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6 Apps to Pre-Load as You Wait At the Gate

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6 Apps to Pre-Load as You Wait At the Gate



6 Apps to Pre-Load as You Wait At the Gate

6 Apps to Pre-Load as You Wait At the Gate

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How to Prepare for a World that Anticipates Every Outcome


6 Apps
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By PSFK Labs
on September 22, 2014 in Travel
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Six apps you should have before embarking on your next trip



6 Apps to Pre-Load as You Wait At the Gate

As part of out Future of Travel report, PSFK has been exploring the ways in which technology is innovating the air travel experience, and transforming
our current notions of what air travel can be. One way in which the experience is evolving is through the mobile phone, and a host of new apps that make
it easier for travelers to handle all aspects of their trip from door-to-door. Here are six of our favorite apps which you should load up before setting off on
your next trip.

Table8 A service and iOS app that lets people get last minute reservations at fully-booked restaurants.

Agent - A virtual personal assistant that optimizes mobile devices based on context gathered from the phones internal sensors, helping travelers navigate
any situation with ease.

Zilyo A peer-to-peer travel aggregator for rideshares, accommodations and even experiences.



6 Apps to Pre-Load as You Wait At the Gate

Localmind A service that uses location-based social media services like Foursquare to allow users to ask others who have checked in to a location
questions about the scene, prices, Wi-Fi access or whatever comes to mind.

Peekintoo A global social network that lets users get a quick peek in the form of a 10-second video into the lives of others by finding them on a map
and asking permission, helping travelers get a quick sense of whats going on in the world around them.

Now Crowdsources Instagram photographs to show people which exciting activities are happening nearby and in real-time.
The Future of Travel highlights some of the major new trends taking place in air travel, and the technologies that are helping us get there. This series
will explore the best-in-class examples of brands and innovators who are shaping the future of air travel, and creating a more seamless, healthy and



6 Apps to Pre-Load as You Wait At the Gate

enjoyable experience. Download the full report here, as well as on Slideshare, and be sure to check back every week for new articles about the newest
trends in travel.

AgentFuture Of TravelLocalmindNowPeekintooTable8Zilyo
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How to Prepare for a World that Anticipates Every Outcome

Presented By:
By PSFK Labs
on September 22, 2014 in Partner Content
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6 Apps to Pre-Load as You Wait At the Gate

Technology assists us with issues that it was programmed to solve, but how will our lives change when it can learn and act before we even ask?
We could soon live in a world where traffic flows at the whim of human behavior, where our smartphones send messages to our doctors and where lowcost, high-quality sensor technology anticipates our every move.
Sensor-embedded objects and the increasingly interconnected networks of natural and man-made systems are collecting real-time data about us and
the unique ways that we live our lives. These networked objects are learning and evolving to provide anticipated actions that are orchestrated to deliver
safety, efficiency and convenience, to scale.

Dont leave the fridge open or the TV on. Turn off the lights when you leave the room. Whether in consideration for the environment, or your personal
finances, energy conservation is an idea that youre probably familiar with. Yet in the United States alone, there are around 25 million streetlights running
each night, costing around $2 billion dollars per year (not including installation and upkeep). Thats no good for our collective pockets, and its awful for
the environment. So why not take a page from our daily lives and just turn them off when were not using them?
A company called Tvilight has created a system that does just that. CitySense is described as a plug-and-play integrated wireless sensor thats
compatible with any type of streetlight, and dims or brightens them in response to the presence of pedestrians, bicycles and cars. The whole system can be
monitored and controlled through a central interface and programmed however the user sees fit. An automated system like this could save energy costs by
80 percent, maintenance by 50 percent and take a huge chunk out of our carbon dioxide emissions. Plus, it would greatly reduce light pollution so that
cities might even have starry nights again.



6 Apps to Pre-Load as You Wait At the Gate

Car manufacturers have been building increasingly smart vehicles for some time. Now at least two companies, Audi and Honda, are testing systems that
could turn their cars into our co-pilots. The technology is based on vehicle-to-vehicle communication (V2V), which lets cars send information back and
forth between one another and with enabled infrastructure like, in this case, traffic lights.
Knowing when a light was going to change would allow cars to give a little heads-up to their drivers. Wed then know to brake gradually or, if there was
time, a display might show what speed would be necessary to make it through (hopefully the system is well versed in local speed limits). If youre already
sitting at the red, both systems would count down your wait. In fact, Audi figures it might be best to shut the engine off altogether and just start it back up
five seconds before the light turns green.
Audi estimates that systems like these could reduce CO2 emissions by 15 percent and save around 238 million gallons of gas. Plus, it could dramatically
improve traffic flows in cities, which could ease long commutes and save a ton in hurt feelings caused by road rage.



6 Apps to Pre-Load as You Wait At the Gate

Speaking of feelings, it sometimes feels like the Internet of Things is really just for things. Not so. The kinds of anticipated actions that we see when
connected devices broadcast their information also has a human side. Take, a startup founded by former MIT students Anmol Madan and Karan
Singh, which passively gathers data from users smartphones to predict emotional and physical issues like depression, anxiety or even the flu.
Currently focused on people suffering from diabetes, collects and analyzes information about texting habits, call frequency and location and
sends these statistics to doctors so that they can provide better care for their patients. Doctors are also able to use the app to conduct surveys and ask quick
questions that will help inform them on how to best tailor treatments.
The implications leave many experts advising caution as the technology moves forward. Christine Outram, director of invention at Deutsch LA, in an
interview with Postscapes explains:
For me (the IoT term) is not really capturing the power of what this next iteration could do, or what augmenting all of our devices can actually lead to. It
would be nice to see us talk less about the object of the network itself the Internet of Things, and more about what is this going to lead to. So, its kind
of the Internet of Action, the Internet of Decision Making, the Internet of Faster Feedback, its the Internet of Greater Agility. On the flip side, it could of
course be the Internet of Control, or the Internet of Manipulation, which we have to be equally aware of. These are the kinds of concepts that the Internet
of Things is going to push us towards, and we need to be aware of outcomes, not just structure.
As long as we continue to invest our creative energy into the potential applications for these systems of anticipated action and continue to ourselves
anticipate the potential outcomes of our creations the gains that well see might even surprise us.
In The Real World Web, iQ by Intel and PSFK Labs explore the role internet-enabled technologies will play in connected ecosystems of the future. This
series, based on a PSFKs recent Real World Web report, looks at the rise of the internet of things and its impact on consumer lifestyles.

AutomotiveInternet Of ThingsPsfk_inteliqReal World WebRwwWireless

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