Found Treasure ESL Lesson

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Talk About It


Big Surprises!
A: Complete the table with your class.


How Good?

What would you do?

You win $10 million

I would.. ..

You get 100% in English

I would.. ..

Someone Gives You A Rose

I would.. ..

A famous person emails you

I would.. ..

Aliens finally visit earth and

you are the first to meet

I would.. ..

You get a one-year holiday

I would.. ..

B: The best things in life....

Talk about it with your class. Answer the following questions:
1. Q: What kind of treasure would you like to find?
A: I would like to find.....(noun)
2. Q: What would you do with that treasure?
A: I would ....(verb)
3. Q: Have you ever found a treasure before? What was it?
A: (Yes/No) I (have/haven't) found (any/some) treasure.
4. Q: If you had a treasure,where would you hide it?
A: I would hide it ..... (a place)

Graphs & Charts


A: Complete the chart with the class.

Step 1: First, from 1-6, Rank the

Then, write what other

people said in the boxes

following things.
1 is the best. 6 is the worst.


lots of money
the perfect job
a map to a $1 billion treasure
an unstoppable hacking program

Step 2:Share your answers with the class.

ex. I think _______________ is the best!

B: Treasure by the numbers.....
Talk about the chart with your class. Answer the following
1. Q: How many people said lots of money was the best?
A: _______ people said lots of money was the best.
2. Q: Which one did the most people say was the best?
A: Most people said ________________ was the best.
3. Q: Which one did the most people say was the worst?
A: Most people said _________________ was the worst.
4. Q: Which one did most people say was "Just OK" - (3)
A: Most people said _________________ was just OK.

Couple Finds $10 Million of Coins in Garden

Last year in California, a couple
got a huge surprise. They found
over 1,400 gold coins. They were
worth more than $10 million.
The couple was walking their
dog. They saw some rusty old cans
sticking out of the ground under an old oak tree. They
decided to check it out. When they dug the cans out of the
ground, they were shocked!
Experts say the coins are pretty old! They are from the period
1847 to 1894. Some of them are very rare. Some of them
could be worth more than $1 million. That's $1 million for one
The couple said they plan to keep
some and sell some online. They
said they will donate some money
to charity and use some money to
fix their house. The woman said "
People should never be afraid to
bend down and look inside a rusty

Couple Finds $10 Million of Coins in Garden

Last year in California, a couple
got a huge surprise. They found
over 1,400 gold coins. They were
(1)______ more than $10 million.
The couple was (2)_______
their dog. They saw some (3)______ old
cans sticking out of the ground under an old oak tree. They
decided to (4) ______________. When they dug the cans out
of the ground, they were shocked!

check it

(5)__________ say the coins are pretty old! They are from
the period (6)_______ to ______. Some of them are very
rare. Some of them could be worth more than $1 million.
That's $1 million for one coin!


The couple said they plan to

(7)______ some and sell some
online. They said they will donate
some money to charity and use
some money to (8)_______ their
house. The woman said " People
should never be afraid to
(9)______ down and look inside a rusty can!"

Reading Quiz


A: Complete the quiz with your class.

1. Where did the couple live?
a. Chicago
c. Cinnamon
d. California
2. What were the coins under?
a. a house
b. a street
c. a tree
d. a foot
3. What time period did the coins
come from?
a. 1784-1794
b. 1847-1894
c. 1478-1494
d. 1978-1994
4. Where will they sell some of
the coins?
a. the market
b. online
c. New York
d. Korea

5. What will the couple do with

some of the money?
a. buy a boat
b. buy a house
c. fix their boat
d. fix their house
6. Who will they give some of the
money too?
a. Internet Start-Ups
b. charity
c. their dog
d. the government
7. How many coins did they find?
a. over 1,400
b. over 1,000
c. over 10,000
d. over 10,000
8. How much are the coins worth?
a. over $10 trillion
b. over $10 million
c. over $10 billion
d. over $10 gazillion million!

Use It


A: Brainstorm today's topic below.

B: Write a short report about it.

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