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Bosch, P&O, British Gas...

fightback needed
now to save jobs
housands of workers minute’s notice. The occupation forced
across Britain have seen their
jobs swept away this week.
Ford, the parent company, to pay out
millions of pounds extra. Haiti: suffering
●At the Bosch car parts plant in
Miskin, near Cardiff, bosses announced
At Waterford Glass workers occupied
their plant and saved hundreds of jobs. poor abandoned
about 900 jobs will go. The other major At Vestas wind turbines on the Isle of Tens of thousands of people in Haiti
employer in the area is steel-maker Wight an occupation made front page are dead and hundreds of thousands
Corus, which is cutting more than 1,000 news across the world and won some more wounded or homeless after the
jobs at Port Talbot. concessions for the workforce. earthquake that tore through the
●Trade unions say British Gas is All out strikes saved jobs and country on Tuesday.
planning to axe up to 5,000 jobs. conditions at Leeds bins and Tower People across the world will feel
deep sympathy for those who have
The job losses will impact on sites at Hamlets College in east London. lost so much, and a great desire
Stockport, Edinburgh, Addingstone Workers need to organise for a to help. Earthquakes are natural
near Glasgow, Leicester, Leeds, Cardiff, fightback wherever jobs are under events: but the scale of the suffering
Oldbury in the West Midlands and threat. The firms making these cuts are depends on where they happen and
Southampton. not small operations. what assistance the victims receive.
They are massive companies that can The world’s great powers have
●P&O Ferries will stop its crossings been criminally slow to respond.
from Portsmouth to Bilbao in Spain at afford to reverse their cuts. They have dragged their feet while
the end of September threatening over huge numbers of people are left
250 jobs. ✸Campaign for yes without food or clean water and have
In every case profit is coming before The Right to Work conference in to sleep in the open.
people’s lives. At Bosch plant director Manchester on 30 January will bring The US can always get a Cruise
missile to its target anywhere in the
Adam Wilmott said production was together workers who have been world. There is never a lack of money
going to Hungary because labour costs involved in the fightback, those who for a military “surge”. But there’s
there “are only 65 percent of those in face struggles now, and a host of other always delay and lack of resources
Cardiff.” trade unionists and campaigners. when poor people suffer.
Everyone should get there and be Haitians will not get even 1
percent of the trillions handed out to
✸Campaign for yes part of discussing and organising united the bankers to shore up the financial
The trade unions need to organise a resistance (see advert). system.
wave of resistance against these job Already there is a renewed fight at The destruction in Haiti is so
cuts. And of they won’t do it then British Airways, where a strike ballot serious because of its extreme
workers must push for it themselves. begins on 22 January, and a national poverty, and because it has suffered
There are some very good recent strike ballot across the civil service from two centuries of imperialist
examples of how to fight for jobs. Unite starting on 7 February. There should be massive aid
union members at Visteon car parts This is the sort of response needed to Haiti, and an end to the UN
occupied their plants at Enfield and everywhere to save jobs and halt the occupation of the country.
Belfast when they were sacked at six devastation of communities.

Right to Work � I would like to get Socialist Worker regularly

Conference � I want to join the Socialist Workers Party
●Fight for every job ●Stop
the cuts ●Defend services and Name...............................................................................................................................................................
Speakers include Mark Serwotka, Address.........................................................................................................................................................
Tony Kearns, and Jerry Hicks. ...........................................................................................................................................................................
Saturday 30 January, Central
Hall, Oldham St, Manchester. Phone.............................................e-mail.................................................................................................. Jobs 15/01/10
Sign up today at Circulation 020 7819 1171
www.righttowork.org.uk Return to SW industrial, PO Box 42184, London, SW8 2WD e-mail indus-
trial@swp.org.uk or phone/text 07986 936094 Editorial 020 7819 1180

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