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The Hawthorne studies stimulated OB researchers to study the impact of psychological factors

on organizations.[citation needed] In his 1931 book, Human Problems of an Industrial Civilization, Elton
Mayo advised managers to deal with emotional needs of employees. The human relations
movement, an outgrowth of the Hawthorne studies, influenced OB researchers to focus
on teams, motivation, and the actualization of individuals' goals within organizations.
The Second World War prompted a shift the field, as it turned its attention to large-scale logistics
and operations research. There was a renewed interest in rationalist approaches to the study of
organizations.[citation needed] Herbert Simon, James G. March, and the so-called "Carnegie School"
conducted influential OB research. Other prominent OB researchers include Chester
Barnard, Henri Fayol, Frederick Herzberg, Abraham Maslow, David McClelland, and Victor
Vroom, Douglas McGregor, Karl Weick and Mary Parker Follett.
In the 1960s and 1970s, the field became more quantitative and produced such ideas
as bounded rationality, the informal organization, and resource dependence. Contingency
theory, institutional theory, and organizational ecology also emerged.[citation needed]
Starting in the 1980s, cultural explanations of organizations and organizational change became
areas of study. Informed by anthropology, psychology and sociology, qualitative research
became more acceptable in OB

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