Week 4 Power Point

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Week 4

Concert and Promotion Basics

Very Important Aspect of Music
Must Be Driven
Have A Vision and Desire To Succeed

Ken Lopez
Professor, Thornton School of Music
University of Southern California

Watch Video Importance of Entrepreneu

3rd Video Down

Can Generate Substantial Revenue
With Right Knowledge of Right Bands
Have a Sound Business Plan With Every Show!

You Always Have To Honor Your Contracts

Critical To Live Performance

Ability to Multi-Task
Crowd Management
Understanding Flow

Market Shows

Basics (Cont.)
Ability to Discover New Talent
Listen To Lots of Different Kinds of Music
Stay Up To Date on Your Trades

Nurture and Develop Relationships

Promoter of Record

Need Capital Up Front

Money To Cover Pre-Show Expenses

Seems Easy Enough Right?

Interesting Perspective
Stephen Rehage
Very Unique Industry Mind
Awesome Website

Watch Full Video

Some Sources To Stay Up

Poll Star
Bands Touring/Ticket Sales

Industry Gossip and News

Billboard Biz
Album Reviews/Buzz Bands
Big Deal in independent music world

Live Studio Sessions from Popular Indie Bands

Consequence of Sound
Music For Kids Who Cant Read Good

Small Business Model

Easiest To Start With
Business Model Design
Define Goals
Know Where You Are Going and What It Is You
Develop A Mission Statement
List Top 3 Ways Your Company Can Make Money

Define Your Market

Each Band/Artist/Promotions Company/Booking
Agent etc has a defined market in which they
operate within.
What Are Fans Willing To Pay for Your Product?

Small Business Model

Get On-Line Game Tight
Set Up All Social Media
Create On-Line Blog

Customer Service
Treat EVERY Fan with Value and Respect.
They are the life blood of the industry.
Just like any other business cares about its

Develop Successful, Sustainable Partnerships

Promoters/Booking Agents/Tour Managers etc

Financing A Show
Make Sure You Have Enough Dough To
Finance Your Show
Find Sponsorship to help cover costs if they seem
too high! Sponsors love to get their name all over

Preparations and Logistics

Split Point
Promoters will negotiate a split point, which is a number based ticket sales and
at which point the act and promoter divide the balance.

Make You Advertise For Show. If you dont how will anyone know to

Advancing The Performance

Advancing is the process of contacting each promoter and venue to
ensure the entireartist's technical and hospitality demands(the
rider) are met and to resolve any problems the promoter or venue
can foresee.

Types of Events

Record Release Parties

Multiple Day Music Festivals
Single Day Music Festivals
Concert Hall Performances
Self-Promoted Shows
Charity Events
Non-Profit Events
Education Events
Grand Openings/First Shows
Public Events

Types of Venues
Based On Capacity
0 100 Person Venues
100 300 Person Venues
300 500 Person Venues
500 2000 Person Venues
5000 and Up Person Venues

You Ready?

All content in this lecture is created
by Henri Benard and various
referenced websites contained within
the slides. This information is
intended only for use by students
enrolled in MUC210 at Mesa
Community College. No unauthorized
use shall be granted.
Henri Benard 2013

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