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Nowadays, in my context people use Catalan and Spanish for communicate

in my context. For a long time, these languages have coexisted in Catalonia.

This is a reason whereby more people understand and talk perfectly these
two languages.
Moreover, English language appeared few years ago and society arent
(isnt) adapted it yet. Schools teach increasingly this language, and there
are more courses for the adults, but the problem is that people only learn it
in a classroom and that learning it is ineffective. We arent accustomed to
hear conversations or see TV programs in this language; so as not we are
accustomed to talk (quizs, mejor speak it).
When you do an English class it is a big problem, because the pupils only
have this moment for hear and use the English language. A lot of families
talk with their children in Catalan or in Spanish, but rarely they rarely talk in
English. One solution that these families use is to contract a nanny who
talks in English with their children. However, there are families that dont
have enough (suficiente) money to pay this service. Other solution its to do
classes of English in Academies, but the problem its the same, they need
have money for it.
Anyway, the society are is changing and they know that now its very
important to learn this language. When I was young the English was a
subject, but now there are other subjects that do in English, such as
Science, Maths or Art and Crafts.
In my case, I have a big problem with this language. I did more courses and I
studied for a long time, but Im not accustomed to talk. For example, when I
have to talk in interviews, I cant connect the words and I think that I will
never be able to do it. Then, when I'm in a class and I can follow it and I
pass levels without problems, but often I believe that I need to learn it in a
different way. Its for this reason that I am taking this course. I want to try if I
do doing others things in English I could learn this language.
Nowadays, in my job its more important being able to talk in English than
you have more experience. Consequently, I need to talk in English very well
because I believe that Im a very good teacher and I know that this is my

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