Scientific Method David Paper Plane

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30 October 2014!
David Nguyen Duc!
Mrs. Barbers Class!

Scientific Method!


Does the weight affect the distance of air time? !

Does the biggest wing spawn of the paper airplanes affect the flight?!
Does the throw for the paper airplane affect the flight? (Pitchers are good at throwing) !
If the plane is not stable will it still go far?!
Does a point nose affect a good flight?!
Does a plane that stops air affect the distance and air time?!
Will the balance affect the distance?!
Does it matter how long is the paper airplane?!

Hypothesis: !
My hypothesis is that I think the biggest wing span is not always the best but, a normal size wing
span compared to the paper airplane might be better.!

Experiment: !
Each group got 2 paper airplanes at the start unfortunately one of our planes wornt that good. My
group learned how to folded our paper planes on a website called fold n fly. After my group folded
our papers on two different kinds of papers one is A4 plain white paper the second one was yellow
A4 card stock. On that day we also tried to find anything that would make a group plane fly further
apparently all I found was adding paper could help. The whole class's optional homework was to
find a better paper plane. The next day each group picked their favourite paper plane and then
each group got to have 3 trails on the school tennis court and we would record all three trails but
we would only count their best trial even if it was the last one. One group wins. !

Materials: !
A4 paper, A4 card stock, tape measurer, clipboards, rulers, scissors, pencils, and recording sheet. !
These are most of the materials each group used to make the experiment and all the other stuff

Procedure: !
First we got into groups that Mrs.B picked for us. I was with Zosia and Sea. Next my group picked
picked from a cup two different kinds paper airplanes. My group tested both planes with different
kind of papers normal white A4 paper and yellow A4 card stock. We picked the Basic Dart plane
which was made out of normal white A4 paper. We also had time in class to find out how to make
our paper planes way better but, we wornt allowed finding new paper planes but improving the
ones we picked was what we were suppose to do. I didnt find a lot about improving paper
airplanes neither did any of my partners, but luckily I found out one thing you could add things to
your plane I added 3 paperclips to our paper airplane and it flew further but we didnt use them on
the experiment. Our optional homework was to find a better plane for your group and you can
enchant it and put your plane in the contest. At the end of the day we talked with the whole

classroom what could make a plane better. The next day I came in with a couple other paper
planes like other people ( Alec had a ton). Every group went to the tennis court at our school and
decided with their groups which plane to pick. My group picked my paper plane Suzanne and these
are the other contestants Tail Plane, Spear Plane, Clip Glider, Dark Thunder, and last but not least
the Far Glider. There was a little wind at the tennis court so our wonderful teacher let us throw our
paper planes in the winds direction. Each plane got three trials and we would pick the best trail as
a groups score. A plane was thrown from a crack and wherever the tip of the plane landed we
would count it in meters with a measure tap. Our team thrower was Zosia and she threw it three
times and our best trail was 14.14 meters. Not every plane was made from the same paper. !
Not one was the same.!

Answering Questions!

We flew the airplanes this way, each group got three trails and we would record all but only count
the best one. One group only can have one thrower which throws the plan.!
We did it at our school tennis court.!
We would fly each plane 3 times.!
We will you a measure tape to measure and we would measure by meters.!
My group used normal white A4 paper.!

Observations and Data!


Like you see on my graph the plane that flew the furthest is Suzanne and the plane that flew the
least is the far glider that proves my hypothesis right, maybe.!

(Sorry I forgot the last Far Glider Trail)!

The hypothesis, biggest wing span is not the best because it might be too heavy on the sides and
make the plane a bit flat and that would effect the flight because it might pull the whole plane down
which means the plane is not balanced well that is why I think the biggest wing span is not the best
is accepted. The data shows that the Far Glider has too big paper wings which proves that it is not
well balanced which also proves that my hypothesis is right because the chart shows that the
distance is not that far, but the normal size wings like Suzanne it has normal size wings. The
results of this investigations are useful because I learned a lot of things that will help me with other
things in life. Number 1I learned do not judge a paper plane by how it looks like because the nicer
the plane it might make it not so stable. I also learned adding verity of thing on different paper
planes will it fly further but not on every plane it will word. Example paperclips would work on basic
dart. At least for me it worked good. Something else I learned is that the paper airplane needs to
be well balanced to make it not go down by just diving strait to the ground. One of the most

important things I learned is if you want to get a paper plane go far you will need to throw it
properly, especially you should never throw it strait at the floor unless the paper plane is made for
that. I got plenty more to share but to save our time I am only going to the most important ones for
example it matters were you throw your plane and what direction because if you plane goes
against the wind it will go less inches or however you are measuring it. The last thing thing I
learned is not to add to much weight with extras otherwise the plane will have a short time in the air
which might shorten the distance. That is why the results of the investigations are useful because it
might help me make a better paper plane the next time I make them these were some of the
results/reasons that are useful. The investigation could be improved by taking one plane and
making it more balanced, stable, pointy nose, normal size wings or you could also add paperclips
or different kinds of tape and all of that would be upgrading a paper plane than looking for all kinds
of paper airplanes or you could look for a paper airplane and then upgrade all the things that would
make a plane go further or long air time.

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