Hotel Night Audit Program

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1. Review previous audit files and reports to become familiar with areas of
2. As the audit progresses, review material exceptions or discuss with
management areas that internal auditing is uncovering during the audit.
3. Conduct an informal pre-exit conference once all audit steps have been
completed to ensure that management knows what to expect in the
upcoming draft audit report.
4. Finalize all files and draft an audit report for review by the chief audit
1. Determine that the hotel department and related functions are following
company policies and procedures.
2. Determine that the company's hotel-related assets are properly
safeguarded and accounted for.
1. Review the hotel-related department's procedures manuals such as the
front office, laundry, revenue audit and discuss with the appropriate
department personnel to determine if there are any areas of concern that
they might have over the operations.
2. Complete the internal control questionnaire.
3. Complete the working papers stipulated in this audit program.
A. FRONT OFFICE (Room Rates)

1. Obtain the most recent month's financial statements and management
reports for hotel operations. Extract figures for monthly average
occupancy, average room rate, and room revenue. Obtain explanations for
material fluctuations from budget.
2. Obtain the updated hotel comparison analysis maintained by the hotel
director and compare hotel performance with competitor and industry
averages. Obtain explanations for material deviations for room rates and
what is being charged by competitors for the same period. Determine
whether management explanations are reasonable and attach a summary
to the working paper.
3. Inquire how room rate maintenance is performed and updated in the front
office reservation system, and how overrides are changed, controlled, and
deleted. In summary form, prepare the observations and document
observed control weaknesses in the working papers.

B. FRONT OFFICE (Reservation System)

1. Obtain the daily reservation report and determine that there is evidence of
review by the reservation/front office manager of entries keyed in by the
reservation clerks in particular the room rates quoted to customers.



2. Test 10 of the quoted room rates in the daily reservation report to the
reservation forms. Ensure the reservation forms or computer entries are
signed by the reservation clerk, or that some other documentation exists.
Also, ensure that proper reservation forms are prepared for all reservations
3. Inquire from the credit department how customers' credit limits/credit
standings are taken into account when accepting reservations for hotel
4. Check the reservation file to ensure that written confirmation is received for
travel agent guests telex, fax, or e-mail form and attached to the
reservation form, documenting any noncontracted rates extended to the
5. Compare a sample of 10 suspended credit limit correspondence memos to
the reservation system to ensure that all suspended accounts are updated
into the system.

C. FRONT OFFICE (Room Billing)

1. Select 10 entries with a $0 room rate from the daily list of rooms and trace
to the comp form or other comparable document, ensuring it is approved
by the proper member of management. Reasons for authorization should
be documented and acceptable in accordance with hotel policy.
2. Test 10 registration cards to the corresponding occupied room on the room
status/key report and the daily room charges report to ensure that all
occupied rooms are billed.
3. Selecte 10 occupied rooms noted on the room status/key report and tie to
the corresponding registration card. Note: This test is to ensure that
registration exist for rooms that are occupied already to prevent the room
being rented twice.
4. Review the reasonableness of room rates per the daily room charge report
and test 10 rates to the corresponding reservation form or standard price
list/customer contract for unusual or exceptional rates.


D. REVENUE AUDIT (Daily Audit)

1. Using a revenue audit checklist, observe one daily hotel audit performed
by the revenue audit staff. Compare your observations to their approved,
written checklist and document variations in memo form to the working
2. Choose three days of daily revenue audit packets for the hotel revenue
audit. Obtain vouchers for all revenue adjustment transactions that
day's voids, nonguest paid outs, guest paid outs, previous day corrections,
and refunds and trace total voucher amounts to the final revenue detail
report to determine if all adjustments are supported by vouchers. If
vouchers do not balance, document procedures for daily balancing.
3. Review vouchers for propriety, proper completion including guest name,
room or account number, date, amount, adequate explanation, name of
preparer, and approval. Refund vouchers and guest paid outs should
include the guest signature. Paid outs should be supported with a receipt.
Trace 10 percent of the vouchers for each day tested to the folio to ensure
that the account was affected properly.
4. For the three days tested, trace totals to the general ledger.
5. Review tax documentation to determine that tax rates are appropriate for
the following areas: Room service delivery charges, banquet service
charges, package plans, and mandatory restaurant service charges.
6. For any exceptions prepared by revenue audit for the three days tested,

ensure that management responded properly.

E. REVENUE AUDIT (Contracts)

1. Obtain the contract between the hotel and the pay TV provider. Include a
copy of commission terms and discuss procedures used by management
to ensure pay TV revenue is recorded on the financial statements.
Research and document any concerns that arise during this testing.
2. If the property has an "on command" video or other system with a
percentage commission due the hotel, review last two months' invoices to
determine if the commission received complies with the contract, and the
amount remitted was properly calculated prior to payment. Research and
document any concerns that arise during this testing.
3. Review lease/rental agreements, if any, for hotel space. Determine that the
recorded revenues agree to the terms specified. Include copies of
applicable lease documents in working papers.


F. REVENUE AUDIT (Accounts Receivable)

1. Review the current accounts receivable (A/R) aging report. Select at least
25 accounts and determine whether or not all categories of receivables are
adequately covered. Heavier concentration should be placed on old and
unusual items. The total amount selected for testing should be between 15
percent and 20 percent of the city ledger.
Test for the following:

Agreement to supporting documentation, either on file with the

applicable folios, banquet checks, and other related documents, or to
online billing.
Initial billing date is timely, based on check-out date.
Consistent documentation is maintained of collection efforts and
approved direct bill authorization.
Unusual items are reasonable (e.g., credit balances, returned checks,
skip accounts, one company with balance in several different

2. If material, or if unusual items are noted, test for proper controls, including
review of the high balance report and Telecheck procedures.
3. Trace the total of the aging report to the general ledger and the A/R recap
4. Review write-offs, and if material, review selected write-offs for adequate
support, proper collection efforts, proper approval, and reason for write-off.
Be alert to consistent causes (e.g. front desk personnel failure to follow
established hotel policies).


1. Obtain the mail check-register log for the last two-week period. Trace
all hotel checks received to the bank-certified deposit slip and to the
respective posting to the general ledger.
2. Review the mail check register log to ensure:

Proper segregation of duties exists among the employee who

opens the mail and logs the checks, the person who deposits the


items to the bank account, and the person who posts the checks
received to the A/R ledger.
Copies of logs are filed chronologically for proper recordkeeping

3. Perform a surprise cash count on two open hotel cashier drawers.

Include a copy of the surprise count sheet with the working papers.
Investigate material variances.
4. Review and count the petty cash voucher box to ensure proper
balancing. Ensure that appropriate backup documentation exists in
the bank for petty cash activity.

1. Verify that billings from the laundry contractor are checked to
delivery/service records provided by the contractor, and unit prices are
agreed to the services agreement with the contractor. Ensure the
delivery/service record is verified by hotel staff.
2. Trace a sample of laundry contractor billings to guest billings for
laundry services.
3. Trace guest billings to the daily sales transactions report or similar
document, and the guest ledger to ensure that revenue has been
captured in the accounts.
4. Ensure that "free of charge" laundry services, if any, outside of the
ordinary linen provided to guests, staff, and outside parties (e.g.
entertainers) are in compliance with hotel policies and procedures.
5. Document other observations and concerns regarding the laundry
operation within the facility.



1. Select one month's advance deposit account activity and obtain a copy
of the general ledger transactions.
2. Trace a block of 10 refund payments to accounts payable vouchers
and verify the following:

Refund is supported by copy of deposit ticket.

Refund was for correct amount.
Refund was payable to the correct payee.
Refund is listed on transaction list used to update master deposit
Refund is for a reservation cancelled in advance.
Endorsement on cancelled check agrees with the name of the

3. For deposits applied at the front desk, main cage, vault, or mail
receipts, agree a sample of 10 transactions in the most recent month
to the general ledger.
4. Trace the check to a bank deposit slip.
5. Obtain a copy of the guest folio and verify the deposit was applied to
the correct guest's account.
6. Review the general ledger control account for any adjusting journal
entries to the advance deposit account and explain the nature of
7. Obtain a copy of the finance department's reconciliation of the

advance deposit account and determine that all reconciling and
outstanding items are reasonable.
8. Determine if there are stale items in this account that should be written


1. Obtain a copy of the current master complimentary (comp) list reflecting
who can approve complimentary services. Verify that:

Employees listed are currently active employees.

Comp privileges authorized for the individuals listed were approved by
senior management. Check a sample of documentation to validate the
employees' level of authorization.

2. Select the most recent month of complimentary activity for detail testing
and perform the following:


Review transactions in the comp clearance account.

Agree entries to applicable journal entries and indicate purpose of
such entries.

3. Select one day's transaction report and obtain comp charges for the day.
Agree actual comp charges to transaction total. Review each comp folio
and verify the following:


4. For complimentary food and beverage (F&B) charges posted to the

complimentary master folio at the front desk the customers' hotel
account for the period of their stay agree the actual restaurant charges
to the folio and verify that the comp is signed by an employee who is
authorized to comp at that level.
5. Obtain a copy of the daily complimentary worksheet for the date being
reviewed and perform the following steps:


Reconcile the total charges shown on the worksheet to the transaction

total and F&B recap totals. Explain any variances or reconciling items.
Verify that information shown on the comp worksheet agrees with the
applicable comp folio and are posted into the proper category.

6. Obtain the month-end comp worksheet and perform the following steps:


That comp is supported by documentation signed by an employee who

is authorized to comp at that level.
That charges authorized for comp are according to policy (i.e., a comp
room should not include food and beverages if not authorized as

Verify computation of total comps, tax adjustments, and net comps for
the month.
Trace total to the comp clearing general ledger account.
Trace tax adjustments to related tax accounts.

7. Determine how comp charges are handled for computing room tax and
document procedures in the workpapers:


Verify that procedures being followed are in compliance with

applicable tax regulations.
Test computation of related tax adjustments to determine if the method
used is reasonable.

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