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forms of government

confederacy of patriarchies

world-shaking event
depletion or extinction (a type of monster (unicorn, manticore, dragon)) and a
cataclysmic disaster (magic gone awry or a planar warp)

rise or fall of a leader or an era


multiverse configuration
has an elysian field, where great heroes (15-20th level) inhabit after their
deaths, as long as there aren't any necromantic curse keeping them out.
can access planes by a planar road, that randomly conducts to another
but the general configuration is the Myriad Planes. In this cosmology,
countless planes
clump together like soap bubbles, intersecting with each
other more or less at random.
If you are initiated in certain Mystery Cults, you gain the secret knowledge
that a single Universe encompasses everything. In possession of this
understanding, the plane configuration for these people is One World. In this
model, the Material Plane includes
places like the bottomless Abyss, the shining Mount
Celestia, the strange city of Mechanus, the fortress of
Acheron, and so on. All the planes are locations in the
world, reachable by ordinary means of travel-though
extraordinary effort is required, for example, to sail

across the sea to the blessed isles of Elysium.

Dungeon Goals
Find an NPC who disappeared in the area

Wilderness Goal
Protect a wilderness site from attackers

Other Goals
Infiltrate a Fortified Location

Adventure Patrons
Retired adventurer

Adventure Villain
Humanoid Criminal Mastermind

Adventure Allies
Sage (can be the patron, a retired adventurer that became a sage - a druid)

Adventure Introductions
A ghost appears and terrorizes a village. Research
reveals that it can be put to rest only by entering the
adventure location.

Adventure Climax

The adventurers must choose whether to pursue

the fleeing main villain or save an N PC they care
about or a group of innocents.

Framing event
Artistic performance

The adventurers have a time limit

Side Quests
Slay a specific monster.

npc appearance
Missing fingers

npc abilities
Expert juggler

npc manneirisms
Slurs words, lisps, or stutters

npc interactions

npc ideal


npc bond
Protective of a sentimental keepsake

npc flaw or secret

Prone to rage

Villain's scheme
Seize a position of power or title

villain's methods

Villain's weakness
An ancient prophecy or riddle reveals how the
villain can be overthrown.

dungeon location
in a forest

dungeon creator

cults and religious groups

worshippers of a neutral deity

npc alignment
chaotic good

npc class

dungeon purpose
Tomb. Tombs are magnets for treasure hunters, as
well as monsters that hunger for the bones of the dead

dungeon history
Conquered by invaders

race relations

ruler's status
Ruled or controlled by a powerful monster

notable traits
Destitute, rundown

known for its

Delicious cuisine

current calamity
Plague or famine (sparks riots)

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