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Power Analysis and Hypothesis Testing

Comparing Group Means Using the Independent Samples t Test

For example, if you want to compare ADDSC (ADD Scores) between male and female children,
you might do the following:
Menu selections include <Analyze> <Compare Means> <Independent Samples T Test>.
A SPSS dialog window pops up. You then move addsc to Test Variables, and move gender
to Grouping Variable. You also need to click on the button of Define Groups which will pop
up another dialog window where the radio button of Use Specified Values is checked and you
input 1 in Group 1 and 2 in Group 2.
And, click on Continue.
You might want to click on options and make sure the following screen with the information is
Then, you click on Continue.
Then, click on OK button.
A separate screen will pop up to present a new SPSS output file as follows:
If you want to copy a specific output table and paste it into a word file, you can move mouse to
the table and click on the left button on mouse to select this table and then click on the right
button to select copy.
Then in your desired word file, you can select from menu Edit and then Paste to obtain the
following table:
You might also use the Export menu to paste the desired table into a word file.
If you use Export menu, you will see a pop up window as follows;
You can click Ok and find the table on the designated word file on your PC driver.

Use the Freeware G*Power to analyze desired sample size and power.

If you want to compute power using a .05 alpha and a two-tailed test using the G*Power, make
sure you have selected the independent t-test and the two-tailed option.
Then click on calculate to get the achieved power under effective size 0.5 (medium) and
specific group sizes.
You can click on Protocol of Power Analysis tag if you want to save or print the results.
If you want to propose sample size for a future study, for example an Independent Samples t
Test, you may select
A Priori: compute required sample size given , power, and effect size.
Then, click on Calculate.

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