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Evaluation of the 2nd meeting in Italy Mazara

Results teachers questionnaire

1. In you opinion, did the meeting fulfill the general goals of the project?
yes-but not to my full

6 75%
2 25%
0 0%

2. The organization of the meeting was

very good

1 13%
3 38%
4 50%
0 0%

3. Indicate your overall satisfaction with the program of activities realized during the
very satisfied
somewhat satisfied
very dissatisfied

5 63%
3 38%
0 0%
0 0%

4. Indicate your overall satisfaction with the co-operation between the partners during
the meeting
very satisfied
somewhat satisfied
very dissatisfied

7 88%
1 13%
0 0%
0 0%

5. How would you rate the response, the interest and the participation of your students
during the meeting?


4 50%
4 50%
0 0%
0 0%

6. What was the most beneficial aspect of the meeting for you?
visiting another country
3 38%
multi-cultural and trans-national exchange and co-operation
7 88%
combined activities
2 25%
the opportunity of personal contact-meeting partners in person
4 50%
presentations of each partner school
1 13%
personal development (both for teachers and students)
3 38%
hospitality - food and beverage
2 25%
arrangements, discussion and agreements for next activities
1 13%
feeling more as a member of the European community
1 13%
the theme and content of the project (Education for Energy in Europe) 2 25%
0 0%
This question had many options. So, total percentage is more than 100%.
7. Do you think that something was missing during the 2nd meeting? Even if you found this meeting as an excellent one,
activity with teachers and students
More practical activities
More concretly organized workshop for students, not so much waiting
make sure all students can hear the presenters and experts due to other students talking and also too quiet presenters/experts
more free time
learning more about the host families
wifi was missing in the hotel

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