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Use the acronym below to help you remember your test taking strategies for reading passages.

ead the title.

Be Slick & Predict.

What is the selection going to be about? Fiction or nonfiction?

nderline the important key words in the QUESTIONS as you read them.

Document your Evidence.

o add question number by your evidence in the text


otice any numbered paragraphs in the selection number if you need to.

ow READ the selection and as you read underline key words and clues.

Be Smart with Charts.

o read the charts all the way through for information
Use the Key to Unlock the Meaning.
o use your key words and key details to help answer the questions

liminate wrong answers as you re-read questions & ALL answer choices.

Slash the Trash.

o get rid of the answer choices you know are not correct.

e-read the possible correct answers.

Nail Down the Details.

elect the best answer!

Check it out.
o double Check your answer to make sure its the correct one

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