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6th Grade Non-Traditional Notation Composition Rubric

Group Names: _______________________________________

Does NOT Meet

Progressing towards
meeting expectations

Notation Key

Notation key may be difficult

to read. There are less than 3
icons and the descriptions
are unclear and very vague.

Notation key is neatly written, and easy

to read. It includes at least 3-5 icons.
Descriptions are generally vague and
difficult to follow at times.

Time expectation

The groups piece last for less The groups piece lasts between 1:00
than one minute.
and 1:59.

The groups piece is at least 2 minutes



The group used one or two

instruments. The composition was very disjointed with
no clear forethought.

The group utilizes a variety of instruments and ways in which to play

them. The song is thought out and


Students show no evidence

Students show evidence of moderate
of practicing. There is fighting practicing. Students perform their porthroughout the performance. tion of the piece with minimal coaching
from their classmates.

Students show evidence of effective

practice. There is no coaching
throughout the piece, and each group
member seems to have an active and

Overall Product

The over all product is sloppy The overall product is generally neat,
and difficult to read.
and is easy to read.

The overall product is very neat and

organized. It is obvious the group has
taken great pride in the visual presen-

The group used a limited variety of instruments, and methods in which to

play the instruments. The piece seems
moderately thought out, but there are
areas that seem unpracticed and con-

Notation key is neatly written, and
easy to read. It includes at least 5
icons with clear and detailed
descriptions of each.

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