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Department of Systems & Control Engineering, University of Malta

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Tutorial Sheet:
PID Controller Design
(1) A plant having transfer function
s ( s + 1) 2
is to be controlled by a PID compensator. Using the Ziegler-Nichols tuning rules,
deduce appropriate values for the PID gains and draw the block diagram of the closed
loop system.
[ANS: 1.2, 0.25, ]
(2) Design a PD controller to control the unity feedback system having plant transfer
G p ( s) =

s ( s + 2)

so as to satisfy the closed loop specifications of Peak Overshoot not greater than 16%
and rise time not greater than 0.45 seconds.
[ANS: Td = 0.125, Kp = 16]
(3) A plant of transfer function
G p ( s) =

0 .5 s + 1

was regulated by a proportional controller of gain 1 and unity feedback.

(a) Calculate the % steady-state positional error due to a step reference input.
(b) The controller was subsequently replaced by a PI compensator so as to achieve
zero steady state positional error. Use root locus techniques to evaluate the gains of
this PI controller so as to obtain a closed loop behaviour that is similar to a 2nd order
system having a damping ratio 0.7 and rise time of 100ms.
(c) Sketch the root loci of the P-compensated and PI-compensated systems.
[ANS: (a) 4.76%, (b) Kp = 0.58, Ti = 0.071]

Simon G. Fabri

December 2004

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