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Thursday, January 15 2nd Block

Tres bien ensemble:

Parts of Speech & Text Structures
Good afternoon! Please sit in the same groups and
start your DO NOW. Thank you
1) Make a copy of 1/15 Parts of Speech
Graphic Organizer (File, Make a Copy)
2) Put it in your folder.
3) Fill out as much as you can!
Time permitting: Comment questions on the
original document in the Questions section.
You will understand how (and why?) we
categorize words and nonfiction texts.
You will know test-taking strategies to answer
commonly missed questions on the Q2 Assess.
You will be able to identify text structures and
become an expert on a vocab word.
Complete your vocab grid
o Rename 1/15 Vocab Grid: [your word]

Why do we categorize words and texts?

How can I be more successful on assessments?
2nd Quarter L.A. Assessment debrief
o 2 Questions and 2 Strategies
Text Structure Gallery Walk
Vocab Grids (Make a copy in your folder)
Portal, community, chronology, abstract, open-ended, reflect

I either have or will email you and your folks Q2
progress reports by tonight. Check your grade
and see whats missing!
Unit Assessment on Friday, 1/23!
2nd Quarter Math Assessment moved to
Tuesday, 1/20 (no more day off!)

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