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Pollutant emissions from a steam boiler

A heating system, for obtaining steam, with an installed capacity of 300MW and an
average work load of L = 80%, it is functioning with lignite and oil. Emitted pollutants are
sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) from the combustion of fuel oil and lignite
Compute the atmospheric emissions of the pollutant.
The following data is given:

For lignite:
Amount consumed Ml = 100t;
Caloric power Pc = 6,500 kJ/kg;
Sulfur content S = 1.15%;
Carbon content C = 18%.
For oil fuel:
Amount consumed M2 = 10t;
Inferior caloric power Pc = 38,000 kJ/kg;
Sulfur content S = 3%;
Carbon content C = 76%.

Formulas for emission factors:

Amount of emission of pollutants:

E M Pc e ,
E- emission of pollutant
M- the mass of consumed combustible in tones;
e- emission factor for each pollutant;
Pc caloric power, kJ/kg.
Emission factor
Is computed for each pollutant according to some differentiate relation

For SO2

eSO2 (M SO2 / M S ) (S /100) (1 r ) / Pc ,


eSO2 - emission factor for SO2, kg/kJ

MSO2 molecular mass of SO2, MSO2 = 64 kg/kmol;
M - molecular mass of sulfur, MSO2 = 32 kg/kmol;
r - degree of retention of sulfur in clay and ash; r lignite = 0.2 and r oil = 0.


For NOx

e( NOx _80) e( NOx _100) [a (1 a)( L 50) / 50]

e( NOx _ 80) - emission factor for NOx (for L=80%);

e( NOx _100) - emission factors for NOx (for L=100%), e( NOx _100) 2.6 107 for lignite and

e( NOx _100) 2.8 107 for tar.

a burning coefficient of the combustible; 85% for lignite and 75% for tar.


For ash

eash A(1 x)(1 y) / Pc

e( NOx _ 80) - emission factor for ash, kg/kJ;

A ash amount for lignite

x degree of ash retention, x= 15%
y operating efficiency index, y=97%


For CO2

eCO2 (M CO2 / M C )(C /100) / Pc

eCO2 - emission factor for CO2, kg/kJ;

M CO2 - molecular mass of CO2, M CO2 =44 kg/kmol;

M C - molecular mass of C, M C =12 kg/kmol;

C percentage of carbon from the combustible (lignite/tar), %
Emission factor for carbon dioxide (CO2) adopted by EU countries for fuel oil is 98 106

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