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Monday, January 12

HW: WS: Update timeline

Turn in Expanding Horizons WS
WWII for Dummies project guidelines
T: J: WWII take notes
EE 41 Informative Writing Big 6

WWII for Dummies

-Big 6
-Writing Broad
Research Questions

Tuesday, January 13
HW: WS Color Axis, Allies
T: WS: What classmates want to know
EE 77, 78 Commas
ML: Focus - writing broad research questions
ML: Keywords
ML: Set up note taking
Finding book
Get ready and follow directions! DP
Follow all of the directions. MC

Wednesday, January 14
HW: WS 150, 151 Commas
Class: Review homework
Set up notes
EE 42 Research Big 6
First source keep record in margin

Enjoy becoming an expert!

Make sure you use all reading strategies PP
Really take notes because that will make the
actual writing easier TC

Note taking

Skim and scan will the

information answer your

Use comprehension
strategies on each paragraph
until you understand
important material and can
Write phrases do not copy
Write date first, then explanation

Always know source of

-in margin, write author
or cite name

Put a star in front of

important information.
Write definitions of new
vocabulary words
If copying a sentence,
put in quotation marks

Thursday, January 15
HW: WS 157, 158 Comprehend!!
Vocab Bonus Board
T: Check HW w/friend
EE 43 Taking notes
Find a book
Use reading strategies to comprehend and take
Really pay attention to the skills that are taught
and practiced. You really do need to know and
use them for this project, and they can be used
later on in other classes. RS
Listen to all of the lessons and take good notes.

Friday, January 16
HW: WS next 2 pages in Comma packet
Class: Homework check

Take notes!!

Using words or
ideas that are
not your own.

main idea can
you restate in
own words?

Fourscore and seven years

ago, our fathers brought forth
on this continent, a new
nation conceived in Liberty,
and dedicated to the
proposition that all men are
created equal.
President Abraham Lincoln
Gettysburg Address

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