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.V.S.R. Engineering College

lsDonsored bv Matrusri Education Societv 8 Afilialed to Osmania University) Estd' 1981

flo. e.p.'r o-r or, Nadergul (P o.). Hyde'abad - 501 5'10. Saroornagar Mdl' R'R' Dt' T'S
Ph I OA415-244867 . 24a8Og, 245tet, Tetefa, : 08415-245180 www mvsrec'edu'in


Associate Profcssor
Departme t Of Mechanical Engineering
MVSR Engireering College
Email lD: kandan kandan@)
Phone : +9194413446{}22


['lr. Nikhil Boinpally

who is known to me fbr the ]ast thlec

years. During this period I ha\c taught him Metal Casti[g, Special Castirg Process, N'letal
.Ioining, Arc Wclding, Resistance Welding, Rolling, Forging. ExtrusioD, Nletal Cutting rn
Production Technology course iiong with laboratory courses in Production Tcchnology:!,td
Cr\D-FEA (Computcr Aidcd Dralling & Finite Elemert Aoalysis).
I rake this opporlunity to introduoe

In his linal year ol UC coursc uork. hc prcscnted seminars in dillerent universltics in the fields
of CAD/CANI and Pollution Control and organized one syrposium in our oollege in thc rank
of a student coordinator. He also participated in a Two-Day rvorkshop entitted l'inite Elcmcnt
Anal-v-sis. This approach ofparticipating in the technical e!ents rcflects his diligencc.

lrom academics. he is the rnost popular student I have kno$n in this collcge. This I
attribute to him tbr his excellenL communicalion skills. cnchanting leadersllip qualitics and the
wa! he organizcs the technical evcnts and other extra-culricular acti!ites.


.\s a leacher I \,ould rate him rmong thc top 10yo of60 students and am totally convinoed lhat
N6. Niklil Boinpally is sulficiertly prepared ibr his proposecl studies and that he will make
sjgnilicant oont bulion 1(] your instjtulion. So I strongly recommend Mr. Nikhil Boinpalll" to
pursuc N,lastcrs Dcgrcc program at your university. preleiably witll a suitable financial aid.

M e c franit a [ 6a6 inz e ing D ep att tflefl t
j\lVSR Engrneering Co lege

Nadergu (P O), Hyderabad'501 510.

Saroornaqar (N4), R.R. D st.

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