Fed Cup - Rou - Esp Formular Acreditare-Traducere

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Accreditation Form

GALATI, 07-08.02.2015

Accredited person
1. Family name:
2. First name:
3. Identity document: ______ Series_________No. _______________
4. Mobile phone:
5. E-mail :
6. [_] journalist [_] photographer [_] camera operator

Media organization to which the person seeking accreditation belongs

7. Media institution: __________________________
8. Address: ___________________________________________________
9. Telephone: ___________________________
10. E-mail: _____________________________
11. Website : ____________________________
The form duly completed shall be sent to the address cupadavis.presa@frt.ro, until January
20, 2015.
I am aware that this accreditation is valid only with the service cards endorsed for the year 2014-2015 and that both documents must be visibly
displayed during the event and presented at the request of the organizers or their representatives for verification.


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