederati. Von der volkerrechtlichen Kategorie zur byzantinischen Truppengattung. TYCHE,
Supplementband 4. Wien, Holzhausen 2001.



2) Getica (VI .)
, -
IV- . ,
3) , 382- . Magister Militum
( I-, ..) foedus,
deditio deditiones 31. ,
coloni comitatenses,
( , ..), foederati
, 406- .,
, 32;
4) VI- .,

comitatenses33. , ,
(.. , ..)
.. comes
foederatorum34. (491518 .),
, ,
489- .
, .
, 36. -
IV- V- .,
, , ,
, .
, ..
, , ,
29. ibidem. pp. 24.
30. . . , . -, . 67.
31. Scharf. R. Foederati. Von der volkerrechtlichen Kategorie zur byzantinischen Truppengattung. TYCHE,
Supplementband 4. Wien, Holzhausen 2001, pp. 2122.
32. ibidem. p. 29. , . , . 19, . 115.
33. ibidem. pp. 7278.
34. , comes foederatorum VI . ., . ibidem. p 47.
35. ibidem. p. 64.
36. Foederati . , . Byzantinische Zeitschrift Bd.
99/1, 2006: II. Abteilung, pp. 265271.



, (9 378 .),
(379395 .)
(Scyticae nations, ..) 382- .
, ,
, -
I- .
332- .,
- ,
, .
332- .39, I- 40

(. 500565 .),

41, .
Foeda and Foederati of the Fourth Century,
, ,
- . ,

43, ,
- , ,
foedus foederati 44. 37. Lander B. Gerhard, On Roman Attitudes toward Barbarians in Late Antiquity; in: Images and Ideas in
the Middle Ages, Vol. II. Roma: Edizioni Di Storia e Letteratura, 1983, pp. 767799.
38. ibidem. p. 777, n.37
39. Herwig Wolfram, History of the Goths, University of California Press, 1988, p. 62.
40. . (VI
.) , 40 000 : [] Gothorum interfuit
operatio, qui foedus inito cum imperatore quadraginta suorum milia illi in solacio contra gentes varias
obtulere; quorum et numerus et militia usque ad praesens in re publica nominatur, id est foederati. tunc
etenim sub Ariarici et Aorici regum suorum florebant imperio. post quorum decessum successor regni
extitit Geberich virtutis et nobilitatis eximius, . ,
: . : , 2001 . pp. 123377
41. : Iodanis, De Origine Actibusque Getarum.;
Charles C. Mierow. The Gothic History of Jordanes. Princeton: University Press, 1915; ,
. , 2001 .
42. Heather, P.J. Fourth-Century Foedera and Foederati in: Walter Pohl (Hrsg.): Kingdoms of the Empire.
Leiden, 1997, pp. 8597.
43. ibidem.
44. ibidem.



, , e
, 45.

VI- . : , , .,
- .
IV- ., ,
. ,
II-46, deditio. ..
, 47.

IV- ., ,
. , II-46,
deditio. .. ,
, 47.
, I
, ,
332- . ,
foedus, deditio,
, ,
IV- .49 ,
45. Procopius. With an English translation by H. B. Dewing. (Loeb Classical Library.) Vol. III. London and
New York: Heinemann, 19241928, p. 103: Now at an earlier time only barbarians were enlisted
among the foederati, those, namely, who had come into the Roman political system not in the condition of
slaves, since they had not been conquered by the Romans, but on the basis of complete equality.
46. , II, . Eusebius, Life
of Constantine, introduction, translation and commentary by Averil Cameron & S. G. Hall. Oxford, 1999,
p. 155; Odahl. Constantine and the Christian Empire. New York, 2004, p. 200.
47. Heather, P.J. Fourth-Century Foedera and Foederati in: Thomas F.X. Nobles: From Roman provinces
to Medieval kingdoms, New York, 2006, p. 296: The trty did not, in Roman view, admit the Goths as
equals, therefore, but nationally subordinated them.
48. Odahl. Constantine and the Christian Empire. New York, 2004, p. 200.
49. Mathisen R., The Medieval Review, University of Washington, 2006.



332- .,
, 51,
, foederati,
- dediticii.
378- 382- ., I- ,

, ,
365- .52
(364378 .),

, ,
I- 53,
. ,
. , I-,
50. 363- . (363364 .) foedus ,
IV , . Heather, P.J. Fourth-Century Foedera and Foederati, p. 295: By far the rarer usage (of
foedus/foedera, ..) is of agreements involving no submission to the Roman state. The best example of
this is Jovians treaty with the Persians in 363. . Ammianus
Marcellinus, Roman History. London: Bohn (1862) Book XXV. pp. 373401.
dedecore foedera (.. ),
[] extremis casibus, . Ammiani Marcellini, Res Gestae a Fine Corneli Tacti
(Historiae), Liber XXV, IX, 14.
51. ,
IV (.
. 37). , . Heather, P.J. Goths and Romans, 332
489 AD. Clarendon Press, 1991, p.78: [] To theese problems we can add a series of anachronisms.
Most important, Jordanes account of the peace treaty of 332.
52. . Herwig Wolfram,Thomas J. Dunlap, History
of the Goths. University of California Press, 1990, pp. 6475.
53. , . 37 . 51.



. ( V- .) a
I- 54.
.. limitanei ( , .)
comitatenses ( , ..),
, ,

378- .56. ,
foedus, -

, .
382 . :
382- ., , ,
376- .

, ,
54. ,
. . Zosimus, New History. Ed. by Green and
Chaplin. London, 1814, Book II, 34: Constantine likewise adopted another measure, which gave the
Barbarians free access into the Roman dominions.[] Constantine destroyed that security by removing
the greater part of the soldiers from those barriers of the frontiers, and placing them in towns that had
no need of defenders; thus depriving those who were exposed to the Barbarians of all defence, and
oppressing the towns that were quiet with so great a multitude of soldiers, that many of them were totally
forsaken by the inhabitants.
55. Luttwak, E. The Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire: From the First Century AD to the Third. JHU
Press, 1979, pp. 172173, p. 179.
56. o . 357 .
caesar ( , .)
. . ,
. - 356 361 . . Drinkwater, Jogn F. The
Alemani and Rome 213 496 AD (Caracalla to Clovis). Oxford Uni. Press, 2007, 217-265;
. Ammianus Marcellinus, Roman History. London: Bohn (1862) Book XVI, 12, pp.



57. ,

, -
, ,
. ,
61. ,
9 378- . ,
( ..
, ..) . ,

Augustus ( 19 379- .) ,
, dux Magister
Militum ( 378- .), 3 382- .
, ,
foederati .

. , , , 63.

, : IV- .,
; (317388
.) ; (370413 .) , 57. . Ammianus Marcellinus, Roman History. London: Bohn (1862) Book XXXI, 4,
58. , I, . 161.
59. Stephen Williams and Gerard Friell, Theodosius: The Empire at Bay. Routledge, 1994, pp. 14.
60. Ammiani Marcellini, Res Gestae a Fine Corneli Tacti (Historiae), Liber XXXI, IV, 6: Ita turbido
instantium studio orbis Romani pernicies ducebatur.
61. , , . Stephen Williams and Gerard Friell,
Theodosius: The Empire at Bay, Routledge, 1994, 4-7; Marcellinus, Roman History. London: Bohn
(1862) Book XXXI, IV-XVI.
62. (V .), . Orosius, Seven
Books of History against the Pagans (trans. by A. T. Fear). Liverpool, 2010, Book VII, 32: By God's
will the nations stationed on the boundaries of the Empire [] invaded all the Roman territories. n
invasion of the Goths ruined Greece, Pontus, and Asia; Dacia beyond the Danube was lost forever. The
Quadi and the Sarmatians ravaged the Pannonian provinces.
63. Halsall, G. Barbarian Migrations and the Roman West, 376568. Cambridge University Press, 2007,
64. Stephen Williams and Gerard Friell, Theodosius: The Empire at Bay, Routledge, 1994, p. 76.

- 10 -


De regno, (395408
.), , 382- .;
(370405 .)
(395423 .); .

( 388- .)65.
, ,
66 (tuis barbaris, ..),
: [] 67,
382- .,
(ducibus, ..)68, []

foederati 70,
, a ,
coloni V- 71.
72, ,
- , -
1 383- .,
(Magister Militum I-,
382- ., ..) 73
, ,
( II,
, .. 60- IV- .,
65. C.E.V. Nixon / Barbara Rodgers, In. Praise of Later Roman Emperors. The Panegyrici Latini :
Introduction, Translation, and Historical Commentary, with the Latin Text of R.A.B. Mynors. University
of California Press, 1994, p. 443.
66. , Scyticae nationes,
, o: Ghotus ille et Chunus et Halanus [], . ibidem. p.
665. : [] , , ,
, , . Zosimus, New History. Ed. by Green and
Chaplin. London, 1814, Book IV, 45, 3: [] Barbarians, who were mixed with the Roman legions, had
been solicited by Maximus with the promise of great rewards if they would betray the army.
, , .
Heather, P.J. Goths and Romans, 332489. Oxford, 1994, p.171
67. ibidem; . , I, . 108: [] (, ..)
68. ibidem. p. 665: Ibat sub ducibus uexillisque Romanis [].
69. ibidem; . , I, . 109: (, ..)
70. C.E.V. Nixon / Barbara Rodgers, In Praise of Later Roman Emperors., p. 659: Dicamne ego receptos
scruitum Gothos castris tuis militem, terris sufficere cultorem.
71. , . , I, . 263; , . Liebeschuetz, W.
Citizen Status and Law; in: Walter Pohl: Strategies of Distinction: The Construction of Ethnic
Communities, 300-800. Leiden, 1998, p.136
72. C.E.V. Nixon / Barbara Rodgers, In Praise of Later Roman Emperors., p. 497, n. 67, n. 117
73. , , . Heather, Peter & Moncur, David, trans. Politics, Philosophy,
and Empire in the Fourth Century: selected orations of Themistius, with an introduction. Liverpool U. P.,

- 11 -


, ..), .. XVI 74 (.
oratio). -
(36 , ..), ,
, XVI (
praefectus urbi 384- ., ..)
, (
, ..), ,
75 []
[] ,
(.. , ..) 76.
: , ,
77, ,
foedus ,
78. ,
, , ,
(22 392 6
394 .)79.
, I-,
IV- , ,
, foederati,
, , ,
74. ibidem, p. 255; , . Themistius, Oratio 16, in: Heather, Peter & Moncur,
David, trans. Politics, Philosophy, and Empire in the Fourth Century: selected orations of Themistius,
with an introduction. Liverpool U. P., 2001, pp. 265284.
75. ibidem. p. 264, p. 275: And so when almost everyone, both generals and soldiers, had their wills
overturned in the face of such great and momentous blows (
, ..) God summons to leadership the only man
(, ..) capable of resisting such an inundation of misforutne [].
76. ibidem, p. 275: [] the intransigence of the Schytians, the boldness of the Alans, the madness of the
Massagetai yield.
77. -, . 66.
78. Heather, Peter & Moncur, David, trans. Politics, Philosophy, and Empire in the Fourth Century: selected
orations of Themistius, with an introduction. Liverpool U. P., 2001, p. 275, n. 231.
79. . , III, . 29:
(phylarchoi, ..) ,
. phylarchos ,
, IV VII .,
, , . The Oxford Dictionary
of Byzantium, vol. I, New York-Oxford 1991, p. 1672.
I- 394- ., ,
. , foedus
Praefectus praetorio Orientis (?395 .) 27 395- .,
, . Sozomen (Hermais), Historia
Ecclesiastica, Book VIII, Ch. 1: Rufinus, prefect of the East, was suspected of having clandestinely
invited them (, ..) to devastate the Roman territories [] for he was said to aspire to tyranny.

- 12 -


382- , .. foedus
. ,
, ,

, :
, [] ,
, ;
, 81.
, - XVI , -
: Te
(, ..) ,
(, ..) ,
. ,
, ,
, .
deditio83. ,
? []
, 84,
, Magister Militum 80. (Magister Militum
) V- . ,
Hunnorum princeps, [] ,
, . . a
, , . Zosimus, Historia Nova, Book V, Ch. 2122.
- , ,
, . Sozomen (Hermais), Historia Ecclesiastica, Book
VIII, Ch. 4, p. 366. , ,
, , priceps ,
, , .
81. Heather, Peter & Moncur, David, trans. Politics, Philosophy, and Empire in the Fourth Century: selected
orations of Themistius, with an introduction. Liverpool U. P., 2001, p. 281.
82. ibidem. p. 281
83. ibidem. p. 280, n. 250. , ,
, [] , .
, n. 249; . Oratio 34, XXII, p. 225.
84. ibidem. p. 280.

- 13 -


382- .
- ,
, (Scyticae nationes , , ..),
foederati 382- .,

, ..), . ,
384- ,
Oratio XXXIV. ,
: ,
: [] []
382- ., -
, .
80- IV- ,
, ,
, ,
- ,
- (370413 .)
De Regno86, (395408 .),
[] , , ;
, (.. , ..), .
, ,
, 87. , (,
..), : [] , ,
, []
, V- ,
, : [] ,
(, ..) 88.
V- ,
e, XXXIV- ( 384-
., ..) ,
, 85. ibidem. p. 328, n. 156; , [] ,
86. De Regno , -
, .. , . Jay Bregman, Synesius of
Cyrene, Philosopher-bishop. University of California Press, 1982, 50-59.
, . Heather, The Anti-Scythian Tirade of Synesius De Regno in: The Phoenix,
Vol. 42, No. 2, 152-157.
87. Fitzgerald, A. The essays and hymns of Synesius of Cyrene: including the Address to the Emperor
Arcadius and the political speeches. Oxford University Press, H. Milford, 1930, p.137.
88. ibidem. p. 134.

- 14 -


. , foedus 382- .

. ,
de facto - .
382- .89.
( , ..),
. ,
, ,
foedus, 90.
History of the Later Roman Empire,
. . (9 1904 9 1970 .)
91. -
, , :
, ..) [] 92.
- .
K V- , 20
382- ., ,
, -
foedus deditio,
93, 386- .
89. praefectura praetorio Orientis (?395 . ),
, . Otto J. Maenchen-Helfen, The World of
the Huns: Studies in Their History and Culture. University of California Press, 1973, pp. 50-51.
, , .. ,
, . -, . 79. , ,
90. Halsall, G. Barbarian Migrations and the Roman West, 376568. Cambridge University Press, 2007,
p.180. . : Heater, P. Empires and Barbarians: The fall of Rome and the Birth of Europe. Oxfo rd
University Press, 2010, p.180.
91. A.H.M. Jones, The later Roman Empire, 284-602: a social economic and administrative survey. Johns
Hopkins University Press, 1986, 199-200.
92. Fitzgerald, A. The essays and hymns of Synesius of Cyrene. Oxford University Press, H. Milford, 1930,
93. , . Peter Heather, The Goths, Blackwell Publishing, 1998, p. 100;
, , 386- .,
. ,
, , , .
Magister Militum
( coloni, ..)
, .. .

- 15 -


( 94, ..),
, ,
382- .,
(370405 .) captives95, .
- ,
: [] , ,
. , , []
, - -
, -
97. , , , : []
, ,
, - []98.
[] []
, 99. ,
, a

- ,
100. , -
, ,
deditio, [] (
, ..) , 94. Claudian. with an English Translation by Maurice Platnauer. Vol. I. Harvard University Press, 1922, p.
95. ibidem. p. 229
96. Fitzgerald, A. The essays and hymns of Synesius of Cyrene. Oxford University Press, H. Milford, 1930,
97. V- .,
, . , . . . , 2006 ., 290-291.
98. Fitzgerald, A. The essays and hymns of Synesius of Cyrene. Oxford University Press, H. Milford, 1930,
99. ibidem.
100. foedus e ,
395- . 3
. ,
, , - (?399 .),
Magister Militum , de facto
, . . PLRE. II, 43-47;
- : (PLRE. I, p. 379); (PLRE. I, p.
610); (PLRE. I, p. 372-373); (Philostorgius, in Photius, Epitome of the
Ecclesiastical History of Philostorgius, Book XI, chapter 8).

- 16 -


(politeia, ..)101.
, .. ,
- .

[] - -
( , ..),
102 []

, ,
, .
, .

, V- . ,
I .
: [] ( I-, ..),
(, ..) ,
[] , , .
, ,
(symmachoi, ..) 104.
, ,
foedus foederati,
, , .. ,
- .
, .. ,
.. peregrini105
civitas106 (.. , ..);
101. Procopius. With an English translation by H. B. Dewing. (Loeb Classical Library.) Vol. III. London and
New York: Heinemann, 19241928, p. 103.
102. . , . . . , 2006 ., . 292.
103. Fitzgerald, A. The essays and hymns of Synesius of Cyrene. Oxford University Press, H. Milford, 1930,
104. ibidem. p. 138.
(?453 .) Magister Militum;
(454462 .) Magister Militum; (395410 .), Magister

- 17 -


, .
, 382- ? ,

, . -
, , , ..
servi dediticii , ,
foederati ( coloni,
..). ,

foederati ,
108 I-,
[] (. iussisti
esse Romanam, ..)109 []
. ,
, .. ,
, ,
( .. , ..) .
, ,
, ,
Magister Militum (360408 .)
Utriusque Militiae; Magister Militum; (471526
.) agister ilitum ..
107. terrae limetaneae, . MacMullen, Soldier
and Civilian in the Later Roman Empire. Cambridge, 1963, . 14-17.
108. . , . 81 82; , . -.
109. C.E.V. Nixon / Barbara Rodgers, In. Praise of Later Roman Emperors. University of California Press,
1994, p. 503: [] bade them to become Roman.
110. Claudian. with an English Translation by Maurice Platnauer. Vol. II. Harvard University Press, 1922, p.
53: Tis she alone who has received the conquered into her bosom and like a mother [] protected the
human race with a common name, summoning those whom she has defeated to share her citizenship and
drawing together distant races with bonds of affection; p. 55: Rome [] would keep thee (
, ..) ever her faithful citizen. , . PLRE. I, p. 853.

- 18 -


, (
, dediticii, ..),
( ,
..) coloni 112.
, 113.

, ,
; ,

116. -
. . peregrini peregrini dediticii (. ,
..) ,
foederati -,
e o.
, ,
IV- V- . , ,

111. . -, . 103.
112. . . 71;
. ,
25 , ,
113. , Lex Julia de vi publica
( . Berger, A. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Roman Law. Philadephia, 1953,
p. 554, ..) foederati, ,
, . Cameron, A. Barbarians and Politics at the Court of Arcadius. UCP,
1993, p. 211.
114. V- : Foreign peoples now congregate with the right of
marriage for with mixed blood, one family is created from different peoples, . Fathers of the Church:
Poems of Prudentius, Vol. II, CUA Press, 1965, pp. 158159. ,
, V- .
, .
, ,
, . PLRE. I, p. 372-373.
115. 406- . (395423 .) , (
, ..), , . Codex Theodosianus:
Lib. VII, XIII, 16, ed. T. Mommsen and P.M. Meyer (Berlin, 1905): [] praecipue sane eorum servos,
quos militia armata detentat, foederatorum nihilo minus et dediciorum [].
116. , , ,
, [] , ,
. Heather, P.J. Goths and Romans AD 332489. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991, p. 113.

- 19 -


foedus. , ,
, , IV- V- ,
, foedus ,
, ..
117, 118. , e
[] .

119, V- foederati
- ,
, 121.
( 17
395- .) , .
Magister Utriusque
Militiae 122 123
- (
393- ., .) Praefectus
praetorio Orientis, 124,
395- .
117. foedus
, , . Heather, P.J. Goths and
Romans, 332489. Oxford, 1994, 215-217, pp. 222223.
118. , .
Liebeschuetz, W. Citizen Status and Law; in: Walter Pohl: Strategies of Distinction: The Construction
of Ethnic Communities, 300-800. Leiden, 1998, pp. 138139.
119. , . . , 1996 .,
. 23.
120. Liebeschuetz, W. Citizen Status and Law; in: Walter Pohl: Strategies of Distinction: The Construction
of Ethnic Communities, 300-800. Leiden, 1998, p.138.
122. PLRE. I, p. 853.
123. ibidem, p. 824.
124. ibidem, pp. 778781.
125. Orosius, Seven Books of History against the Pagans (trans. by A. T. Fear). Liverpool, 2010, Book VII,
37: Meanwhile the emperor Theodosius the Elder had entrusted the care of his children and the
direction of his two courts, respectively, to his two most powerful subjects, Rufinus in the East and
Stilicho in the West.

- 20 -


; a ,
, 126.
10 127
I-, 128,
[] ,
129, ,
, ,
, .
130 ,
- . , (? 412
. Praefectus
praetorio , ,

. In Rufinum
, ,
126. . -, . 79 89. , .
Mommsen, T. Chronica minora saec. IV.V.VI.VII, Vol. I. 1892, p. 650, 34: Rufinus Bosforitanus cum ad
summam militiae pervenisset, praeferri sibi non Stiliconem ab eodem interficitur Chunorum, quo
fulciebatur, praesidio superato.
127. , I- 20
, . Charles C. Mierow. The Gothic History of Jordanes.
Princeton: University Press, 1915, Ch. XXVIII, 145. . , : Stephen Williams and Gerard Friell,
Theodosius: The Empire at Bay, Routledge, 1994, pp. 138-139; p. 200, n.10.
128. , .
. . , , 1996, VII, 10: ,
, ,
, . . , . 94.
129. Charles C. Mierow. The Gothic History of Jordanes. Princeton: University Press, 1915, Ch. XXIX, 146.
130. . -, . 79 . 89; Otto J. Maenchen-Helfen, The World of the Huns: Studies in Their
History and Culture. University of California Press, 1973, p.51.
. (. 366446 .) (. V-
.). , 386- 395- ., .
, , [] (
, ..) , , . Callinici. De
vita s. Hypatii liber. Universitat Bonn. Philologisches Seminar, Lipsiae, 1985, p. 12:
(. )
. PEUCE, S.N. VIII, 2010, p. 175
. 395-. .
131. ,

, ,
. ,
, , . Claudian. with an English
Translation by Maurice Platnauer. Vol. II. Harvard University Press, 1922, pp. 6365.

- 21 -


(- foedus,
, ..) - , ..
132 ,
- - ,
395- .

, - ,
. ,

( , ..)
. , ,
, , .
395- .
133. Dioecesis Macedoniae ,
, 132. ibidem; (? . 534 .)
, ,
; . Mommsen, T. Chronica minora saec. IV.V.VI.VII, Vol. II.
1894, p. 64, 395. In Rufinum, .
, - 397-a -
402- , . Otto J. Maenchen-Helfen, The World of the Huns: Studies in Their History and
Culture. University of California Press, 1973, p. 48; ,
Magister Militum , . Herwig Wolfram, Thomas J. Dunlap, History of the
Goths. University of California Press, 1990, p. 141.
133. ( , )
XX- . 379- .,
, ,
(375383 .). ,
395- . ,
, .. , . Mommsen, T. Stilicho und Alarich in
Gesammelte Schriften, Vol. 4, 1908, pp. 517530. , . . ,
395- . , a
, . Stein, . Bas-Emp. I, p. 229;
, . Mazzarino, S. Stilicone: la crisi
imperiale dopo Teodosio. Milano, 1942, p. 60; . Cameron, A. Claudian: poetry and
propaganda at the court of Honorius. Clarendon, 1970, pp. 5962

- 22 -


. , ,
foedus, ,
Magister Militum (
, ..),
Illyricum Occidentale,
, :
, , o
. ,

(. 380 . 425 .).
135. ,
395- .

V- ., ,
, Praefectura praetorio
per Illyricum ( , ..)136.
V- . ,
- , de facto
137. ,
. , 134. ( 25
383- .) , . Burns, T. Barbarians within the
gates of Rome: A study of Roman military policy and the Barbarians, ca. 375-425 AD. Indiana
University Press, 1994, pp. 4672.
135. (. 810 . 893 .),
Bibliotheca, ,
.. 46 . 22
407 425 ., II- (401450 .). .
. , (. . . . ). , . VIII. 1956, .
136. . , (. . . . ). , .
VIII. 1956, . 223-276: , ,
, []
, , (
, ),
, .
137. , ( , ..),
, :
[] , , []
, , . Claudian. with an English
Translation by Maurice Platnauer. Vol. I. Harvard University Press, 1922, pp. 281-283.

- 23 -


, (
V- ., ..),
, ,
., ,
138 ,
. . ,
(.. )

139. .
, 407- . (
, ..) 140.
. , foederati,
395- . , .
27 395- ., 20
, ,
comes , .

. ,
141. ,
, ,
138. , . A.H.M. Jones, The later Roman Empire, 284602: a social economic and administrative survey. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986, pp. 680682.
395- ., 20 000 , 15 000.
139. Stein, . Bas-Emp. II, p.453.
140. , Magister Militum
407- ., ..
. . Sozomen (Hermais), Historia Ecclesiastica, Book VIII, Ch. 25: (, ..)
, ,
141. . , . 21, 126; 130.
142. Justine Davis Randers-Pehrson. Barbarians and Romans: The Birth Struggle of Europe, A.D. 400-700.
University of Oklahoma Press, 1983, p. 89.
143. , . Zosimus, New History. Ed. by Green

- 24 -



foedus. , ,
Magister Militum
. ,
, .
. ,
. 146.
, .

. ,
Magister Militum 147.
. ,
148, 149.
397- . 150.
and Chaplin. London, 1814, Book V, 3. 6. 8.
, Sacri Palatii Cubicularius , .
, : This is an early example of the intrigue of which the word
Byzantine was to become proverbial, . Cameron, A. Barbarians and Politics at the Court of
Arcadius. UCP, 1993, p. 6.
144. Claudian. with an English Translation by Maurice Platnauer. Vol. I. Harvard University Press, 1922, p.
39: ,
(, ..), .
145. , -
, bucellarii, . Hughes, I. Stilicho: The Vandal Who
Saved Rome. Pen & Sword Military, 2010, p. 120.
146. - , . , . . 13, . 80.
147. Burns, T. Barbarians within the gates of Rome: A study of Roman military policy and the Barbarians, ca.
375-425 AD. Indiana University Press, 1994, p. 155.
148. , Otto J. MaenchenHelfen, The World of the Huns: Studies in Their History and Culture. University of California Press,
1973, pp. 5159.
149. 397- .,
(), , . John Micheal
O'Flynn, Generalissimos of the Western Roman Empire. University of Alberta, 1983, pp. 2543.
150. Justine Davis Randers-Pehrson. Barbarians and Romans: The Birth Struggle of Europe, A.D. 400-700.

- 25 -


, ,

. 396- .,
. 151.
152. Illyricum Occidentale

382- ., -.
. , 153
ORBIS ROMANIS: Limes Orientalis
IV- V- .
foedus - ,
. ,
foederati 155.
- ,
Byzantium and the arabs, . ,
University of Oklahoma Press, 1983, p. 90. ,
, [] .
, . . Codex
Theodosianus: Lib. IX, XIV, 3, ed. T. Mommsen and P.M. Meyer (Berlin, 1963): Quisquis cum militibus
vel privatis, barbaris etiam scelestam inierit factionem aut factionis ipsius susceperit sacramenta vel
dederit, de nece etiam virorum illustrium, qui consiliis et consistorio nostro intersunt, senatorum etiam
151. foederati ,
, . Burns, T. Barbarians within the gates of Rome: A study of
Roman military policy and the Barbarians, ca. 375-425 AD. Indiana University Press, 1994, p. 156.
152. , .
Claudian. with an English Translation by Maurice Platnauer. Vol. I. Harvard University Press, 1922, pp.
380 381: How oft has Germany begged to add her troops to thine and to join her forces with those of
153. Tomii, Z. Der Untergang der Antike und deren Nachlebensformen in Sudpanonien, in: Slovenija in
sosednje dezele med antiko in karolinsko dobo. Zaetki slovenske etnogeneze. Ljubljana, 2000, pp. 263
154. -
, . Shahd, Irfan. Byzantium and the Arabs in the Fourth Century, Dumbarton Oaks, 1984.
155. - , .
ibidem, pp. 200216.

- 26 -


. ,
, ,
- 156,
- limes,
, .. V- .
. .,

a ,

I-, :
, ,
159. .

, : []
161, ..
, 378- .

IV- .,
156. Shahd, Irfan. Byzantium and the Arabs in the Fifth Century, Dumbarton Oaks, 1988, pp. 56.
, .
157. ibidem.
158. ( foedus , ..) , .
Shahd, Irfan. Byzantium and the Arabs in the Fourth Century, Dumbarton Oaks, 1984, pp. 203221.
159. Christian Gottlieb Schwarz, Wolfgang Jger. Panegyrici Veteres, Vol. II. Bibliopolium Baverianum,
1779, p. 317: dicam a rebellibus Saracenis poenas polluti foederis expetitas; . C.E.V. Nixon
/ Barbara Rodgers, In Praise of Later Roman Emperors, pp. 473474.
160. Shahd, Irfan. Byzantium and the Arabs in the Fourth Century, Dumbarton Oaks, 1984, p. 204.
, (. 380 ?) ,
, . . .
, , 1996, IV, 36: , ,
161. Rufinus. Church history (translated by Philip R. Amidon). Oxford, 1997, p. 68: [] Mavia, the queen of
Saracens, began to rock the towns and cities on the borders of Palestine and Arabia with fierce attack,
and to late waste to the neighboring provinces at the same time; she also wore down the Roman army in
frequent battles [] Sued for piece, she said she would agree.

- 27 -


, II-
Magister fficiorum ,
. Novella
XXIV 443- .
( , ..)163.
Duces Limitum ,
(aliarumque gentium, ..),
, 164.
, ,
V- ., .
165. , ,
limes rientalis, ,
, 166.
- ,
V- .,
foederati. ,
o ,

168. , 162. . , . Shahd, Irfan. Byzantium and the Arabs in the Fourth Century, Dumbarton Oaks,
1984, pp. 142144, . ,
(364378 .), ..
, []

163. . Theodosiani libri XVI cum constitutionibus Sirmondianis et leges novellae ad Theodosianum
pertinentes (ed. by Th. Mommsen and P.M. Meyer). Berlin, 1954, pp. 6164.
164. ibidem. p. 62: Saracenorum vero foederatorum aliarumque gentium annonariis alimentis nullam
penitus eos decerpendi aliquid vel auferendi licentiam habere concedimus. Sciant plane, quod, si quid
amplius, quam eis ex nostra auctoritate statutum eat, audeant usurpare, utpote sacrae pecuniae
violatores, et ipsi, facultatibus suis tui culminis dispositione limitibus adsignandis, poenam gladii
sustinebunt [].
165. . Shahd, Irfan. Byzantium and the Arabs in the Fifth Century, Dumbarton Oaks, 1989, pp. 4950.
. , 443- . foederati, .. ,
166. Theodosiani libri XVI cum constitutionibus Sirmondianis et leges novellae ad Theodosianum pertinentes
(ed. by Th. Mommsen and P.M. Meyer). Berlin, 1954, p. 63: [] ut tam Thracici quam Inlyrici hec non
etiam Orientalis ac Pontici limitis, Aegyptiaci.
167. ibidem: [] uptoe sacrae recuinae violatores.
168. ,
512- .

- 28 -


- IV .169 ,
, foederati.
378- ., ,
170. ,
IV- ., .
, , ,
(360363 .)
171. M
terminus ante quem ,

, ,
, , ,
IV- ., .
: ;
, .

, ( , ..) 173.

VII- ., . .
, ,
169. . , . 10, . 61.
170. Sozomen (Hermais), Historia Ecclesiastica, Book VII, Ch. 1, p. 312: .
, ,
. , (foederatis
Saracenis, ..) , []
; , . Ammianus
Marcellinus, Roman History. London: Bohn (1862) Book XXXI, 16, 5.
171. Thelamon, F. Pa ens et chrtiens au IVe si cle. Etudes augustiniennes. Paris, 1981, p. 130; .
Ammianus Marcellinus, Roman History. London: Bohn (1862) Book XXV. pp. 373401: We were
exposed to the hostility of these Saracens because Julian had forbidden that the presents and gratuities,
to which they had been accustomed, should be given to them; and when they complained to him, they
were only told that a warlike and vigilant emperor had iron, not gold.
172. Ammianus Marcellinus, Roman History. London: Bohn (1862) Book XXV. pp. 373401: Quitting this
camp, the next night we reached a place called Charcha, where we were safe, because the artificial
mounds of the river had been broken to prevent the Saracens from overrunning Armenia [] our
baggage-horses were so jaded, that their drivers, being mostly recruits, marched on foot till they were
hemmed in by a troop of Saracens.
173. ., ,
, , , , , . ,
(- , ..)
. ,

- 29 -


I-174. ,
, . 383- . Magister Militum per
Orientem, . , o
175. . ,
378- 383-
.176, , ,

383- .177, , .
Magister Militum per Orientem , ,
, ,

- I-, ,
. ,
- ,
I-. ,
( , ..) (. 314 .
394 .) , -
- 178.

(360363 .). XXIV , I-
379- .,
[] , ,
179. , o
. ( 396- ., ..)
, : []

, (. Taiens, ..), . . Herwig Wolfram. The Roman Empire and Its Germanic Peoples. University of
California Press, 1997, p. 62.
174. Shahd, Irfan. Byzantium and the Arabs in the Fourth Century, Dumbarton Oaks, 1984, pp. 202206,
175. (IV- .), . PLRE. I, pp. 765766
176. Shahd, Irfan. Byzantium and the Arabs in the Fourth Century, Dumbarton Oaks, 1984, p. 204.
177. ibidem. pp. 209214.
. ,

80- IV- ., . : The Cambridge Mediecal History, Vol. I. New York, 1911, p. 238:
[] troubles had arisen on the frontier: the nomad Saracens had broken their treaty of alliance with
Rome, and Richomer had marched on a punitive expedition.
178. ,
. A. F. Norman (ed., tr.): LibaniusAutobiography. Oxford University Press, 1965, pp. 116117.
179. Ammianus Marcellinus, Roman History. London: Bohn (1862) Book XVI, 1.

- 30 -


. ,
( , ..)181.
- .
, 182,
, . 395 398- .
, ,
, 183.
, 397 398- ., .
, .
, , . .
184, :
a limes orientalis ?
, ..) . 396-
. , ,
foederati ,
, .
, , 180. . ( . ). .
, 1914, Orat. XXIV.
181. Shahd, Irfan. Byzantium and the Arabs in the Fourth Century, Dumbarton Oaks, 1984, pp. 124132; p.
136; . G. W. Bowersock, Julian the Apostate, London, 1978, pp. 116118: []Tainos can
only be a Greek form of the Syriac tayyy, which matches the standard fourth-century use of the term
Saraknoi or Saracens. In other words, Libanius appears to have got his information from a local,
Syriac-speaking informant; . A. F. Norman (ed., tr.): LibaniusAutobiography. Oxford
University Press, 1965, pp. 188-189.
182. , - ,
( 399- ., ..) .
. ,
. , :
. , []
, . Claudian.
with an English Translation by Maurice Platnauer. Vol. I. Harvard University Press, 1922, pp. 138230.
183. , Otto J. Maenchen-Helfen, The World of the Huns: Studies in Their
History and Culture. University of California Press, 1973, pp. 5159.
184. ibidem. pp. 5556, n.190
185. F. C. Burkitt. Euphemia and the Goth. with the Acts Martyrdom of the Confessors of Edessa. LondonOxford 1913. pp. 130131: In the year 707 by the reckoning of the Greeks [= 396 AD.] the Huns had
come forth, and they captured many captives and laid waste the country and they came as far as Eddesa.
And Addai the Military Governor (Stratelates) at that time, did not give permission for the Foederati to
go out against them ( , ..) because of treachery in the midst, and for this cause the
armies of the Romans came down and lived in Edessa for a time.

- 31 -


186. ,
. ,
, ..
, 187. ,
, ,
VI- .),
, ,
e - 188. ,
. , foederati
, I- 394- .,
189, .. ,
, ,
Praefectus Praetorio Orientis, .
foederati , Magister
Pars Orientis Pars
Occidentis, - 191. 186. ibidem. p. 184.
187. ibidem. pp. 131135.
188. William Wright. The Chronicle of Joshua the Stylite: Composed in Syriac A. D. 507. Gorgias Press,
2003, pp. 78, ch. IX: [] the Huns wrought in the Roman territory in the year 707 (A.D. 395-6), in
the days of the emperors Honorius and Arcadius, the sons of Theodosius the Great, when all Syria was
delivered into their hands by the treachery of the prefect Rufinus and the supineness of the general
189. . , . 12 . 79.
190. 388-
. ,
. ,
, .
, . . , . 11,
. 66.
191. I-
, , -

- 32 -


17 395- .,
, ,
(.. ,
..). ,
, - ,
- .
, I-
, .. Barbaricum ,


. ,
! 399- ., ,
397- ., ,
hostis publicus194.
, Magister Militum per
Africam (386398 .),
IV- ., Magister
, 196.
395- .
192. , . . . , 2006 ., . 119.
193. , . Stephen Williams
and Gerard Friell, Theodosius: The Empire at Bay. Routledge, 1994, p. 150.
194. , ,
, . Zosimus, New History. Ed. by Green and Chaplin. London, 1814, Book V, 11.1.
195. , . PLRE. I, pp. 395396. :
, . Zosimus, New History.
Ed. by Green and Chaplin. London, 1814, Book V, 11.2; ,
, . Claudian. with an English
Translation by Maurice Platnauer. Vol. I. Harvard University Press, 1922, pp. 276278. . Burns, T.
Barbarians within the gates of Rome: A study of Roman military policy and the Barbarians, ca. 375-425
AD. Indiana University Press, 1994, pp. 159161.
196. , e
Magister, [] , ,
, ( , ..) ,
, . Claudian. with an English Translation by Maurice Platnauer. Vol. II. Harvard
University Press, 1922, pp. 201202.

- 33 -


, .
, 20 ,
foederati 399- .,
, 399- .
198. ( Comes
rei ilitaris, ..) ,
398- . 199.
398- 399- .,
. ,
201. 399- .,

, ,
. ,
, 197. , . PLRE. II, pp. 11251126.
198. , . . 14, . 87. I-
386- .,
, . Claudian. with an English Translation by Maurice Platnauer. Vol. II. Harvard University
Press, 1922, pp. 226227: legio pridem Romana Gruthungi, iura quibis victis dedimus, quibis avra
praebuimus. , ,
397- 398- .
199. . Zosimus, New History. Ed. by Green and Chaplin. London, 1814, Book V, 15.
- , . Wolfram, J. Thomas and
Dunlap, Herwig Wolfram, History of the Goths, University of California Press, 1988, p. 148. , ,

, . Cameron, A. Barbarians and Politics at the Court of Arcadius. UCP, 1993, p.114.
200. , ,
, .
Claudian. with an English Translation by Maurice Platnauer. Vol. II. Harvard University Press, 1922,
pp. 199210. ,
comes, . ,
, . Zosimus, New History. Ed. by
Green and Chaplin. London, 1814, Book V, 45, 17.
201. , , .
Burns, T. Barbarians within the gates of Rome: A study of Roman military policy and the Barbarians,
ca. 375-425 AD. Indiana University Press, 1994, p. 170.
202. Magister Militum per Orientem ,

. , . PLRE. I, pp. 372-373.

- 34 -


, .
, . ,
, ,

204 Praefectus Praetorio Orientis 205.
Magister Utriusque Militiae 206,
. ,
- 207.
(349407 .)208. ,
. ,
, .
, ,
, .

, .
700 ,
209. ,
. Magister Militum per Orientem ,
, 203. ,
, , . Socrates
Scholasticus. The Ecclesiastical History. NuVision Publications, 2007, p. 236.
204. 382- ., . . 11.
205. -
, - , . Fitzgerald, A. The
essays and hymns of Synesius of Cyrene: including the Address to the Emperor Arcadius and the
political speeches. Oxford University Press, H. Milford, 1930, p.243.
206. Sozomen (Hermais), Historia Ecclesiastica, Book VIII, Ch. 4.
207. - ,
208. Socrates Scholasticus. The Ecclesiastical History. NuVision Publications, 2007, p. 236.
209. Justine Davis Randers-Pehrson. Barbarians and Romans: The Birth Struggle of Europe, A.D. 400-700.
University of Oklahoma Press, 1983, pp. 9293.
210. Fitzgerald, A. The essays and hymns of Synesius of Cyrene: including the Address to the Emperor
Arcadius and the political speeches. Oxford University Press, H. Milford, 1930, p.251.

- 35 -


395- . -
, .
, , ,
, ,
. , ,
, .. foederati.
, ,
211. , . .13, .80.

- 36 -

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