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The Blue Prints for Every Social Contract

Kevin Martinez
John Paul Tabakian
We are members of the
"Responsible Generation." Older
generations partied and left us the
bill. I award this paper 5 points.

During era of Enlightenment, of the eighteenth century, western philosophy was forever
altered, influencing the creation of western central goveernments. British philosopher John
Locke was one of the most influential figures on the western political system, with the theory of
natural rights and his diverging arguments on absolute rule. Locks, Second Treatises on
Government established an alternative system of social contract that diverged from the mundane
tyrannies of the era, with his fundamental argument on natural rights. Although a citizen adapts
to a social contract, some rights are relinquished for the greater good, The State of Nature or
rational choice theory is emphasized with erecting of a system of government to placate a
balance between powers. The extolling phrase, Life, Liberty, and Property was coined out of
his literarily works of natural rights that each citizen of a social contract is entitled to. Locke
defines a tyranny as, the exercise of power beyond right which circumvents back to his
argument on the limits of preponderance that a system of government can have on its people.
Locke argues that, if a social contacts main emphasis, is to extol the natural rights of its citizens,
but fails to do so, the people have the right to rationally overthrow the tyranny and establish
new form of government that proves to be magnanimous to its environment. Lockes, Second
Treatises on Government provided the spark of countless rational lashes towards divisive social
contracts that helped spawn western style governments. Lockes argument on the preponderance
of natural rights over a system of government, influenced the fiery Thomas Paines pamphlet,
Common Sense, that provided a major push to the war of independence.
Thomas Paine, arguing society is priority, when elucidated to a system of government,
which is a necessary evil. Common Sense accentuated the works of Locke over the concept of
the rights of the people. The governments sole propose of creation is to protect and fulfill the
demands of society by any means necessary. The common man, being driven by rational choice

and morality, accentuates the need for system of ordinance able to have a dramatic influence on a
colossal scale. If man were excluded in diminutive size setting, society would foster as an
outcome but, without the need for a social contract. When the size of society increases, the
demand for a system of higher ordinance has to implemented, to establish a equilibrium, driven
by the moral demands of a selected few. Therefore some rights are relinquished during the
entering of a social contract to render benefits for the community as a whole. Paine argues that,
representation is accentuated to meet the demands of the masses and is vital on the progress of
the community, to diverge from the pull of a monarchy. Paine asserts diverging opinions towards
the cruel monarchies of the time by stating that, "kings do not emphasize legitimate power over
its subjects" and by applying his beliefs towards the situation of the American colonies, further
asserted that independence is inevitable.
The American colonies have flourished under the British rule from the periods of salutary
neglect, which rendered colonial trade with France and Spain, as a source of revenue. Paine
argues that Britains main objective of creation of the colonies were for financial gain, not for
the greater good of the colonial inhabitants. The emphasis on the desire need for revenue, goaded
the creation of the series of acts implanted by British prime minster Greenville and chancellor of
treasury, Charles Townshend that fostered colossal resentment following the seven years war.
The Stamp Act(1765), amalgamated colonial fears on the truculent impact of British taxation,
which led to colossal resentment, elucidated by Patrick Henry. Henrys cry of, Taxation without
Representation emerging as the foundation of rebellion towards the despot, which was heavily
influenced by the works of Lock and Paine. Paine argued that the time was ripe for succession,
due to the fact that America reaped countless advantages towards Britain. One of the affable
advantages the colonies held was, distance. Great Britain faced an boisterous overseas war that

took time and money to transfer from a great distance. Britain lacking of basic understanding of
the natural landscape of the environment, rendered another advantage for the meager colonials in
the aspects of guerilla warfare. Paines most preponderant argument is the disconnection with
England, which helped the colonies be recognized as independent country that would gain
commerce and alliances. America establishing its unity against England prior to the war of
Saratoga, received aid from countless countries sharing a common foe. Common Sense was one
the most influential pieces of manipulation to render mass support for the overthrowing of a
system of government that didnt uphold its citizens natural rights. As America doubled in
population every fifty years its progress in political, militaristic, and socialistic aspects have
prospered under British rule but was slowly developing into an independent country which
Britain failed to realize.
The colonials gregarious confluence to establish the a crude sense of government, known
as the Articles of Confederation, reflected colonial anxiety over a reoccurring theme of a tyranny
in a political system. Penned by John Dickinson and ratified in 1777, the Articles of
Confederation established a crude system of government, armed with a unicameral legislative,
also the ability to wage wars, foster treaties, and borrow money to pay debts. New American
fears of an excess of power within their system of government, burgeoned a vulnerable
government, vulnerable for foreign intervention. Influenced by tyrannical fears of the era of the
depots, the Articles avoided a concentration of power in the central government and banned the
ability to tax on its people. The War of Independence, accentuated the need for a source of
revenue to quench war debts but laid upon the infant country, but blindsided by the fires of
tyrants, sheered away from the thought of taxation which led America further into financial
crisis. The Articles only proved magnanimously in helping establishing a clear and precise

restrictions on settlement and process of addition of statehood for newly acquired lands. The
Land Ordinance of 1785 dictated that new townships were required to set aside parcels of land
for the enhancement of the creation of public lands, as a source of revenue. The Northwest
Ordinance of 1787 set forth guidelines of newly acquired territories with a population of at least
sixty-thousand, to be considered for statehood to congress government.
James Madison a delegate from Virginia, influenced by John Locke and federalism,
became the main orator, leading the convention. Madison argued for the creation of central
government that led to the placation of the separation of powers, which also reflected the
burgeoning governmental fears of a despot. The articles of confederation eventually were throw
out an Articles of Confederation and drafted to foster a stronger central. Circumventing back to
Locke's emphasis on the importance of representation, was the first major issue in the legislation
branch. The Virginia Plan proposed a plan that proved magnanimous for larger states on the
basis of population. The New Jersey Plan completely juxtaposed the Virginia Plan by demanding
equal representation on the basis of population, contradicting a large state proposal. Roger
Sherman argued for, the proportion of suffrage in the first branch should be according the
respective numbers of free inhabitants and that in the second branch or Senate, each state should
have one vote and no more as a result of Shermans argument, the bicameral legislative was
born with appropriation of population in the house of representatives and fair representation in
the senate. Other issues arose on defining population in regarding slavery for representation but
the true issue circumvented around ratification of the constitution. With a strict number of
thirteen states approval were required for the ratification of the constitution, amalgamate by
anxiety of a strict central government that doesnt uphold natural rights, many states were met
with strong opposition.

Our Founding Fathers were divided between two major factions, being the Federalists,
who favored a strong central government, and Anti-Federalists who extolled states rights as a
priority. One might argue for the passage of the Constitution, held an ounce of manipulation
seem in the, Bill of Rights that appeased towards the Anti-Federalists and the masses with the
construction of the Federalists Papers, which were the Common Sense of the ratification era.
The Bill of Rights were implemented for guaranteeing natural rights accommodated with an
enhancement of state power, which eased tensions between the diverging founding fathers and
their ideologies on the ideal central government. The Federalist Papers, constructed by
Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison, goaded ratification between the two parties
with diverging ideals. The Federalist Papers effectively persuaded the masses and Anti-Federalist
party, by arguing that a central government can prove magnanimous and would not squander of
individual liberties, highlighted in the Bill of Rights. The motives of our founding fathers to
manipulate for the passage of the constitution, paved way for munificent erecting of a new
Republic. By manipulating the mass class with the coalition of the Bill of Rights and Federalist
Papers, a colorful marriage of success and a magnanimous political system was painted for the
creation of a new government.
The process of manipulation has been retracted to some to extent, when juxtaposing our
founding fathers ideologies. In our current nation, elitism serves a purpose that munificently
reflects as a filter. The predominance of the selected few expands to hold superiority over the
masses on the basis of information. Although a majority of the select few gained their stance is
society throughout a variegate of options; education, connections, wealth, charisma, and even
from a family name, but when power is elucidated to the selected elite, a series of laws follow.

When one achieves a panel of power that exerts influence over masses, their sole purpose of
predominance is too, maintain their stance of power, or enhance their position to exert more
influence, for personal gain. Elitism influence on society is highly accentuated through our
national and local media outlets ranging from News Channels to podcasts. The selected few
heads in the media industry dictate, What lives and what dies in our society in terms of news
and coverage. The Civil Rights Movement is one of the most historical events in American
history, achieved colossal monuments from media elucidation. News forecasts highlighted the
surreptitious acts inflicted on African America citizens which amalgamated sympathy and
activist arousal in a frenzy to seek change in our society, that led to further progress in the Civil
Rights Movement.
The Martin Luther King Jr. speech, I have a dream (1963) delivered to a grandiose
crowd on the steps of the Lincoln memorial, argued for the complete equality and placation of
facilities by stating , I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists,
with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification -one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with
little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers. This historical day in our nation history
achieved magnanimous understanding, due to the filters of the selected few. The progressive
movement of social rights was ignited by the medias compliance to cover it, without proper
elucidation of the issue, the movement would wither. The, I have a Dream speech was planned
before hand, rehearsed and edited within the realm of the elite control, to prove more appealing
to the nation, compared to filming live. Elitisms dominance in social media is still being felt
today with the same aspects of , What lives and what dies highlighting the selected news
worthy information like death, rape, and scandals that we as American citizens are highly

intrigued to. Complete vertical integration of todays news media outlets, exerts an exorbitant
amount of influence on highlighting our news and true issues that are occurring, that deserve
media s attention.
When elites fail to maintain a sense of instability, within their social contract, a majority
of the citizens will cogently lose faith in their policy makers, which would diverge into two
juxtaposing outcomes. Violence and nonviolence outbursts of injustice can prove to differ in
progress as well. In some cases, violence proved to be magnanimous in portraying demands and
rights as seen the War of Independence that constructed our surreptitiously extolled nation today,
but there has been circumstances, as seen in the Tiananmen Square protest for a pro-western
government, that was quickly swatted with military force. When the legitimacy of a nation dips,
society as a whole collapses alongside it, what results as an outcome is entirely wielded with the
power of its citizens, and their duty to acquire suitable system of government that meets the
requirements of the crippled social contract.
Mass protests in Beijing were ignited with the death of General Secretary, Hu Yaobang,
advocated for reform within Chinas system of government. College students flooded the
massive square in the capital of Beijing to mourn and foster support for an alteration of the
corrupt system of government and to demand a enhancement of their natural rights, like freedom
of speech. The Tiananmen Square incident (1989)in Beijing or more commonly referred to as the
89 Democracy Movement led by a predominance of college students, sought placation of the
Chinas political polices, for a western of government. Chinas suppressing government initiated
martial law and heavy military confinement, which soon led to bloodshed of innocent civilians.
The early days of June proved to arouse global attention, on the massacring of innocent civilians
by government personal, known to be as the Tiananmen Square Massacre, led by Chinas

predominate leader Deng Xiaoping. Hard-line generals dispatched over 300,000 troops to redact
the pro-western ideals. To this day Chinas system of government has expanded their sensory
influence by slowly dissolving the massacre from history. If you access the web today in any
other country, to research the Tiananmen Square incident, you will receive a array of content,
where as if you do the same in China, a false illusion of sanguine families with magnanimous
smiles are vivid, to highlight the exorbitant limits of government on its people. I have personal
walked on the grounds of Tiananmen, and witnessed Chinas extreme measures of security,
when I was followed and eyed by armed personal, due to my clothing that portrayed a closed fist
in the air on my t-shirt. When the legitimacy of a social contract dips as far as the massacring of
its own citizens, the fight or flight sentiment conquers, in quelling fears or helping to
reconstruct a new form of government. When rebellion occurs out of the corruption of ones
system of government, prosperous outcomes can occur, leading towards the erecting of a new
system or the complete destruction of the rebellion of social contract.
In the United States of America, protection of minority rights is protected from majority
factions by a voluminous amount of aspects, one being through affirmative action. Affirmative
Action has been debased from its origins in the late 1900s, but is still commonly vivid today
within small opportunities like college acceptation or scholarships. In our unions largest
population state, the demographic of a Hispanic minority has shifted to becoming a Hispanic
Majority, by passing the realms of Affirmative Action and its benefits towards minority groups.
Throughout our nation colleges seek a variety of ethnic groups on their campus to become
appealing on a global level. With the presence of Affirmative Action, although not supported by
the Supreme Court, minority groups can easily be admitted juxtaposed with majority factions. A

extension of minority rights does deem munificent but, the other end of the rope was frowned
upon with indignation
When the legitimacy of society has dipped, questioning the aspects of its political leaders,
violence or non-violence paths are taken, according to one's self interest. Lockean theory argues
with the by passing of natural rights within a system of government, a fire is burgeoned that is
inevitable to the deconstruction of that system of government. Throughout history revolutions
have diverged with two wielding weapons, on one hand an olive branch, on the other a set of
arrows, each potentially wielding the same outcomes in the right environment, but with the
ignorance and self-righteous of the selected elite on a corrupt system of government, it is the
peoples duty to decompose of that surreptitious regime.
The aspect of majority factions squandering the rights of a minority group is also a form
of corruption, portrayed in any social contract setting. Affirmative Action has been a widely
debated issue, circulating around the question of racism and favoritism that completely
contradicted the Brown v. Board of Education case on the abolition of separate but equal in
public facilities. The extolled Bakke v. California, depicted the injustice of 35 year old white
male, Allan Bakke faced when he was declined acceptance at the University of California
Medical School at Davis, solemnly on the basis of his ethnic origins. Bakkes seminal
qualification highly surpassed many of the minority students attending the University, but with
the placement of a Affirmative Action program, reserving sixteen spaces for every majority
student, Bakke was decline acceptance twice, before appealing to the supreme court. Affirmative
action deems bountiful, if you are on the one receiving benefits. Although Affirmative Action
has helped a colossal amount of students and employers find a foothold economically and


mentally, Affirmative Action raises question of racism, elucidated in the Plessey v. Ferguson
case of spate but equal.
Our country has flourished with presence of conflict, that diverged from the mainstream
ideals of strict ordinance, to create a extolled nation state that is solemnly viewed as the greatest
nation every witnessed by man, as seen in the Manifest Destiny. With every gilded society, an
outlining of grotesque corruption is always vivid, primarily within the elite class and its
influence over the masses. With the illusion of extreme corruption, conflict always follow to
extol a magnanimous path for a better system of government, or to be squandered by meager
motives of change. Every nation witnessed a sense of "conflict" that amalgamated to drastic
social change within their society, that helped dictate their political, social, and economical
stance. We as American citizens are facing this "sense of conflict" again within the economical
filed, and it's up our current and future generations to placate and elucidated a gilded path, that
would raise America as the predominant once again.


Works Cited
Dornbush, Krista, "AP U.S. HISTORY." New York: Kaplan, 2012. print
-Kennedy David, Cohen Lizabeth, The American Pageant, Suzanne Jeans, 2012, Print.
Hall, Art, What if the Citizens Ran the Government Cape May County Herald (2013)


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