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BS Accountancy 4

A Reflection: Human Trafficking

It has been known to all that todays generation experiences the height of advanced
technology. Communication becomes easier though we are far apart. Access to certain
information also becomes more available through the use of internet and even GPS.
As a part of our small group session, we were shown a video about how human
trafficking becomes more evident and has been made more possible because of the
technology that we use today. By just a click of a computer mouse or even our cellular
phones, we become more exposed to this kind of danger.
As future work-seekers, we should put in mind that we need to be more careful of our
actions especially if it involves our presence and safety. We need to screen
opportunities in order for us to see if it is safe for us or not.
Being new to the working society, we appear fresh into the eyes of possible traffickers.
Also because of the lack in job opportunities, we tend to apply to jobs that will give us a
higher salary than to get safer jobs with lower salaries.
I believe it is not wrong to dream of getting paid higher but would we sacrifice our safety
just for this? We were made by God not to oppress and be oppressed. But we are made
to make the most out of ourselves to help other people.
In order for us to do this, we must first provide safety to ourselves and make God as our
ultimate guide and protector. It is because with God, we are safest and most guided.

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