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40) Acidity
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By drinking the mixture of white onion juice and sugar gives relief from
Sprinkle sugar and pepper on the piece of pineapple and eat it to get relief from
Grind white onions, mix sugar and curd in it and eat it to get relief from
By eating the mixture of 1 tsp amla juice, 1 tola black raisins and half tsp of
honey gives relief from acidity.
Make a ketchup of cardamom, sugar and mangos teen and eat it to get relief
from acidity.
Take equal quantity of raisins and myrobalan, mix same quantity of sugar in
it, prepare tablets of this mixture (wt of 1tablet = wt of 1 rupee coin). By taking
this tablet acidity is relieved.
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By drinking pumpkin juice adding in it sugar gives relief from acidity.

By taking powder of root pepper and sugar gives relief from acidity.

By taking dry ginger, sugar cube and amla powder gives relief from acidity.

Add 1 lemon juice and half tsp sugar in half litre of water. By drinking this
water half an hour before lunch gives relief from acidity.
Acidity is relieved by taking coriander seeds and cumin seeds powder along
with sugar. If you get burning sensation after meal then that is also relieved.

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Acidity is relieved by drinking carrot juice.

By adding little sugar and 4-5 nos of black pepper fried in ghee of which
powder is made, in 100 to 200 gms of milk and by drinking this milk in the
evening relieves acidity.
By mixing approx 1-2 gms of soda-bi-carb either in coriander seeds-cumin
seeds powder or in sudarshan's powder and by taking it relieves acidity.
By taking tulsi leaves either with curd or with butter milk gives relief from
By taking 1-1 tsp of amla powder daily in the morning and at night gives relief
from acidity.
Make a decoction of neem leaves and amla, by drinking this decoction gives
relief from acidity.
By taking coriander seed and dry ginger powder along with water gives relief
from acidity.

By eating the mixture of tender radish and sugar gives relief in acidity.

By taking satavari powder along with honey gives relief from acidity.

By drinking orange juice adding in it little roasted cumin seed and sindhalun
gives good result in acidity.

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