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Evaluation of the 1st meeting in Estonia Vaatsa

Results students questionnaire

1. What is your general opinion about the meeting in Estonia?
it was very exciting
it was good
not so good
very dissapointing ...

16 94%
1 6%
0 0%
0 0%

2. Are you satisfied by the program and activities of the meeting?

very satisfied
so and so
a little dissatisfied
very dissatisfied

14 82%
3 18%
0 0%
0 0%

3. How did you get along with the other students you met in Estonia?
just OK
not so well
really bad

12 71%
4 24%
1 6%
0 0%

4. Do you think that this experience helped you improve and develop yourself and
your communication skills?

very much 10 59%

a little
7 41%
not at all 0 0%

5. Do you feel more ready and capable of continuing the Comenius project after the

yes 17 100%
no 0 0%

6. Did this meeting help you understand better and respect other cultures?

yes 17 100%
no 0 0%

7. What did you like MOST about this meeting?

visiting another country

13 76%
visiting a foreign school
3 18%
meeting children from so many countries & making new friends
6 35%
learning new things about new cultures
7 41%
learning new things about natural resources in other countries
3 18%
excursions and off-school activities
7 41%
the presentations of the participating countries and schools
0 0%
the feeling we are all members of the same (European) community 2 12%
the feeling we can all co-operate and have fun together
2 12%
hospitality, food and beverage
9 53%
0 0%

8. What do you suggest for next meeting?

more in-school activities

5 29%
more outdoor activities
5 29%
more ice-break activities for knowing other students 6 35%
more collaborative activities with other students
5 29%
5 29%

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