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2007 Systemic Pathology Short Exam I

1. An acute intracerebral hemorrhage is NOT associated with which of the following:

a. Sudden onset
b. Headache
c. Vomiting
d. Loss of conciousness
e. Mental retardation
2. Alzheimers is associated with which of the following:
a. Mutation on Chromosome 21
b. Amyloid precursor protein
c. Bad Tau protein
d. Older adults
e. All of the above
3. Which of the following is true of Primary Demyelinating Neuropathy?
a. Not from mercury poisoning
b. Motor nerves affected first
c. Starts in bran then moves to peripheral nerves
d. Primary feature of parkinsons
4. Guy had heart attack (I think viggie said something about infarct directly, but I like your version better!!). Which
will be noticed on lab tests immediately (to distinguish from the other markers that can be found 6-12 & 24 hrs
after the infarct)?
a. Angiotensin II
b. Elevated ESR
c. Hematocrit
d. myoglobin
e. catecholamines
5. Which is not true of temporal (giant cell) arteritis.
a. Usually affects external carotid artery
b. Affects young East Asian Women
c. Unilateral throbbing headache
d. Impaired vision
e. Jaw claudication
6. Hepatitis B is associated with:
a. Polyarteritis Nodosa
b. Kawasaki disease
c. Buerger Disease
d. Takayasu Arteritis
e. Churg-Strauss syndrome
7. Guy has had angina. Now has pain every now and then that is more severe with less effort.
a. Stable Angina
b. Unstable Angina
c. Prinzmetals Angina
d. .
e. .
8. Which of the following is an autoimmune disease associtated with necrotic myocardial cells?
a. Dressler Syndrome
b. Good Pasture Syndrome
c. Wegner Granulomatosis
d. Churg-Strauss Syndrome
9. Rheumatic Heart disease is associated with:
a. Tricuspid Valve .
b. Tricuspid Valve Stenosis
c. Aortic Stenosis
d. Mitral Valve Stenosis
e. .
10. What is the most likely reason for a patient to have hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, and pitting edema?
a. Right sided heart failure
b. Left sided heart failure

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