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Actors Roles List

Name of Actor

Name of character

Which Scenes or shots are

they in?

Kenny Colliver

Interviewee One

Isaac Murphy

Interviewee two

Eileen Duffy

Interviewee three

Shots: 2, 6, 10, 13, and 16. This

character will appear multiple
times, having his interview cut in
between the speeches of the
other characters.
Like the first character I talked
about; the character will appear
multiple times, having his
interview cut in between the
speeches of the other characters.
Like the previous two
interviewees, this character will
appear multiple times, having his
interview cut in between the
speeches of the other characters.


Prop and Costume List


Where will it be used? Which shots?

Source (Where will I

get it?)

Laptop and mouse

Shots: 5, 10, 11 and 14. Shoots of the

laptop and mouse will be seen multiple
times throughout the video. Specifically
the section where the interviewees say
how blocking someone can help fight
cyber bullying.
Shots: 1, 2, 4, 7, 13 and 16. In each of
the interview scenes with the teenagers,
they will all be sitting in these chairs
throughout the advert.
Shots: 3, 12 and 17. For this part of the
advert, it will be used to show some of
the mean messages that have been sent
to the interviewees.

Both are all ready owned by me

and they are at home.


I Phone

The classrooms of Glenthorne

high school, the school we will
be filming in.
This prop will come from myself
and the other two actors
featured in the advert.


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