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Objective To determine the cross sectional area, A, of a test-tube Variables Manipulating variable: V Responding variable: ht Apparatus ‘Test-tube, stand, boss and clamp, 10 cm? measuring cylinder, 100 cm? of water in a beaker, half metre rule. Diagram @ ) Procedure 1, Clamp the test-tube on the stand so that it is vertical and add water to the tube so that the bottom of the meniscus is level with the mark on. the tube, as shown in diagram (a). 2. Now add the volume of water, V, in cm? and measure the height, h, in cm, of the meniscus above the mark as shown in diagram (b). 3, Repeat this procedure to obtain six pairs of values of V and h. Tabulate your readings of hand V. Data analysis 1, Plot a graph of h (y-axis) against V (x-axis). Find the gradient, G, of the graph. Given that G = 1/A, find the value of A. Discuss ONE error that could have been made in this experiment and the precautions you took to avoid it. eR: Conclusion ‘The cross-sectional area, A, was found to be ... {2g 01 punoy sem auo3s ays Jo AusUap au, ‘uoysn;u0> ‘auo}s amp Jo Aajsuap aanvejar ayy aremnsqey “¢ ‘auo¥s ay Jo Aysuap ayy awemoqeD °Z qaayem paseydsip ax Jo auINjoa ayy pue auoIs af Jo auMIoa ayy inode Aes Nos UEDIEUM “T sishjeue weg ‘Apreudosdde synsar mos provsy-Z g{geunI0s 2]qe-t0OU 430 aiqea) syinsar jo ad&y stup 104 a1qeNINS st UIA NOS Op YeUTIOS YUM “T papayio> ered -paurergo s} aumnyoa axp Joy 1aMsUE JUDIS|SHOD e JUN amnparoid ieaday “Ss -yaaay ada ye apury> Stunseaut yp UT payDaTfos 19¥eM padeydstp jo ‘A ‘DUINJoOA aI aUTUIIIG "F saayem aun Ur pasrourury 4faraydwos st at RUN auOIS tp zamoy Anua® pue apur[do Sutnseou ayyowuPIods ayy Ded“ “(@Beyed] ou st aay Jey aunsuD ‘2peur st we> 1) adeqins jana B UO UTEIp O} MojTE PUES UR IH Z “aoupyeg aup Sufsn auo}s at Jo ‘ud “ssetu 9tp PULL “TL 2anparoid > ‘poigo L— ues eyaina wes6eq, ‘aouryeq ‘1apurtdo Suunseaut ‘es quauade{dstp ‘aye ‘UOIS smeseddy (og aed aas) syuts yey algo senBant ue jo Ayisuap axp Sutpuy ut payeDosse suonnedaad au as" -Auisuap aanepas aremnsqed 0} EIMUALIOS & AIM, ‘Ausuap aanepar st eum “Aystiap auyap 0} enULI0} payejar ayy AIM, cAusuap seu. ypueasai/AsoayL, dasa (ou03s) 329[go sejnBaust ue jo Ausuap atp puy oF aampalqo: Objective ‘To investigate the relationship between length and period of a pendulum Theory/research 1. What is a period? 2. List the precautions you should take when measuring the length and the period of the pendulum (see page 82). Variables 1. What is the variable that you are going to change systematically in this lab? 2. What is the variable that you are checking to see if it responds in this lab? Manipulating variable : Responding variable Apparatus Pendulum, ruler, stopclock/stopwatch, set square, retort stand. Diagram Procedure 1. Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram with the length, 1, of the pendulum at about 80 cm. Ensure that the ruler is vertical. Use the ruler and set square to measure the exact length of the pendulum. 2. Set the pendulum oscillating with a small amplitude but in one plane, 3. Using the countdown method and timing from a mid-reference line, find the time, t,, taken for 20 oscillations, 4, Repeat timing (f3) to ensure accuracy. S. Change the length of the pendulum and repeat the procedure. Vary the length between 1 = 10.0 cm and 80.0 cm. Ensure that your readings are spread over the entire range. Data collected Record your data in a suitable table. In addition to columns for |, ty, fy t (average) include columns for T (period) and T?. Data analysis 1. Doa table analysis to find out if 7? is proportional to ! 2. Plot a graph of 7 against ! 3. Use your graph to find the period of a pendulum whose length is 35 cm? 4, Find §, the gradient of the graph. e 4x 00S 6. What can you conclude about the relationship between J and 72? 7. Write an equation connecting 7? and 1. Given that ¢ find g. Conclusion ‘Write a suitable conclusion. Objective ‘To determine the internal diameter of a drinking straw. Apparatus Drinking straw, water, beaker, 10 cm* measuring cylinder, ruler. Instructions 1. Determine the internal diameter of the drinking straw. (Hint: Fill it with water several times and use the fact that the volume of a cylinder is given by ye mth 4 where d= diameter of the circular end and f= height of the cylinder Lab write up Record of measurement Procedure and precautions Calculations Conclusion The internal diameter of the straw was found to be ... Data analysis 1. Find X= (,-1,) /100, 2. Plot a graph of 7? against M in grams. 3. Determine G, the gradient of the line. 4. Hence find g, given that ¢ where g is in m/s? 40 Gx10 5. Record any precautions you took in order to obtain good readings. Conclusion ‘The value of g was found to be Objective ‘To find the thickness of a test-tube glass Apparatus Test-tube, vernier calipers, 5 cm} syringe or 10 ml measuring cylinder, water, two retort stands, SO cm or 100cm ruler. Instructions Find the thickness of the glass of the given test-tube. Proceed as follows (i) Use the vernier calipers to measure the outside diameter, d, of the tube. Gi)_Use the fact that the volume of a cylinder is V= ®t 4 (d= diameter of the circular end, h = height of cylinder) to determine the inside diameter of the tube. (ili) Hence find the thickness x of the glass. Lab write up 1. Measurement of outside diameter 2, Details of procedure (for measuring the inside diameter, d. Use diagrams where necessary) Conclusion ‘The thickness of the test-tube glass was found to be ... 7. ‘Transfer the metal as quickly as possible from the beaker to the styrofoam cup with liquid and begin to stir. 8, Record the highest temperature, 0,, of the liquid obtained after the ‘metal was placed in the styrofoam cup. Data analysis 1. Why must the transfer of metal be done quickly? 2. After a while the temperature falls from its maximum value, Why is this? 3. Why is a styrofoam cup a good choice as a container? 4. Given the assumption: Heat energy gained by liquid = heat energy lost by metal. Find the S.H.C. of metal (use value of s.h.c. of liquid in appendix E). Find the S.H.C. of liquid (use value of s.h.c, of metal from appendix E). 5. Why is this assumption not strictly true? 6. State two possible sources of ertor in your experiment. 7. Compare the experimental value obtained for the specific heat capacity with the theoretical value. Conclusion Write a suitable conclusion based on your objective. Objective To find the specific latent heat of fusion of ice Theory/research 1. Define the specific latent heat of fusion of ice. 2. Write the associated equation connecting heat intake with I. 3. Describe in terms of the kinetic theory what happens to the heat ‘energy given to the ice. Explain why the temperature remains constant during this process. What change occurs in the ice as a result of this heat intake? In this experiment, what is the basic energy change occurring? Write a formula representing and equating these energies. List all the quantities that need to be measured in order to calculate the latent heat of fusion. Apparatus Ice, electric heater, funnel, beaker, balance, stopclock/stopwatch, retort stand.. Diagram tosupply 7 electric heater retort stand Procedure 1, Find the mass, m,, of the empty beaker and record the power rating, P, of the heater. 2. Place the heater in the funnel and completely surround it with ice. 3. Switch on the heater and start the clock at the same time. This must ‘be done quickly before the ice takes in heat from the surroundings and not the heater. 4. Switch off the heater after a reasonable length of time and record this, time, t. Find the mass, m,, of the beaker and water collected. Data collected Record your data in a suitable format. Data analysis 1. Calculate a value for the latent heat of fusion of ice in KJ kg”! 2. Discuss whether you consider your results to be accurate or not. State What is the major source of error in this experiment. Conclusion The specific latent heat of fusion of ice was found to be... i @ o) pues yor: a>uersqns ie eee — souersqns aan — a1 pues vores —| wreibeig dane ‘aye ‘puRs Words pop ‘ia\swWoULOL “rm ye2q ‘Podin ‘sousng uasung ‘sapjoy aqni-1say ‘aqnyys94 ‘aaueysqng smeseddy “: aiqeuea Surpuodsay, *: 9[qeuea Suneinduepy saiqeuen é2dueysqns e jo iujod Sunjaur amp stieuM -Z caueyp aseyd e staeq “1 upueasas/soays, afueyp aseyd b ye queasuoo sures amyeradwu9y yf ayeBHsaAU OL (1) soueIsqns e jo yujod Sunjaur ay puyol (1) (219 Yew a]pued ‘auateyrydeu) aourysqns e yo aain> Buyood ay 01d oF) sannpalqo Procedure 1. Set up the apparatus as shown in diagram (a) with the substance in water bath. 2, Heat the substance until it is completely melted and well above its melting point. 3. Remove the test-tube containing the substance and place it in a retort stand with the thermometer in the liquid (diagram b). 4. Start the clock and record the temperature reading for every half minute until the temperature is well below its melting point. Do not attempt to remove the thermometer during solidification. 'S. Heat the substance back up beyond the melting point to remove the thermometer from the substance. Data collected Record your results in a suitable table. Data analysis 1. Plot a cooling curve (temperature against time) for the substance, 2. Label the part of the graph in which the substance was (a) a solid (b) a liquid (c) undergoing the phase change. ‘What is the melting point of the substance? ‘What was noticeable as solidification was taking place? List the precautions and sources of error in this experiment. Use the kinetic theory to account for the shape of your graph. ae ee Conclusion ‘Write an appropriate conclusion for this experiment. Objective To investigate expansion on heating substances Theory/research 1. How would the caloric theory in the 18th century explain expansion? 2. What physical property of a substance changes when we say a body expands? 3. What does the kinetic theory of matter state? Explain what happens in terms of the kinetic theory when we heat a substance, 5. What is temperature? Apparatus Ball, ring, Bunsen burner. Diagram Oo Procedure 1. Before heating pass the ball through the ring and record your observation/s. 2, Heat the ball and then pass it through the ring and record your observation/s. Data collected Record your data in a suitable format. Data analysis 1. What has happened to the ball as a result of heating? 2, Explain in terms of the kinetic theory your two observations. Data collected Record your data in a suitable format. Data analysis 1. State one assumption that was made in the experiment. 2. Explain your observations and deduce what you can about the conductivity of the various metals. 3. Name one factor that could account for the differences in conductivity? Objective ‘To investigate the conductivity of water Apparatus ‘Test-tube, Bunsen burner, ice, gauze, water. Diagram Procedure 1. Place a piece of ice in a test-tube and use the gauze to keep it in place. 2. Fill the test-tube with water and use the Bunsen bumer to heat the top of the test-tube until the water boils. Record your observations. Data collected Record your data in a suitable format. Data analysis 1. Why does heat not reach the ice by convection? 2. What does your investigation show you about the conductivity of water? Justify your answer. 000000000 000000006 you one wes6eIa Aqunis smeseddy cuBnon e st eym pur asap esteUM “9 “uonseyarer e st ys pue uo[ssarduro> v st eyM UTeTdy °S “wat auyap pue sioauresed aaem aay au) OWEN “F Zaaem jeurpmBuoy este“ danem assaasueny e StUM *Z {aaeat e pur asind & uaamiaq asuazaysIp aya SIUM “TL + ypaeasay/Azoayt (jus) s8unds uo saaem Jo uonanpord amp aazasqo OL saappalqo, | sons NO SAVIN LON | Procedure (Hold the slinky on each end. The first person produces the pulse or wave and the second person holds the end stationary). Hold the slinky on the benchtop and send a pulse along the wave by ‘moving hand in and out. Observe carefully what occurs as the pulse Teaches the second hand. Move hand in and out continuously and record your observations (see diagram 1). Hold the slinky on the benchtop and move hand left to right continuously and record your observations. Increase the rate of vibration by moving hand faster and observe the difference. Increase the distance moved by vibrating hand and observe the difference (see diagram 2). Hold the slinky above the ground and move hand up and down continuously at a moderate rate. Record your observations (see diagram 3). |. Hold the slinky above the ground and move hand up and down continuously at an extremely fast rate. Record your observations. Data collected Draw diagrams showing your observations and label the direction in which the energy is transferred and the direction of vibration. Data analysis 1. After a wave has passed what is the resultant displacement of the particles in the slinky? 2. What phenomenon occurs when the pulse approaches the boundary (second person)? Label your diagrams to indicate which observations show transverse ‘waves and which show longitudinal waves. Label your diagrams to show which observations show progressive waves and which show stationary/standing waves. . On appropriate diagrams label: (a) crests and troughs (©) compressions and rarefaction (©) nodes and antinodes (d) 2, the wavelength of each wave. What was the kinetic energy produced by the vibrating hand converted to? State what changes, if any, occur in the wave parameters when (a) we increase the rate of vibration. (b) we increase the distance moved by vibrating hand. Conclusions Write an appropriate conclusion stating what you have learnt. 9puyo 096 soem am sss wes6eig -aqmi sse8 popua uado ‘ayn anaut ‘iayem ‘sarouanbay quaraygip BEA sso} BuruNy ‘rapUT|AD ssep8 Tey, smeseddy Laiqetrea Supuodsay, J aiqetes Sunemdraeyy ssa1qeuen, 20 ‘0) yanony Buyssed aur] 1ystens e 398 04 sepi0 ut panord aq asus Ydess Wey, “ave ut punos jo paods aup st 4 arya ) yy Brass suonenbs ay 4q 1 9qni Jo wud] ays 0} paydauOD s} sIND90 StU YHA Ie 4 Souanbayy [eiuauTepUNs aYLL "sINd90 ssaUPNoT 20 apnatidure UT asea1Ut ‘ue pazsod st aqni at Jo TPFuay aya wom ‘st YeULL “suASuay enonTed ye simo90 aoueUosaL ‘aqny sseys e 1aAO BureAGHA st {205 Surana LOYAL upteasai/uoay, qn aouewosor » Sursn ste ut punos Jo paads axp Puy OL ean22{40 AOU 10 ayeINa3e st 39 9411 Jo UOReDO} au JOyIOyM UsINSUnSIp siup [TIM Moy ‘au pur e paywadax st ampaoord ax UUM “ft quawuadxa stu ut suonnesard jueyodusy ayy ist] °Z eveg ‘uonisod soyjoue wor ‘ureRe ywodoy auriquinid axp Jo uoR|sod mau ayy 21820] pue ainpaoord ayy yeadas pue eururey ax UL afoy JoyIOUP Arvid “F ‘auyiquinid au Jo wonIsod arp uy steap ‘t1ouad daeys v yin “a1arssod se afpa ayy 0} asop se paoeyd aq ast X IU X we ut 8unind £q sutjqumnyd atp Jo uontsod ayy puosaz “wngHMba UT st euTUE] au UaYs pue yoard at oF UO auTquIN(d ay puadsng -¢ ‘Ajpouy SurBus st yep amns aye, yoard ayy uo 11 puadsns pue Apoq auf Jo apa ays or aso| aJoy v aDvId °Z (doy-youag e Jo apts at Uo 10 pueys yoras e ut BuIDeId 4q) a1qeas st (4409 & Ut yomys urd feondo Jo [reU) oad ay ey auNsUy -7 come ? auyquind aanparoig ud puris wows wesbeq yoo ‘urd 10 [yeu ‘auTTquinid ‘pueys words ‘euTWET smeeddy Procedure 3 Almost fil the glass cylinder with water and lower a glass tube into, 2. Hold the vibrating tuning fork with lowest Before and after resonance, the intensity falls) 3 Record the length of tube, J, above the water at which resonance occurs and the frequency, f; of the tuning fork. 4. Repeat procedure for other tuning forks. Data collected Record your data in a suitable tabl quantities needed to draw the and record it in the table also, le. Record Fin metres. Calculate any straight line graph passing through (0,0) Data analysis 1 Plot a suitable straight line graph. 2. What does the gradient of your graph represent? 3. Use your graph to find a value for the speed of sound in ait, taking special care with your units. 4. Compare the theoretical v: and discuss the relative ac speed of sound. ‘alue of sound with your experimental value ‘curacy of using this method to find the How does the speed of sound compare with the speed of light? ‘Conclusion {iithin the limits of experimental eror the speed of sound was found to be earns -suyed Aex au Jo SUORDONIP a4 MOUS OF SOIT ‘uy awuqy es paroesjar aun yasaudax ov yO Bururol UH 9H Ut ANS 9 kes yuaBiTw> ayy wuasaudas ov ve std at soupy a ind 4g BunroUUO> tarot avec Aes yreppouT au Wasasdos 03 O We ‘uistad au saqonoy “1 hun Zg pur tq Bunpaustr09 ou © Ut AeA PU usd auf aaowiey °S coded aup Jo 289 au 02 25012 9q pmnoys "4 pur wsud ath 01 as0F) 2q pinoys fq ‘OV aes au WBNOT Arve ty Jo saBeust at usta Pause are Aaxp YU OF tq pue sg ald “F “2g uy yong “wsud ssepS aun usnoztH U99s srg nun @q urd puonas & axoy “Teuou 211 oF 50P> tg ud eased “f “fusud aya o av apis Jo aIpprus aus uy Youssou e UT EAC. “gay wsud ay auNO “T aanparoid spd 5506 saded peog rondo —— wes6ea, jouad ‘preog yeonido ‘S994 ‘orvenord gaded yo yous ‘wsud ‘std F smeseddy axSuv yuafsoua ‘apSue payessos ‘aye WPT ‘Kes yuaBs9Ua “fer porneayas Teunzou mous IWapLout Aes PAA wisude med “T upsvasas/A109u11, cusid Suysn ssey8 Jo xopuL aanes}e! auH PUY OL annpalao 7. Measure the value of the incident angle, i, and the refracted angle, 8. Repeat procedure to obtain at least 4 sets of readings. Data collected Record your data in a suitable format including calculated values of sini and sin r Data analysis 1. Doa table analysis to find the refractive index of glass. Conclusion ‘Write a suitable conclusion stating what you have learnt. waded ays jo apo auf 03 Sout at ptuadx “09 01 dn .07 “01 JO 4 sougpput jo sa{8ue ul esp pur yno pINseaU! OY JOIENIOAG MASH “E “9 wrod se 4yooiq ssef# aun pu reutsou at yo UonDosi9yut ath [ade YDoHd I apis Buo] at Jo agpprts ayy uo feuszoU e UE EAP OY ropenord ay as °Z potind ut 790%a ssep8 axp Jo aUTTINO ou Atexp ure Zoded 31 10 ONO Sen uy ora sserH aup adel ‘pHEOA [e>AdO ayy Ow saded au PHL “T aunpar0sd sparg 016 saded pieoa yeondo wes6e1 - pavog teondo syouad dreys e ‘syaea z ‘sind yeondo y ‘sorsestoud ‘saded Yorn 12018 Pr) smeseddy -uonpeyor jo apSur -ajqeites Supuodsy aouapiout so ofSue -ayqetrea SunemndrueH sarqeuen qos} pamnseoui uonseyjs Jo affue aup pur 29u9pHUT JoaeFUE aU OFF 2M “uonsexjo1 Jo afSue ‘aouap|out jo apSue ‘Aes pares Ae juappuy euou ‘Arepunog at Suistoys wesserp parade mye MEIC quonsesjar sueUM. “TL ypavasas/A2094. ssep8 10) uonseypa1 Jo sopSue Suypuodsax109 aun pur aauappur jo ae ayy uaastad diysuore|a aup aveBSINU OL annpalao 4, On the 10° line, place two pins A and B upright; so that A is as close to the block as possible and B is a close to the edge of the paper as possible, 5. Looking through the glass block at the images of A and B, turn your head in the position where the image of B is directly behind the aoe image of A. Place a pin C close to the block so that it appears ta bi“ Yn with The images of A and B. 6. Place a fourth pin D close to the edge of the page, so that it is in line with C and the images of A and B. * 7. Remove the pins and place an X over the holes for pins C and D that have the correct alignment. Remove the block as well. 8. Draw a line through the pinholes and extend it back to the glass block (point R). This represents the emergent ray. 9. By connecting point O to point R, draw in the refracted ray. Draw arrows on incident and emergent rays indicating the direction in which the light travels, Use the protractor to measure the angle of refraction, r, and record rand its corresponding angle of incidence, 10. Repeat procedure for all the angles of incidence drawn. Data collected Draw a table showing the values of i, r, sin i and sin r. Data analysis 1. How do your observations show that light is refracted? 2. Plot a graph of sin i (y-axis) against sin r (x-axis), 3. Does your graph show proportionality? Justify your answer, 4. From. vpur.qganb.findktteecobrae Ste ange OF meitence when the angle of refraction is 25°. 5. What is the gradient equal to in terms of the quantities on the axes? (see meaning of gradient page 141). 6. Give the name of the scientist who has a law with this term and state his law. 7. What is the connection between the gradient and the refractive index, n? 8. Use your graph to find the refractive index of glass, 9. Given that 1 = I/sin c, where c is the critical angle of glass, find the. value of the critical angle of glass. 10. Discuss any precautions and sources of error in this experiment. Conclusion Write an appropriate conclusion stating what you have found out from this lab. “Lut paurergo nos J jo anjea areunrxordde ayn soumn 2/11 Hoge Jo BoUERSIp v IP SUD] aR JO APIS BUC UO JDalqo IMOK aDvId °Z “Trem aun uo paurEago st 2oop Jo MopuEM auf Jo aBeUN Lea! e [HUN [Tea aun 01 dn suf at Buti pue wio0r e jo apts 340 UO MopUtM 10 100p ve uadg ‘suay ain Jo tA8u2] [e205 atp Jo anyea aiewxordde oy PULL “L ‘aunpa2oig ps vvens sm 2a wei6eig ‘s01nos 348] ‘s9[nU “uaa1ds “(saxtas ssox9) algo ‘1apIoY sua] ‘suay BuIBIOALO smeseddy souerstp afteurt :ajqetsea Surpuodsay, aouesip apalgo :ajqeues Sunendrueyy saiqeuen -paureigo aq we uonesyTuseur Mou MOUS eI aeINULIOS Ow AIM CUORLOYTUREU SHLyM “saueyp aoueisip palqo amp se spuodsar aauerstp aout at Moy SuImoys aie e MEIC“ AZ puodag (a1) AZ (dz Pue J MaDMIAg (1H) A PUR O UaRsMag (1) St Algo ALA Lay ‘paurerqo asieun ax Jo uoNIsod ayy SuIMOYs sureABEIp Ae mo} MEI °Z “sua SuiBioau0> v ynorep Surssed 48H SursdA08 soqns sary ay aTe YM “T . upueasas/Auoauys, . “spoypaut quaraysip omy £q paurergo uonestTuReUr atp areduoy “¢ “sua] v Jo Rup] [eo0} amp Puy -Z “A pue m Sun souUoD efMUOY ayy aye|NUTIO, “T 01 are noX get stun UT aan2afao 3. Use your ray diagrams in your theory to help locate an image on the | screen. Adjust the screen until the image is sharp and clear. Record values of both object distance, u, and image distance, v. 4. Measure the image height, hj, and object height, lig, for this | position only. 5. Repeat for seven other readings between fand 4 f. (Don’t forget to | spread your readings over the entire range). Data collected Record your data in a suitable table but include calculated values of 1/u and 1/v as well Data analysis 1. Calculate two values for the magnification from your results. Which i method do you think is more accurate? Justify your answer. 2, Plot a graph of 1/u against 1/v. 3. What kind of relationship exists between 1/u and 1/v? 4. Calculate the gradient m and determine the intercept c for your graph. Given that c= I/f find a value for f. The general form of this relationship is given by y= m x +c where yis the quantity on the y-axis, x is the quantity on the x-axis, m is the gradient and c= 1/f. 7. By making appropriate substitutions, formulate an equation connecting u, v and fonly. Show clearly how you have deduced your | an answer. (Hint: round off m to one significant figure). Conclusion ! = Write an appropriate conclusion to sum up what you have learnt. ‘.ouvysisar atp Jo anjea afezaae ay puy Or stsKTeur ayqey e Od “L sisyeue wea ‘aiqes a1qeumns we Uy syMs—x MOK pIOI9y payayjo> evea, -aBuer ajqyssod ysopim aus 19a0 sBUTPLDI OT - 8 urergo pur yeisoaus ayp uysn Supeas afeyoa pur yuuND at aRUEYD "F sa}aUnJOA auf UO ‘A ‘ABeITOA ayy pue sajauture ay uo ‘7 ‘FuaLIND auy POI PUR YAMS au HSUT “E ‘yynop au ypaup oF 1ayIeII/JosIAsIdNs ASV °Z {go yous ay pue uMUTPEUE ye 7e3SODUE 93 LEM wesSeqp ynoup ayy uF uMOYs se dn yas pur snyeredde aup [Te HOD “TL aanpar0id (<1 L I+ = wesBeyp Wn), -amm Suns9uu09 ‘YDS eISOaU TIaUNJOA TpaUTUe ‘Are TOIS|SA smeseddy ayqenrea Surpuodsoy, A caqqeuea Buneindzueyy sajqeuen gpanauu0d aq SiayPUNJOA ISN MOH“ {pa}souUOD aq SAU ISN MOH “Z suorenba ayp ut sjoquids ayn Jo Suruvau amp peep ayeig TF UIs payeposse ePMUO] au PUE MET SLIGO AIST ypteasai/Asoauy, so}s{sa1 v Jo AOULISTSEI aU PUY OL, aapalqo: q 2. Plot a graph of voltage against current. Is your graph proportional? Justify your answer. 4. Use your graph to find the value of the potential difference which gives a current of 0.35 A. 5. What is the meaning of the gradient? (See page 141) Is the conductor ohmic? 7. Use your graph to find the value of the resistance, 2 Conclusion Within the limits of experimental error the resistance was found to be. -sjsounody ayn 2anjas 20 woddns 01 evep sn0K 2801 “yuan Butseaiout yam sasea22P ‘SBI PIeMIO} Ul POI BJO aoueys|say aera palais puv uonesasaau ue yno parue> wopms VE {seq asraaau Uy aporp auf Jo aDuTAsTsaZ BATA 2UN SEEUM {stig paemios Ut amnox}> aun ut paserd st 3POID 910 tox yarn aup Jo apmarusew ou tf aBueUD oUt JO} SIHNO.E yeUM ‘1 \ sisheue eG. yeuszoy aqeyns v UT eVEP NOs PIO | paypaiton eed -ammpanoud aeadas pu (seiq aszonas) Az2n1e¢ 20 JO aod anysod ayy 01 3s95079 MOU St PUD 10H} 349 IEUI OS DPOIP OU S199 “afieyjoa pu auazsn9 Jo sanea so suted aaztp 1921109 i pue aporp aun yBnomyy Busou wn aus Area OF ISON ‘apes “9 “sBuypeos Ja2unfoa pure soya PLO. “S “aporp au gsorne royaunjoa auf UT ng “(seIq prEssop) Ar—0eC AD FO ajod aanie3ou Sia os as0p> sf ue HUOHS aU UTD O5 SOURS UT POTD HR FTN MON *F “ypyouruure atp uo pansasqo aan no yeyA PION “E -youis aug aso “yMD4P yo2up oF rostazadns MOY" \ sumurrxeur ye qeysoaus pue Wado Yreass 2 IM you savas ‘e uy aporp ath pu saaunjoa ayp ydaoxa studuoduso> 248 Te ypauuod “T aanpa20d Z -quesSeqp anon ajqeains © MCC. wei6ea “rpqaunfon ‘10381591 ayqeuea ‘soyourase ‘yours ‘one ‘21184 Buna IO ‘2POIP s}NPUOD|AS smeieddy -quaumno ‘3p pue ‘sre uaaanad ysINgURSIA “F {aporp aUp JO TOI} ‘ayy st apts UTM “UM uouuadxa ax op 01 Buys aze nos EUR 2PO1P 248 30 "weisieyp @ MEIC “€ {apOIp aup JO UOT aun st apis yptuas“aporp e suasoxdat oF past oquuls mT 1 mera Z sqeurayeut addi-g pu avn uaeaned pouarayip aun St ¥eUM. -syeuoyeut adieu pue sjeuawem ad&trd Hod Jo dn apeus ST ‘pomp UL “T ypaeasaa/Aoau aporp aup yo azmyeu axp ayedinsaaut OL, annpalao | sara Va0 sundVN it NOUVOUSIANT | Objective To verify the principle of moments. Theory/research 1. What is the moment of a force? 2. What is the centre of gravity of an object? 3. How do we decide if a moment is clockwise or anticlockwise? 4. What does the principle of moment state? Draw a lab and write the formula associated with the principle. If the mass is in grams and the weigl we need to multiply the mass by to yelled diagram ht is in newtons, what factor do convert to weight? Apparatus Metre rule, three standard masses, pivot, set square, retort stand Diagram Procedure 1 Place the rule onto the pivot and adjust until the rule balances. Record the position of the cg. Ensure that the pivot remains at thie ¢ & Position for the rest of the experiment. 2. Set up the of rule. 3. Adjust masses until the ‘m, and m, Record x), x, and 2x3, the graduation 5. Record the distances d,, d, and dy, These distances are obtained by get mass and finding the difference fro equipment as shown in the diagram with the ot at cg. ystem Is in equilibrium. Record masses m,, marks of masses m,, m, and m, Of m,, mz and m, from the pivot. ting the graduation mark for the m the position of the c.g. mark. Is the diode ohmic in forward bias? From your observations, describe the function of a diode in a circuit. What would be observed if an a.c. current is passed through a diode? Sketch a current-time graph to illustrate your answer. Is the current now a.c. or d.c.? How is this current different from that produced by a | dry cell battery? | _ INVESTIGATION 2: DEFECTIVE DIODES | Objective To determine if a diode is defective ane Diagram and procedure 1. You are provided with a closed box with ends labelled A and B. The \ box is known to contain a diode. | 2. Describe a simple procedure you can carry out in order to determine if the diode contained in the closed box is defective. Draw a suitable circuit diagram to accompany your procedure. | Data collected and analysis Perform the procedure you have outlined, recording suitable data. Analyse your data collected and conclude appropriately. X= 134em 16g. at $0.2 em [+44 y= 50.2~13.4=36.8em 6. Note the direction of the moments (clockwise or anticlockwise) Produced by masses m,, m, and my, 7. Repeat procedure for different sets of position of the masses m,, m, ‘my and the distances d;, dy and ds. You may change the values of, ‘mz and m; and/or repeat with two masses only. Data collected Record your data in a suitable table being careful to record the masses with the correct corresponding distances and their directions. Data analysis 1. Convert your masses to forces and find the moment of each force, Knowing the moments that are clockwise or anticlockwise, calculate the sum of clockwise and the sum of anticlockwise moments. Record in a suitable table. Why must the pivot be at the c.g. throughout the experiment? List any precautions and sources of error in this experiment. Discuss whether or not your data collected verifies the principle of moments. Conclusion Within the limits of experimental error . Objective To determine if a body (spring, rubber band e.t.c.) obeys Hooke’s law Theory/research 1. What does Hooke’s law state? 2. Isit valid for all materials? 3. What is the difference between mass and weight? What are their standard units? 4. How do we convert mass to weight? 5. What is the elastic limit? 6. What is a permanent set? Variables Manipulating variable: Weight Responding variable: Extension Apparatus Metre rule, spring, holder, slotted masses, pointer, (Plasticine or masking. tape/optical pin), two retort stands, set square. Diagram retort stand — slotted masses set square ates Procedure 1. Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram ensuring that the metre rule is vertical and the pointer is at right angles to the spring and horizontal. 2. Make sure the zero side of the rule is at the top and the pointer is moving directly over the scale. 3. Place the holder onto the spring and record the reading lp, the position of the pointer, on the metre rule without any slotted masses. 4. Continually add masses, m, and each time record the pointer position 1, (loading). 5. Obtain at least 8 readings for I. 6. Remove the masses in the same order and re-check, the pointer position / (unloading). Data collected Record Ip. Tabulate results form — mass added in grams F — weight added in Newton 1, — pointer position loading |, — pointer position unloading @ — extension Data analysis aaneenn Plot a graph of F (y-axis) against e (x-axis). Find the gradient of the graph. ‘What force produces an extension of 1.3 cm? Is F proportional to e? Justify your answer. Does your system obey Hooke’s law? Use your graph to determine the spring constant, k. ‘What would one expect to see in J, and I; if the spring had a permanent set? 7. Has the elastic limit been exceeded? 8. Identify two precautions you took in order to get good readings. Conclusion Write a suitable conclusion based on your objective. Objective ‘To find the specific heat capacity of a liquid by an electrical method Theory/research A. Define the specific heat capacity of a substance. State its symbol and its units. 2. Explain in terms of the kinetic theory why the temperature rises when substance is heated. Make clear the energy changes in the process. 3. Write the formula relating heat energy to the specific heat capacity. 4. Write a formula relating electrical energy given off from a heater to. the power rating of the heater. Apparatus Liquid, thermometer, electric immersion heater, retort stand, styrofoam cup, stopclock, balance. to power supply retort stand — thermometer — immersion | heater styrofoam cup Procedure 1._Find the mass, m,, of the empty cup. Fill the cup with a suitable amount of liquid and determine the mass, m,, of the cup and liquid, 2. Record the initial temperature, 6,, of the liquid and the power rating, P, on the heater. 3. Start the clock and simultaneously immerse the heater. 4. Stir the liquid to ensure uniform temperature and switch the heater off after a suitable time so that the temperature has changed by at least 50°C. Record the time, t, for which the heater was on. Make sure the temperature does not reach boiling point. 5: Without removing the heater, record the highest temperature, 8,, reached. 6. Repeat entire procedure to ensure reliability of results. Data collected Record your data in a suitable form. Data analysis 1. What is the major energy change occurring in this experiment? 2. Identify the precautions and sources of error in this experiment. 3. Assuming that the energy change in question 1 is the onlyone occurring, write an equation equating the two energy forms. Use your data to calculate the specific heat capacity of the liquid. (Don't forget you must use standard units). Compare the value obtained with the theoretical value and account for any differences. A household switches off its water heater and notices a significant decrease in its electricity bill, Explain why this so. Conclusion ‘The specific heat capacity of the liquid was found to be... Objective To find the specific heat capacity of a metal or liquid using the method of mixtures. Theory/research 1. Whaat is the specific heat capacity? 2. Write the formula associated with a specific heat capacity change. 3. List the precautions that apply to this heating system (see page 85). Apparatus Metal, liquid, styrofoam cup, water, stirrer, thermometer, balance, beaker, tripod, gauze, Bunsen burner, string. Diagram votes . ‘ thread i < Procedure 1. Find and record the mass, m,, of the metal using the balance. 2. Tie a string to the metal 3. Place the metal in a beaker of water and allow the water to boil with metal in it for at least 5 minutes. 4. Find the mass, m,, of the liquid placed in styrofoam cup by finding the mass of the cup alone and the mass of cup and liquid using the balance. 5. Record the initial temperature, @, of liquid in cup. 6. Record the temperature of the boiling water. This is also the initi temperature, Gy, of the metal. Objective ‘To map the magnetic fields around and between magnets Theory/research What is a magnetic field? ‘What are magnetic field lines? What does the closeness of field lines indicate? What does the direction of the field lines show? ‘What is a uniform field and how do field lines show this? See page 383 “Using a plotting compass” oaeene Appa ‘magnets, plotting compass, optical board, tacks, paper, pencil, iron filings, cardboard. Diagrams of possible arrangements | = 7 8 s s i magnetic North Data collected Record your results appropriately. Data analysis From your data, what can you deduce about the current flowing at different points in a series circuit? Objective : ‘To investigate potential differences in a series circuit Circuit diagram Procedure 1, Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram with the voltmeter in Position A, with the rheostat at maximum and the switch off. Ask supervisor/teacher to check the circuit. 3. Insert the switch and adjust the rheostat until a large voltage is obtained but not exceeding range of voltmeter. 4. Record the voltage, V, on the voltmeter in position A. Do not adjust the rheostat further. 7 S. Similarly, record the voltmeter readings in positions B, C and D in turn. For positions B, C and D, record the corresponding values of the resistors whose potential difference were measured. Data collected Record your results appropriately. Data analysis 1. Actoss which resistor is the potential difference the greatest? 2, Find the sum of the potential differences across the three resistors, ‘What do you notice about this sum? 3. What can you deduce about the voltage across components in a series circuit? 4. Using V = R Icalculate the current flowing through each resistor. Do - these results agree with your deductions from investigation 1? suopeNsuoUap soup Wosy TUBE] BABY NOK Te BUISIEEWUINS UOISMPUOD & AH uoysnppuo> gqorrered ut aq ssouenidde spsowop 10} suonDaut0> au PInoUs KUM "6 anos pprrered fe uy ypuerg yea ssoxse aBiea]oA at1 INoge aaNpep NOs UeDIEUM “8 ‘youeiq upto uy s0ystsar pea ssoude aBeyyon ayy azetnoyeo ‘Ty = A SuIsn Aa “L quonoun{ te Suyara] pur Supayua quar ay anoge sonpap nos WED TEAL {@q vonoUn{ Supavoy yuasin> axp Jo aNTeA au St IEUM 2 wonsun| Suu9\u9 sUALM ous Jo wns aU St CUM, {1 wonoun! Suravay syuasin> aq Jo WINS at St eUM {1 uonoun| SuuaqUD yuzIND ayy Jo anqeA AUN St TEU, jos sin st Au aaso8se] atp Supmoy ywaHNd amp SFL 109 ‘g YoueTG YIM UT“ sjsAyoue e1eg -yeunos ajqeains e UF EIEP AMOK p1032% payaijo> bea, cq pue +5 soxjpueig ur s103s1601 auf Jo sanea Buypuodsau09 axp Osfe PION °F ‘uopisod yoe2 ye Sumpear ywaxIn> axp pr0D91 ‘usmy uy pue g pur ‘q ‘9 ‘g OF ayaUIUHE stp Jo WoRsod ays BBUEHD “F ¥y uopysod siup ae zayaurme ay uO Suypeas atn PLO sojatuure auf Jo a8tues aup Suxpaadxe you yng ‘RuIMOT st yuozna afie] © 1eup Os yeIsoau aup snipe pu YSUMS amp 3801) °Z qinoip mod ypau> 04 s0s|asadns moK mofty “WNUIEXeUT ye 336 WISODLT aap pur y ye JayaUuTUTe au Upta aaoge UMOYS wessemp nou! au dn 19S “t aanpa2oid a x vorauet | 1 yonsunt wes6elp yn241> qnoipp jaytexed e uy quar ayes psAUTt OL anmpalao aundop pur ainssaud uaaatiag drysuonepss ayy ioge 0} aUIO9 NOK ued UOISNPUOI YM “F épinby ayy uy umop soupuny of nos se say8ry BurwOIaq amssaid ay2 JO} SUMED" YM. -E & uonsonb yoteasar /Ssoauy ayy uy eINULIO} st HEM WaIststO) LOLAIaSGO INOK S| -Z sea] au st amnssaud ayy afou YoTyM ye puE sousiy st amnssaid amp joy y>tyas e iIpard ‘woReAasqo anos Woy “1 sisyeur e1eq PUL} a]qeNINS ¥ UI SONPAIDSGO INOK IOI payayjo> eeG. “suonearasqo sof ynoge queoyruas st ey ureldxe pue wesserp e eI “E sajou ayy usnosyp sassed 31 se soyem au aaiasqo pur savea Yate dnd OUD TE -uresfierp xp UF UmoYs se dno au Uo SIYsIOU WaIEBIP aonup ae ‘5 “A “V se]oy aaryy ayeur pue dng xajouKas aBIe] eID “1 ‘aanparoad weibeig -Qqurs) vase Bururexp ‘iavem ‘dno xaroxKas 8301 smeseddy dainssaid suaydsoune jnoge Nox [re stip sop yey gsuORDaNp [Te UT [aM A[fenba LOM JaYONS atp S20 “F -amssaid suaydsoune pue A1oaqy snaUTy atp Jo stuzay Ut suoReALAsgo InoK UTEIdXT “E ramsue nos urefdxg Zaaey Aoy>Ns ap Buruaystow sop WayO.IYM TZ aU apun are ayy oF suaddey weuM ‘s949ns a4 YO UMop ssa1d nok UHM “T sishyeue weg Objective To verify Archimedes’ principle and apply it to floating and sinking bodies Theory/research 1. What does Archimedes’ principle state? 2. Obtain values for the density of water, alcohol and ice ( see appendix 3). Apparatus, 2 blocks of ice, ethanol, water, 2 beakers, Procedure 1. Place the first block of ice in the water and record your observations. 2. Place the second block of ice in ethanol and record your observations. Diagram & data collected Draw a suitable diagram showing your observations. Data analysis 1. Explain your observations in terms of the densities of the substances involved. 2, What can you say about the upthrust and the weight if a body floats? 3. What can you say about the upthrust and the weight if the body sinks? 4. Use Archimedes’ principle to explain your observations. Objective ‘To verify Archimedes’ principle. Theory/research If we have an object suspended on a spring balance in a fluid, there are three forces acting on the body — the weight, W, the upthrust, U, and the tension in the spring which is given by the reading, S, on the spring. balance. Since the system is in equilibrium, the sum of upward forces is equal to the sum of downward forces, hence S+U=W U=W-s Procedure and data collected (plotting compass) 1. Mark the north and south poles of the magnets by suspending each in tum on a paper stirrup and thread and observing their final position after they have settled down, 2. ‘Tack the paper onto the board and trace the arrangement of the ‘magnet(s) at the centre of the page. 3. Label the poles of the magnet(s) on the page appropriately. 4, Place a dot close to the N pole of the bar magnet and use the plotting compass to plot the field line until a S$ pole is reached or it approaches the edge of the paper. S. Repeat procedure by starting at a different point close to the magnet ensuring that sufficient lines are plotted to observe a reasonable field pattern. 6. Place your trace of the field pattern in your data collected section of your lab. Copy sketches of other arrangements done by your Classmates. Procedure and data collected (iron filings) 1. Place a sheet of cardboard over the desired arrangement of the magnet (s) and sprinkle iron filings on the cardboard. 2. Gently tap the cardboard until the iron filings form the field pattern. 3. Draw the pattern of the iron filings observed in your data collected section. Data analysis 1. What do you observe about the direction of field lines at N poles? 2. What do you observe about the direction of field lines at $ poles? 3. Aneutral point is a point where the magnetic field strength is zero and no magnetic field lines pass through this point. Indicate with an N, the neutral points on your magnetic field patterns, 4. Which arrangement gives a uniform magnetic field over a small region? Indicate with a U on your magnetic field patterns. Conclusion Write a suitable conclusion stating what you have learnt, Vp ‘yjdap quazedde pur “tp ‘qudap peas jo sanyea jo sias UreIgo pue zapurydo atp ut s9yem Jo aumpoa axp BuLAreA Aq aunpasoud yada“ rapuryao au apisur 2stp atn pue preoqpseo avy us2aKaq xeyqered Ou st |r9u IIH Os snipe pu zapurydo Supmsvaur atp 4940 puvogpze> au Jo ays aU THIS“ daap wo ¢1 moge st] [NUN LapUTyAD aU OWT BEM MNO *E (eupnsetd pu zapuTdo arp Jo Wong a4 01 FX ‘IHeUIS OO} IsIp Bt apeU BAEK nos #/) “Uontsod ur Aeys pfnoys 41 san ax Jo doy au TIM JapuTTA aupy oyu o8 anf qi a1 3euR Os ATNJarED ay WIN PUe 2s4p TesTID ay ID“ “our yusrens y>eIq ‘TeOp ‘werp apap stip ssorse pu sapuryd> SuuNseaur aya Jo yM Wey 1910918 {ApUgns st Ja1auretp asoyas af & MeIp ‘pHeOgPIED JO YS 2 UO “T aanparoig @|” anoge way amon, - sapuyo Busnseous pues uo. reser -atenbs 195 ‘raqns “preogpze> jo yaays ‘1ayns ‘pues Hora ‘TopuT|do RuuMseaUt TU OST smeseddy Yp :ajqouea Butpuodsay Yp sajqeuen Buneindruey, sajqeuen sramsure MOK ayensnttt OF ‘ureaeqp & asp) gdaap os aq oF readde you 122/qo ue Jo urdap aur s2op AM, ypueasas/s09uL, pourout undap quasedde/andap [was e Bursn pmnbrt Jo Xapuy sanoesjar a4 PUTS OL ‘aapalqo Data collected Record your data in a suitable format, Data analysis 1. Why can’t the real depth be determined accurately by placing the tuler in the measuring cylinder? 2. Plot a suitable graph and use it to determine the refractive index of liquid. Conclusion ‘Wiite a suitable conclusion stating what you have leat. “escordn ut Jo sayfue ye sauty yno amseaur oF oWDeNOId ay ASA“ aut JOMTUE atp Jo aTpPrUr auP UT [eULIOU UT MeIp oF O}>eNOId aU aS “Z saded au Jo apa s98uoy ayy Jo aBpa ay OF asop (aur ToHTU) auTT e UT MeXp pu preoq ax OWUO Jaded at PRL “T aunparoid OE ‘oST ata p2¥0g endo seded Bupnesp weabeig {ouad dreys ‘sopenord ‘(901q) uroddns ronrur ‘sontur ‘preog jeando ‘suid yeando mos ‘sy>e1 ‘radeq smeseddy ‘uoR2aYa1 Jo afBur :ajqetrea Supuodsay, ‘ouaprout jo aysue :aiqeutea Sunemndrueyy sayqeuen “(gg aBed 29s) quawyedxa } UAE payeosse suopneoasd au SFT“ gwoyy pasnseaur saySuv ayp are ary “£ ‘UORaLJa1 Jo apBue ‘2auEpHUT jo apBue ‘Ker payoayar ‘Ker quaprout ‘Teunou ‘Arepunog aun SurMoYs ureAReIp partaqey AtINy e MEI “Z gann90 0} pres uon291}91 5] UAL “T upuvasas/Auoay, uon>9yjar jo afsue 24 pue aouaprout yo arBue ayy uadsiaq drysuoneyar ayy ayeRAsOAUT OL 2an2alqo eH Punos Ses 0179 fewwauutad jo swum au UTM uorsnpu0> “wondayar yo apsue ayn tp inoge ino punoy TOK synsa1 ayy ssnosicy “Toa Jo s2a!n0s pue suonneoord ue ysr] {SIOIPUH SAN S20p reYAt ‘wutod auo ve svasto4U YOU Op sset ath J suid teando wep asn oy zanaq sutd uowuto> are cya, calaussod se rede 205 se posed suyd aun are dyay, Pub 2ouapPout jo a/8ue ay waaenaq drysuoney aaet| nox yeyM Aq1e9}> Suns “pauTEigo ancy, Sais siskyeue eve aides aiqeams v uy synsaz and prooay Paray|o> weg “SSUIL wApPUT OURO ax Te 105 eadoy “11 (1 22uePPUL Jo a18ue Fuypuodsa1109 S41 pue 1 yioq Pau OF O}DeNOId UR 957) “OL ited 4&4 oun ayeoqpur ov swoure ut weiq -(4es paisoyan) ut sour SryPeq Surpuone pue c pue d yo sajoqurd ayn ysnonys sulle Mera “6 lou 218 4980 © 10 X ue aed pue sund ayy te axoUIDy “yg fee fee 30 SeReUHT a pue > yd unra auy ut Sta Fey SSataissod se zaded aya yo apa ayn on asopo se (q) ld unos e aoeig ‘a pue Dr ee MH Mts au Ut sia seya os tomer au 09 asoq> (2) urd Pau © 22eid pue sonra oun uy q pue y suid jo saBeu out 2ai3sq0 “9 yo acod se Jaded aun Jo 28po ay3 04 aso se () auo pu sous AW 01 280P (¥) duo “($1 auN|auapIout 3x4 ayy Uo sud om) aoela “s “uMesp aavy nox AHIL2MN Uo st a8pa poraans aup yeyA os ut] aug to toute amp aoeia “> Objective To investigate if the half-life of water dripping from a burette is constant Theory/research What is the half-life of a radioactive substance? Apparatus Burette, water, stopclock/stopwatch, beaker. Procedure 1. Set up the apparatus as showf in the diagram with the burette filled above the 0 cm? matk. 2, Adjust the tap so that it is dripping quickly. If necessary, refill the burette above the 0 cm* mark 3, Start the stopwatch when the water level drops to the 0 cm? mark 4. Record the time ton the stopwatch at every 5 em? decrease in volume without stopping the stopwatch. 5. Record the volume of water remaining, V, and the corresponding time, ¢, noted on the stopwatch until the volume remaining falls to. 10 cm? [N.B. The volume of water remaining in the burette is 45 cm? at the 5 cm? mark). 6. Repeat procedure without adjusting the tap. Data collected viem*| 50.0 | 45.0 | 40.0 | 35.0 | 30.0 | 25.0 | 20.0 | 15.0 | 10.0 tus | ¢ bis us Data analysis 1. Plot a graph of volume against time, 2. Determine the time it takes for the volume to fall to half for four ifferent values of volume. 3, Does this system have a constant halflife? Conclusion Write a suitable conclusion stating what you have learnt. Objective To wire 110 and 220 V plugs Theory/research ie What are the three wires in a3 core wire and what is the colour code associated with them? 2. What is the function of each wire? 3. What is the purpose of a fuse? Apparatus 3 core wire, flexible wire, 3 pin 110 V plug, 3 pin 220 V plug, flat blade screw driver, wire stripper. Diagram Draw diagrams illustrating and labelling the essential features of the two types of plugs (110 V plug and 220 V plug). Draw diagrams of the two types of sockets. Procedure 1. Use the screw driver to slacken the screws on the plug. 2. Use the wire stripper to strip off about three cm. of wire insulation. 3, Push the flexible wire through the plug. 44. Observe which screw is connected to which pin. Wrap each wire in the same direction as the screw turns around the appropriate screw. 5. Tighten each screw with the screw driver. Pull slightly to ensure the wires are secure. 6. Replace plug cover. 7. Observe the width of the live and neutral pins and record your observations. Data analysis 1. What could be the result of connecting the green core to the live terminal? 2. State two devices that might require a 220 V plug? 3. A plug is sald to be polarised if the live and neutral pins are of different width. Is the plug you have polarised or unpolarised? 4. Would a polarised plug work either way in a socket?. What is the advantage of this? ‘5. What is the difference between a 110 V socket and a 220 V socket? How is this a safety precaution? 6. What value of fuse should you use for a dryer that uses 220 V and 6.5 KW when in use? -suopisod ye wy ssauUTe uy UO SBUIpLAL ‘ayy propar pue ‘um Ul q pur 2 ‘g UoHsod Uy saxoUTEE at ADEId “Ss saupuny Aue yeso9u 2 jo uopisod aup asnipe you og Tayourure ax UO HIMD ap PION “F -ppjaunure aqp Jo aes axp SuTpaAax9 yOu NA, Suuoy si quazino so unoure ajqeuoseas e [HUN yeIsODyL aL IsN/PY “E aynouto aun Y99y> 04 raypeay/sostaradns HSV *Z -wnunIxeUt 1 496 yeISOOUE pue y VORISOd ‘uj zayaurure ay) YIM WresBeIp ayy UT UMOYs se UNDA 2Uy dnyg ‘1 aunpa2oid weaBeyp wn241> yynozp sapias v Ul JUALIN aq aveBASPALT OL aanpaldo, “sary 3uNIaUUOD "YDHLMS “eISOTUE ssopmruSe uarapip yo soxstsou aan THBUNIOA TIaUTE “AION smeieddy at -ayensnytt 03 sjoquids ynaup asp) {s919UN[O4 IA joao am Op MOY “y “OISTSAL e SsOIDe aBeyTOA Bt) PUY OF THEM 248 TT “ayensnift 0} s[oquuAs ymnou1D asp {IOyRUTTE aU ID9UTIO dM op mou ‘yf 103s1s91 v YBNoIY SujMoY JuHIND yp PUY Od WEA 2M TT jynou} foqrered & pur novo sopas e ayesisnytt OV suEIBeIP MeLCL ‘gouozaygtp jenuarod auLaC quan auyeac u + 3 7 i ‘ypueasay/Asoay. symoup [pqtered pu souas uy aBeaoa pur qroLND ayeBAsoAut OL aanralao

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