Novel Excerpt

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Josue Mata

The Sleepless Ones

Chapter One: The First Sign
GET HIM RICK! says one of the boys watching a school fight.
SCHOOL! he says to Lingo while hes smashing his face.
STOP IT Josline screams to Rick
What do you care? one of Josline's best friends ask.
Hey get off of him! as the principal and Miguel(Lingos best friend) say in unison.
Nothing was going on sir, as Rick and his friends say while Lingo is struggling to
Yes sir theyre right it was just a little disagreement Lingo says as Miguel stands in
confusion of what hes trying to do.
See no harm done we were just talking Rick says with a grin.
Okay? Everyone get to class there is nothing here for you to be amused about
except you Lingo in my office Now! principal Luke exclaims.
What was the real story? principal Luke asks hoping to get a true answer
I dont know it seems that everywhere I go or try to run Rick is there, and I try to fit in
but it just doesnt seem to be working
Have you made any friends? principal Luke asks,
Yes just one His name is Miguel and I dont know why were friends but, its the
stories that he tells about this school that make him kind of fun to hang out with.

Stories? Lingo get to class.. and try to stay out of trouble

Yes sir."
Chapter 2: Story of Lingo
Sleep... for some reason that would be all Lingo is thinking about. During the
morning he wants to stay in for bed, during the evening he wants to sleep, and during
the night time of course he is sleeping. Lingo having a sleeping thing going on;
experiences drowsiness at random times of the day. Lingo is very responsible for his
age for only being a junior in high school. He had a mother that is working as a nurse
and she would be taking on double shifts, but his father skipped out of town. He has an
adopted 12 year old brother, Limhi that loves to wreck things, but means well. He also
had another brother, but he disappeared after four months of his birth. Lingo goes to
and is new to a special school but does not know it, but he is catching on to
differences. Such as how his friends make it to class before him while he sees them in
the hallways going the wrong way to class, or how quickly his friends do things that are
unordinary for the human species. Although he sees these things he chooses just to
ignore them, because he has too much to focus on than just investigating suspicious
Chapter 3: Prologue
It started a long time ago starting with the first couple of abnormal humans; they
called themselves the sleepless ones. People do not all have the same power it just
depends on your lineage of which you come from. They all have different powers
differing each other but those who have totally different powers but work well together
just have something in their genes that make them click easily for each other. Now one

day three children were born, but they were not in the same family. They were all born in
different families but two boys. The kids being born of parents that had powers one of
them showed no sign of powers. People who have powers live longer than most
humans... Much longer. Now this has only been seen once ever in history during the
Aztec times. The man was born of parents just like these three, but same as the one
boy he did not show sign of powers. He one day felt his matching person in danger, and
not only her life but his life as well were in danger. He unleashed power within himself
and combined every power that every supernatural had into one. Those powers were:
strength, the power of intelligence and knowledge, the ability to control the four
elements(Earth, Fire, Water, and Air), the ability to control thunder and lightning, and
last but not least the ability to teleport. He was then called the Alpha wolf in his tribe. It
was nothing they have ever seen before and thus he was the Alpha wolf. He knew after
having the powers that enemies would consume his life and he did not want that for his
wife and newborn sons. So thus he left them never to be seen again. Everyone in the
tribe tried to follow his trail, because once you become part of the pack or tribe you have
a sense of smell. Once everyone is familiar with your smell it is hard to fake your scent,
and it takes thousands of years to master, but that one day the alpha was able to
master his power in less than 100 years. It was the greatest and yet most miraculous
achievement anyone has ever seen in their life. Once they went to go find him they
were confident that they would find him, because not only did they want to find him for
his family's sake but also for the tribe. He was the tribe leader and yet he left; leaving
the tribes responsibility to his wife and sons. Thus once the wife heard that they were
unable to find the husband something happened, the boys were together, but an

unfortunate tragedy happened. One of the boys was kidnapped and they were unable to
find the other boy. The Mother went to the oracle of the tribe and when she came out
she was furious. The oracle had told her that her son was gone, but was not in danger.
The son named Zeniff was going to reunite with his brother one day.

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