See The Light, Be The Light, Believe

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See the Light, Be the Light, Believe

the Light
Walkin home in the pouring rain,
With too much stress going through my brain
A light came down from the sky,
And stopped me as I was walking on by.

The Light said, I am your God from up above,

And I am always here for you out of love,
I said, Whats the real reason you are here my God?
Because you gave all the others a special job.

But your quest is not even close to the same,

I require you to miss your championship game,
You must study for that mathematics test,
So you can receive better than all the rest.

Looking up to the light of God I said,

Why should it be I? This is my last year,
God replied, Im giving you the road to success,
All you have to do is steer.

The game passed and our team fell short

But it wont be the end of me and sport

A week later I received a letter

And I knew I couldnt have done any better

The clouds loomed the sky that day

But Gods light returned to me to say,
I now name you the prophet Cole,
Because you have learned to pay the toll.

Then Gods light flew way up high,

Who is always there to help me from the sky
Or when Im walkin by.

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