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5th Annual Erotic Art Exhibit

Once again, it's time for The Upfront Gallery's annual EROTIC ART
EXHIBIT. We are asking everyone to put aside their inhibitions and
submit their best erotic works of art, poetry, and writing...


- All media are welcome and encouraged! Works may be serious or

humorous, as long as they are... well, erotic. Anyone who has
attended this wildly popular exhibit in past years knows that there is
lots of room for interpretation. The Upfront Gallery does, however,
reserve the right to refuse any artwork it deems inappropriate to
represent to the public.

- $5 entry fee, due with submission. This is to help defray costs of the
exhibit and reception. Artists with submissions not included in the
exhibit will receive their bucks back. If you are shipping your artwork,
please include appropriate postage for its safe return.

- We are also looking for writers and readers to share their erotic
poetry or (short) stories during the reception.

- Gallery sales commission: 35%

- SUBMISSIONS DUE: Deliver or ship work to the gallery by

Saturday, February 6th. Please call or email to submit works outside of
regular gallery hours. We will certainly accommodate.

- EXHIBIT DATES: Feb 9th – March 6th

- RECEPTION: V-DAY PARTY, FEB 14th. 6pm - 10pm.

- PICK UP WORK: Anytime between March 6th and March 31st. Mailed
submissions will be returned as soon as possible.

Upfront Gallery
512 Broadway
Downtown Fargo
Gallery Hours: Tues - Sat. 12 noon - 7:30pm / 701-364-0934

5th Annual Erotic Art Exhibit

Exhibit Dates: Feb 9 – March 6, 2010
Reception: Sunday, February 14th, 6pm- 10pm
Submission Deadline: Saturday, Feb 6, 7:30 pm

Title of Work:
Media: ______________ Price: Not For Sale: _____
Mailing Address:________
Telephone: E-mail:
Contactus for moreinfo: 701-364-0934
**Keep this form for your records. **


5th Annual Erotic Art Exhibit

Exhibit Dates: Feb 9 – March 6, 2010
Reception: Sunday, February 14th, 6pm- 10pm
Submission Deadline: Saturday, Feb 6, 7:30 pm

Title of Work:
Media: ______________ Price: Not For Sale: _____
Mailing Address:________
Telephone: E-mail:
Contactus for moreinfo: 701-364-0934
**Attach this form to your submitted artwork. **

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