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Port of Constantza-South/Container Terminal Project

Beams of Railway for RTG Crane


Port of Constantza-South/Container Terminal Project

Beams of Railway for RTG Crane


4.1. Description of object
Travelling of the RTG crane within the store yard, for handling of containers, is to be made on
several reinforced concrete beams.
4.2. Types and sizes of beams
- five longitudinal railways of two rails each made
of reinforced concrete beams type A:

10,0 x 2,0 x 0,30 m

- four transverse railways of four rails each

made of reinforced concrete type D:

10,75 x 1,0 x 0,30 m

- at the transverse intersection of the longitudinal

rails, reinforced concrete slabs are to be made:

3,50 x 3,50 x 0,30 m

4.3. Norms and standards

- STAS 10101/0A-77 Actions in constructions. Classification and grouping of actions for civil
and industrial works
- STAS 10107/0-90 Civil and Industrial Works. Calculation and structuring of elements
pertaining to concrete structures, reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete structures
- Practice Code for performance of concrete works, reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete
works, NE 012-99
4.4. Particulars of foundation soil
Foundation soil consists of a recent filling layer about 20 m high placed onto the natural seabed.
The average particulars considered for calculations were:
E = 10.000 KPa, = 0,35
4.5. Particulars of concrete
- concrete strength grade:
C 25/30 (fCK(cil) = 25 N/mm2)
- Rc = 18 N/mm
- Rt = 1,25 N/mm2
- Eb = 32500 N/mm2
- = 0,2
- Gb = 0,4 Eb = 13000 N/mm2

Port of Constantza-South/Container Terminal Project

Beams of Railway for RTG Crane

4.6. Particulars of reinforcement

- Type of reinforcement:

PC 52 (STAS 438 89)

- Ra = 300 N/mm2
- Ea = 210 x 109 N/m2

4.7. Loads
4.7.1. Permanent loads
- self weight

b = 24 KN/m3

4.7.2. Variable loads

The load from the RTG wheels is Pmax = 20,0 t
This load includes a load coefficient of 1.1 and a dynamic coefficient of 1.2

4.7.3. Exceptional loads

Port of Constantza-South/Container Terminal Project

Beams of Railway for RTG Crane

- no such provisions were made in the calculations as the basic group has sufficient coverage
through the considered coefficients
4.8. Hypotheses for positions of wheels on beam
4.8.1. Hypotheses for strains of beams type A
Hypothesis I

Hypothesis II

Hypothesis III

Hypothesis IV

Port of Constantza-South/Container Terminal Project

Beams of Railway for RTG Crane

Hypothesis V

Hypothesis VI

Port of Constantza-South/Container Terminal Project

Beams of Railway for RTG Crane

4.8.2. Hypotheses for strains of beams of the B type

Hypothesis I

Hypothesis II

4.8.3. Hypotheses for strains of slabs 3,50 x 3,50 x 0,30

Hypothesis I

Port of Constantza-South/Container Terminal Project

Beams of Railway for RTG Crane

Hypothesis II

4.9. Results of Calculations

The calculation of strains within the above mentioned load hypotheses shown as beams on an
elastic medium, have been made by the COSMOS program, based on the finite elements. The self
weight was introduced into the program based on the density of the material specified within the
entry data..
The resulting maximum strains are as follows:
Beams of Type A:
Mx = +1,2 x 104 Nm/m
Mx = -1,2 x 104 Nm/m
My = +8,5 x 104 Nm/m
My = -6,0 x 104 Nm/m
Qmax = 3,0 x 105 N/m
Note: x axis along the beam;
y axis transverse the beam + fiber stretched at the bottom
side; - fiber stretched at the topside
Maximum deviations: 0,006 m at the margin and 0,0025 m in the field
Beams type B:
Mx = +5,0 x 104 Mm/m
Mx = -1,0 x 103 Nm/m
My = +1,0 x 105 Nm/m
My = -3,0 x 104 Nm/m
Qmax = 3,0 x 105 N/m
Maximum deviations:

0,0085 m at the margin and 0,0028 m in the field

Port of Constantza-South/Container Terminal Project

Beams of Railway for RTG Crane

Slabs of 3,50 x 3,50 x 0,30 m:

Mx = +5,5 x 104 Mm/m
Mx = -7,0 x 104 Nm/m
My = +5,5 x 104 Nm/m
My = -7,0 x 104 Nm/m
Qmax = 2,0 x 105 N/m (at the margin) and 1,5 x 105 (in the field)
Maximum deviations:

0,004 m at the margin

4.10. Size of reinforcement

The sizing of reinforcements was made at the limit state of resistance and the following
reinforcements resulted:
4.10.1. Reinforcement of beams type A
- longitudinal bars at the lower part:
- longitudinal bars at the upper part:
- transverse bars at the lower part:
- transverse bars at the upper part:
- stirrups:

9 16 mm
9 18 mm
5 14 mm/m
5 14 mm/m
2 x 5 10 mm/m

4.10.2. Reinforcement of beams type B

- longitudinal bars at the lower part:
- longitudinal bars at the upper part:
- transverse bars at the lower part:
- transverse bars at the upper part:
- stirrups:

6 18 mm
6 12 mm
10 12 mm/m
5 14 mm/m
5 10 mm/m

4.10.3. Reinforcement for slabs of 3,50 x 3,50 x 0,30 m

- longitudinal and transverse bars at the lower part:
- longitudinal and transverse bars at the upper part:
- outline stirrups:

2 x 24 16 mm
2 x 24 16 mm
10 mm/30 cm

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