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Date 30 Oct.2014!

Mrs. Barbers Class!

Alec Venter!

Scientific Method!

Does the shape affect the distance of a paper

airplane on its distance? Which model will fly the furthest?!
Flat Top!
Normal Paper!
Wing span!
Stable Throw!

Hypothesis: I think the main effect is the wing span and a flat airplane will
make it glide more. Also a aerodynamic shape gives more speed and it flies
easier through air and makes it go further.!


We started out in groups and we each got 2 papers and we

folded the paper airplanes we were supposed to fold and after we could fold
anything to go throw it on the tennis courts!


card board paper A4 paper clipboards rulers pencils

tape measurer recording sheet !

Procedure: We will fly the airplanes by throwing them straight ahead and
incline it too to get hight too. We threw the airplanes on the tennis courts on
Wednesday between 10 and 11 am. We had a slight breeze from SouthWest
and it was a bright sunny day. We threw the planes before the test to see
which one is the best. the spear plane was the best. We threw the spear
plane 3 times on the real test. our farthest throw was 13.16 meters ! We used
the tape measurer to measure how far it went. We threw my hand made
plane that was made out of A4 card board paper (red) and came SECOND !!! !

Observations and Data:

Our first trial was 12.14 m. Our second trail

was 8.70 m. And third was 13.16 m. We came with 13.16 m !!!!

Conclusion: If we had a pointed top and a smaller plane, I think we

would've won because Suzanne had all of those things and they won

because they also had a really good throw.!


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