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Tiralla Tribune

Volume 1, Issue 1

The Bird Beak Activity

An update from Agam Iheanyi-Igwe
This week, we made bird beaks out of
recyclables. The challenge was that we had to
design a bird beaks that could pick up the most
pieces of corn..
We started to think of what our beak was
going to look like on Monday. The next day we
started to create our bird beaks. We had that day
to complete our designs, keeping in mind our goals.
Then finally we did the testing. All of the class
enjoyed this activity and we created some very
interesting beaks.
My partner and I made a beak out of a
water bottle. Then we taped it together like a
cocoon and we put tape on the beak so when it
picks up the corn it is like a magnet to the corn.
The winning bird beak ended up picking up
18 pieces of corn, but the activity was a success
because the challenge to pick up all of the pieces
of corn was met by everyone.

An update from Jaselle Minge
In class we are learning about all the different
Biomes on earth. There is the tundra and its
freezing there and really frosty. The tropical rain
forest is near the equator. Its warm and wet. It
gets 600cm of rain a year. The temperate forest
is located in the eastern North America and other
places. Grasslands are in the central Africa, central
U.S., and other regions. Did you know that the
desert is the driest biome? Most deserts get only
25cm of rain a year! Taiga is located in northern
North America and Eurasia. They have short cool
summers and severe winters.
.We are using the information we have gathered
to make an advertisement poster and we get to
present this to the whole class. Every one has a
biome and we all get information and work on
different ideas and came up with ideas for our
posters. We are also using the information we
gathered in technology. We are using it to make a
project using Wixie!

An update from Mrs. Tiralla

I hope this letter finds everyone well. We are starting this Tiralla Tribune with the idea of
creating a greater connection between home and school. We imagine this letter being a way to
communicate with your child about what is happening in the classroom. The goal is to have
every child write an update, so be on the lookout for your special author.
Upcoming: Progress reports go home 12/12, MAP testing 12/18

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