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Discovered by : Clemens Winkler

Discovery date : 1886

Characterstics :
Germanium (Ge), has an atomic number of 32. It is
grayish-white, lustrous, hard and has similar chemical properties
to tin and silicon. Germanium is brittle and silvery-white under
standard conditions. Germanium under this condition is known
as -germanium, which has a diamond cubic crystal structure.
When germanium is above 120 kilobars, germanium has a
different allotrope known as -germanium. Germanium is one of
the few substances like water that expands when it solidifies.
Germanium, a semiconductor, is the first metallic metal to
become a superconductor in the presence of strong
electromagnetic field.

Discovered by : Paul-mile Lecoq de Boisbaudran

Discovery date : 1875
Characteristics :
Gallium is the chemical element with the atomic number
31 and symbol Ga on the periodic table. It is in the Boron family
(group 13) and in period 4. Gallium was discovered in 1875 by
Paul Emile Lecoq de Boisbaudran. Boisbaudran named his
newly discovered element after himself, deriving from the Latin
word, Gallia, which means Gaul. Elemental Gallium doesnt
exist in nature but gallium (III) salt can be extracted in small
amounts from bauxite and zinc ores. Also, it is known for
liquefying at temperatures just above room temperature.

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