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Battle Suit Hera

Book 1
Chapter 1

In 2099 the first warp ship was built and tested. Many people dreamed of the
day when mankind would be zooming around the stars, just like Jim Kirk of
Star Trek, using the warp drive. The first warp ship failed in a spectacular
explosion as the Warp Core blew up. The Odyssey traveled forty feet when
everything that could possibly go wrong, did. In the first foot of travel, every
being on board the ship was smashed into pulp. Thirty seconds later, dust
blasted through the hull like a 1920s mobster spraying down a rival gang
with a Tommy gun. The simple fact was that warp drives just couldnt work.
The power needed was too great, the shields needed impossible to maintain,
and inertial physics splattered everyone inside the ship.
However, with the loss of the Odyssey, a discovery was made. A tear in the
fabric of space exposed hyperspace. It took another twenty years, but
mankind achieved hyperspacial travel. With the aide of new pan-dimensional
computers, man was able to reach the first Earth-like world.
In 2188 'They' arrived. The Vons came in waves. They did not come to greet
mankind in peace but to enslave them. The first ten days saw Earth lose
eighty percent of its forces. Then sheer luck, and a race of benefactors, came
to mankinds aide.
The Fallin (as they called themselves) gave mankind Battle Suits. The
drawback was, after much testing, it was found that Battle Suits worked only
for females.
In 2196, a single tiny missile reached earths atmosphere, and delivered its
In 2199, it took time, but the effects of the Vons last Gift were finally
discovered. The birthrate of male humans dropped to one in three thousands
3076: Modern Day.

Okay, now, Mister Hughs, what was the second stargate placement?
Professor Aldor asked.
Mark looked across the classroom and sighed. He hated being called on to
answer questions. Mark hated a lot of things.
Mars, city of New London. It was the first planet to planet stargate.
Very good, now tell me, how did the Mars' self-defense force prevent the
Vons from traveling through the gate?
Mark looked around the room and no one else raised a hand to answer. It
was the first gate to have travel encoding. If the codes didnt match the gate
just wouldnt activate.
The class bell rang and Mark grabbed is tablet and stood up when a hand
touched his shoulder.
Are you heading home? Anna asked.
No, I was going to the Mall. There's a new AI release, today, and I wanted to
see what it is.
Anna looked at Mark, Youre a bad liar, you still think the recruiter will give
you a chance at the Battle Suit Sim.
So what if I am.
You know that a Battle Suit wont work for you.
Maybe not, but its better then what they want to me to do.
Anna smiled, Oh, you will have it so rough, being a sector breeder. Nothing
to do but fuck every girl you can.
Mark crossed his arms, I like to see how happy you'd be if someone told you
that for ten years you had to fuck five times a day, and couldnt do anything
else you wanted to.
Well you have four more years until you have to start breeding your sows.
Yay, Mark said sarcastically.
Hey, maybe Anna will be one of your Sows, Heather added as she joined
Mark and Anna.

At twelve years of age, all males where tested. One percent were chosen to
become breeders, because their traits were desirable to be passed on, plus
they tended to have a slightly higher rate at having male children. Mark
being a blue eyed child was tagged for farther testing. He was rated an A+
and set to become a breeder.
Many boys wished for such a job. Being a breeder meant you were treasured
and treated like a prince. Sure, Mark only had to ask and he got just about
anything he wanted. He never went without. He never knew what it meant to
be hungry, nor did he ever wear out his clothing.
But, what Mark really wanted, was to be a Battle Suit pilot. He dreamed of
the day he'd fly into battle and fight off the hordes of Vons. Vons that hadnt
been seen or heard from, in thirty years.
Mark followed Heather out of the classroom, where Lisa stopped him and
pressed herself into him, Did you know I was also given a green breeder's
This was Mark's world. In a class of four hundred students, he was the only
boy around. There were five other boys in town, but Mark was the only one
A+ Rated for hundreds of miles. Many of his classmates sought Mark out in
the hope he might be in the mood. It was rare. Not because Mark disliked
girls, but because it was the over bearing weight of having to 'perform.' He
was expected to be a super lover.
The fact was he was still a virgin. As much as the girls threw themselves at
him, none were really ready to go past second base.
Cassy found Mark in the parking lot and pulled him to the side, Guess
What, asked Mark.
Today's my birthday.
That meant that Cassy was now fourteen just like Mark.
Cassy moved closer as she asked, I was wondering if you'd take me to the
movies tonight?
I cant, I have to go.

Pleeeeessse, Cassy said as she batted her eyes.

Mark's wrist cell chirped, and he pulled his right arm sleeve up as he said,
Hi, Mom.
Mark, Lady Dora is here waiting for you. His mom said.
Mark face went white. Lady, or as she called herself Dom Dora was mean.
Mark's mom had hired her to teach him how to be a proper breeder, but all
she seemed to do was beat him up trying to force him to submit.
But, Mom, I had plans.
Get your butt home, now, I am not paying for you to be skipping lessons!
The call went dead as his mom broke the connection. Cassy then rushed over
to Mark and pushed him against a parked truck.
Placing her hand directly on his crotch she said, Oh are you getting lessons
on how to use this.
As Cassy rubbed Marks body reacted. Then before Mark could say anything
she kiss him.
Not fair! exclaimed Heather as she rounded the truck Mark was pressed
Cassy broke the kiss but kept a firm hand on Mark crotch as she said, Hey,
you get to see him all the time. I just wanted a date for my birthday.
Heather, is your mom picking you up? asked Mark as he brushed Cassy's
hand away.
Heather stepped from her shower and looked out of her bedroom window.
She wasnt just living next door, her window was ten feet across from Mark's.
She could look right into his room any time she wanted. Last year Mark's
mom removed the curtains and drapes. Mark's mom told him it was because
she wanted him to get comfortable with being exposed all the time. At first
Heather kept her curtains closed all the time but after a few weeks curiosity
got the best of her and she opened them one night.
Mark bolted from sight as the curtains opened that night.

Now Heather was wrapped up in a terry cloth bath robe and waiting to see
the show.
Your late! Mark mother said as she slammed the door closed behind him.
Lady Dora brought Tracy with her today. I told them I have to go out tonight
and I will be back in the morning. So you better be on your best behavior.
Mark jaw dropped, No, please doesnt leave me alone with them!
Look, 'Author' is in town for tonight only and I have reserved a hour with
him. You can just buck it up and for once do as you are told!
Heather watched as the Dom and her assistant walked Mark into the room
with a collar around his neck. Then Heather smiled as Tracy cut off Mark's
cloths. The last time Tracy had been involved, she had forced Mark to cum
six times. It was a great show and Heather had gotten herself off a couple
times, watching. There had been a few times Heather debated on going over
afterwards, and helping herself.
Then to Heather's shock, Dom Dora punched Mark so hard he slammed into
the wall. Heather had seen Dora be rough before, but never before had she
see her be outright violent. Before Mark could get up, Tracy kicked him in the
head, and Mark hit the floor. Heather watched as Tracy and Dora dragged
Mark to the bed and tied him to it.
As Mark came back around Tracy pulled a leather belt out and started
beating him with it. If Heather room hadnt been darkened, maybe Dora
would have noticed her watching. But since they couldnt see into her dark
room she assumed no one was watching. After a few minutes Tracy dropped
the belt and climbed onto the bed. At first Heather thought maybe they were
going to make it up to Mark; but the blood curdling scream that followed,
caused Heather to jump up from her bed and rush out of the room.
EMTs and police arrived fifteen minutes later. Heather watched as the EMTs
rolled Mark out on a gurney, while the police handcuffed both Dora and Tracy.

Heather walked over to where Mark lay, and touched his face that was
bandaged and blood seeped from the bandage over his right eye.
Will he lose the eye? Heather asked.
One of the EMTs looked at her.
I saw Tracy stab him in the face, Heather added.
An officer overheard Heather and walked over to ask her some more
It doesnt look good, but the doctors will know if they can save it, once we
get him there.

Edited By TeNderLoin

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