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Tomas Teixeira!

Ms Barber!
28 Oct 2014!



A gondola filled with 3 monsters following us, because they want the !
treasure, but to complete the mission we need the treasure. We rowing the !
gondola (to catch the treasure) and the monsters are trying to catch our boat.!
Im so scared on the moment and my fingers look like hold a baseball bat.!
When one team done the mission the monsters go to the grass and they !
trying to catch the other teams.!
On the boat there are 4 children and 2 team builders. When every team !
finish the mission the last team put the treasure on the floor , and one !
team builder said:!
One of the treasure is!?!
We shout:!
Team work"!
And then he ask more questions and we answer every question . After this he !

open the box and he give the treasure (medallion) for every body!

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