Solutions of Resonace Kota Aits

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Resonance Educating for better tomorrow ALL INDIA OPEN TEST (AIOT) DATE: 02 FEBRUARY 2014 I Target: JEE (Advanced) 2015 COURSE : VIKAAS (JA) & VIPUL (JB) HINTS & SOLUTIONS PAPER-1 PART-I MATHEMATICS, 1. (25-16, 0) = [+V8+0?. 0) e214 LER = "E* 22° 2 1 3 2 mises Lee ey 8 ate ut (atbte ) s2mcneims abe = 4R9= Ars = ARs | > (a0) 2 6Rr 1 Re-8G'= ZRF SG! b* Bent the major ai Wat> 1m fag eae x ates Om aR aP> be For given ellipse, we have log,q2* > log,9- 5, log,9- 5 > 0 fay 7a dhign & fire log,,a°> log,9 5, og, -5>0 2 2 2225 (anmeaet Keng, 2-520, 5 4 2k—5<0 = TK og k k (ef — (k=2)2k=9 -2(k-3] oa — 2) 4 k 1 2 k<0 or tek <2 and o +k) 1005 2 Derk} PI 1 1 2 © 7 7 (°) Sinx~ sindx * sin4x sin2x~sinx 2 sinxsin2x ~ 2sin2xcos2x 2cos3x/2sinx/2 1 2sinx/2cosx/2 ~ cos2x osxi2 sin 2+ 08in _ 2ne xe Pine xe 2t AE Be 10x Shaokuanea 1 (0) ateaot SOAB = 5 «3 99, nits SOAB 2m Be 4 i 3 x3e4s00t emt (provided x > 0) (8) Wenavesn ord ® 2yx = aex + Va-x = Qk = = va+x - Ja-x = vx avk =2VatxK => — dearn=% iS = ange ‘As a ond x ae postive integers, east possible value of xs 4 and tat of a's 8 aPramacarem pte tamer wea EI St (©) 32+20+ 4020 lines ax + by +6 = O are concurrent st oo (34 vetestysesotes (3.4) eq.qacoma t ere pear 5+ (0) From the tables, we have areah & are & 1" @ 1 B20 (ade tata 200 sp nll) Oo@0@ eno 5 Iva - BI = V1-2n+2n 12. bx +6 #0, be + ex +2 = Ohave exactly one common root then commen rot is # 3 drs oe orate a 8, a JW Resonance a wetnow Jap, 2 antane <1 a+b a ea ard 2 fh Doe 21am sinc <1 2Vab ® = atb=2jab anamnenc=1 oP = a=bands ¢= 0° oa 18, Let —u, 8, = be zeros of polynomial age ast as per of + Br tab 17, Slope ofAB a aE = 5 — a Equation of AC a ear wsBey 2 (on = e< (2-0) 32 loth 1 hw ots p+ yt-ap -py- ya 20 3:23) yos20 os = 3 Ha) bes brocd = brew t2s sum =1+2+3=6 My [Ma [Ma [My [Ms [Me ule ve Gl-|- ¥ were vie ¥ , : a(2-«) i vel LetTAIMK) > a= 2H, a= - - ~ ~ = 6k = 2h(2- 2h) 18, soe seat =» Se ‘Atter + Requied probabity = 1 (po angwages is commen) : Aer: se are = 1— (ane ae SHEA = Singh, rae Pas arf 1 1 stg PART-II PHYSICS fee ts |2 -18 5) 25 Lye 19, seey aie en ot s62 64 p 35 = 407 + (40-3g)j = 407 +10) gece at er 16 = 407 + (40-3g)j = 401 +10] ci wistg F nase T1458 =P Resonance 20. a. 22, = 407 +107 +—(1 of i) 40 +57 = sy? 40 = 565m When the system is about to sige rion wil be equal to the limiting value Since d.,, ‘a ror rors aren art wn a Sra aR eT i a, =0 u(m+M 2to=n(M+M)g= ty = we Da do Rat at mR mR. [do es 2 mR mR 2 att Ke = to? 1MR?_4td 2 22 mR? F rt Fannie * Fase At anytie't wher X length fs on the table then Pooh ara toy, oa x aarg ft #4 Saar 9. 20x = 290. = pe att = J2E7g all the chain vill be on table so Fog) = 0+ mag (since At this postion Fy, = 0) te Bilge, wep A baa we BHM Fg =O mg (fe oe ett # Fre Fyn = 0) 550 the correct graph is represented by option (3) sey pe rer Fare (2) & se 8 | [Alter fst collision B reaches up to angular dsplacement and ‘fer second colision Breaches to is intial postion, i ee Sovtoaltinetakenis = 7+ gt Zt a, 2, 26. 26. ern cae cea Bar Bia fares a wen ft Cr 3 cary Oye ore a OS TT awe +t,2, ae gawm inte pe reg [F-(m+Mgsino (mM) 50, f= ma cos 0 F—(m+Mpgsino mm | m= 27mg (rone=-0!) sove () and (i) ma o 18 Kot upthrust Serer = (15 = 11.8) kat 32 kt 3292 pay? = 10K2Kv 32 2 v=4m/s wy @y tano = — a ()y=Stano=5 — =25m, 8 Ue S C00 SS a ATI fe " Ecqusting the presnre atthe uncon, ai eer) ree heh ) 1 2 - 22 N N loop 2 Ih ee + N+ V2gh «2, and tI use: ¥ we 2 mgh N | pgp a2 [h tL] aah 2h Owe fe Yo » (©) Normal reaction is perpendiclrto displacement afta ofan freeme & aera ett o wen ® Lavansn| sant ge Lavan Wee JB mah 29. a= —sind ue F FeO . Fao fo Fsind at?” 2mR 0 F cao ba 38. fa nad fan] Fe [$2] = F co ® ($) (aay =20an0 =2 (dt) [A [A Xpge = 2] yf =H meV 24 on 7 Let the freq. of tuning fork be f ae eae Fg a seg 8 Earlier the freq. ofthe sting is f- 4 & later itis equal tof SH Mea A angi (a ae aes A GAT 1S TAR 8 99 ffeeed 100; f-4 Terminal velcty oc ara ae ‘wen the drops coalesce, the vo ofthe new crop wil be 8 times the volume of smaler crop om Te aPeee ah tae ae Te ara OTR irae 2 851 eh 1 Hence the radi of the new dop wil be doube that of smaller atop. arn Ie aA Prem va eA From EPA ah Terminal velocity be 4 times atime 2431 Bn Since the net external force acting on the system is zero and initial velocity of centre of mass of system is zero, so isplacement of centre of mass of the system is zero, hence af Pree arr a a a eB en Fora OTT oy eA Se Fara a oh AIT TT Sm M(x) = 2m(x,) = oie Ym =2 Ans. 2 : Since the point A moves retinesly. ii center of mass aif fry ace Ran A af em Bae ea oe Angular mpuise wit A Aa ante atcha it Angular impulse = 10 arveta ana = (13-320 1050 towards lef. saat cae gts ait ste aor mg mmosincor+ £08 20° = may we. towedge =P Resonance 1m (ay 008 30° = m=6K, 36. The minima willbe heard at P wen a crest rom S, and a trough fram 8, reach tere atthe same tine. This wil happen if Ly ~ isN2Or}. + (12) 0r2. + (2) and so on, Hence, the increase in L, between consecutive minima is /, and fom the data we see that = 0.40 m. Then fom 2. vf => f =340/040 = 850 Hz Pan fats Gag So oe 8,3 T wen 8, A PTT ara gad F) Tea AL, —L2e TA + OT 2a. + (2) en ee 1 ar Fh A BP 3, Bret en sagt @ ow tut & Fe = 040m. ewe = f= 3400040 = 860 He PART- Ill CHEMISTRY 37. Red hot sample means that transitions are occuring from n = 30 1 =2. This means that some atoms of H must be present in n= 3. lonization energy trom n = 3 is 136 = 1.51 voR nearly} ara wa sree raed & Rr BI n= 3S n= 24 ah 8 ETT ani wet HS BO TEM N= 34 Gta SF aE n=3 gra Sra, 13.69=1.51 ae (a ge 81 38, (A) Al calculations done by bond enthalpy data involves species in genous ste rly But in question, Ho (is ther. (8) HH bona energy is not given, (©) O = O bond energy isnot given (ayaa CAH & amet ar A Th wT as Ae ‘een & fire heh 81 ey ETH H,O (0 em TT 8 @)H-HaG Sut a8 fh (0-00 wat 38 & he 38, As,8, <> he + 35 28 38+10° 40, In absence of 2 and 2’ orbitals mixing, the MOT configuration Of C, wouid be | ots! o°s?25' 0°25? o2Px2p,"= x2p, Hence, It contains two unpaired electrons and so it is paramagnetic a-4 *. 2s! wen 2p a & Pharm BH sURAMA B,C, m MOT eT: O18? otfstadsto"2s%adp?2np,'=n2p,'S| SEHR mE @ aaa ete cere & ee aE spgees By Bond order = a4 rom ; Cap es e corsa Raga ae wen gly (crohns) cl Ch © (Won planar and nen-pale) ct cl a (eremercta aren srg F F NY (©) 8K on-panar and polar) Ele F (eremarcha ven gta) ~ UD > woratc compo ee attr » Gross conjogtion ate sig LT] sami aromate teen 4M CHO J-M \ector summation is highest ‘aign afte ar ata aiftaram £1 The species which are stable at room temperature are aromatic Compound and nonaromatic compound eh ether a ane ara oe eer En, a RE A Sates afte dl aad By DR eS C00 SS a ATI T fm 45, (0) P= very tigh, T= Ty Zotor PVs ORT > 1,30 9a conet be igus at any pressure at oven temperature Vahen > Wh Fo Bag = an tS temperate, Pag Paw Pee zt or Pv=nkT TT, , 0 998 cant be igus at ay pressure at oven temperature pri T= Ty Ze tor PV= aR TT, 50 9a cant be lua any pressure at oven temperature prow T= Ty Ze or PVenRT Gas is more compressbie vih respect to an ideal ga. >", 90 998 comet be iquefed st ay pressure at oven temperate (Vala (Va ® © o @ ign 59, T=7, Z>t or PV nRT ToT RH MRAM AT ge, PA AA A fon wea 8) Walon ® Waban Upherene = (yg TH BAF ATT FTC, Ping® Phat (P20. Ze 1 or PV=nRT ToT, i Ae RATA a we, Fe ota at fo we 8) ()P=7E,T 251 o PV=0RT ToT, Se AR RA TA aT we, Fe oA aT eT at on wea 8) 4 or PV To Ty, a Ae Ra a ae eh A ara eh AEE oH a 81 o Tet, Z only Alichyde Positive test wth Neutral FeCl, -> Show only enols. Positive test wth Na metal > Show only compounds having acidic # Electron density oc +1, ¢M, HC Ses afore $ ra carp whem ae Gees ‘ata FeCl, es rans sere > bast Geet Nasarg er een tte 5 hrs oH eA Te A Oe a 2+ + MHC a7. 48, 49, 50, 5 82, (biden) Only 8, Sy SS, 5 and S, are corect. aa 8, 8,85, 8), 5, 8, UF A 81 (OF, <4, Bond length of 0-0 bond (0-0 mr wea TT) S\N 0K | Pa] PH NANA fo (i a ae “pon HOF i Hoon 2.8 Ho fo lot ue pane Ho oH 5 Vee 2° aff AN +2)> 0 ke UU 2) onl) ‘Algo the point (2, K) les outside the ckele x! + y= ry QW) Te eya ate pre 13m mee Rem & 44-1320 = R-920 = K-3k43)>0 ke Ge, 9) 08,4) (2) From (1) and (2) OTe ke Ga.) (4,2) Ans. MM. etyleMe2=3+2 tangent at Fre TT (1, -2) x-2y-5¢0 tt) “Ths line touches the circle x + y? 8x + By + 20 x53, JW Resonance Hence point of contact (3, —1) Ans. ia Br Ag (3,— 1) Ans. Be (ee 2 ) Bie "We 1 AB-BC1.CA 8 2 AB-BC+CA 243 = sas (AB-BC+CA)* ae 2 13. Let aT =P, u=H() Ax, BUY, Cle, 2) Centrold G tes inside SABC baw GRTHARCS ox t GLeML aye? ((X1y+2) 3 Vos) xsys2 coryez? 3 27 ty sz? xeeyrazt nent ver @ A4Y4E" CY +z 2 3 = Otvee Oot oy 7 2 27 . It xt y +2 13, xy2 il not satisty 2) ARE xs y 42513 x92. (281 ape FE eM Wxryte y = 4,2 = 5 will ot satisty (2) ci xty +212, x=3y= 4,225, 2yeT age a eM B) Hence maximum value © 12. sxe ita 54 1281 Aerate aubpires, (arbse)/arp-+8) fees eee nore enor) Payee (ayia) (eae a2) ee a xayrez? (eys2) (oye) ° 5 3 | 73] Roped, (xtytzy 5 3 ° ty +2 ten on en @ HAVEL a OH = eyrzs > 13, x32 wll not satity (4) aR x+y +2=13, xyz, (4) Be aE eM By W xey +z 12, then By = 4,2 = 5 wil not satisty (4) nit xsysz=12, aT x= Gy = 4.295, (4) SG TE eM 8 Hence maximum valve is 12. er fam AT 128 “ Wextyte 14. (@=1P= + IPO= 1) (ne 1p a(n t= Gre #2 an? +4 4 On? +2 1 (qe) (= © 2 nF =-9>" 2| n+ Pn-4 ) 1 400s?20° 1 18. GE + cos?10° sin? 40° sin? 40° 1, 2{1-+c0s40°) +1 = cos?t0® sin? 40° _ 1, @+2c0s409) 4c0s? 40° * cos? 10° sin? 80° 14 (8 +2c0s40°)2(1 + cos80°) cos? 10" 14+2(8 +300880°+2c0s 40°cos80"+2c0s 40°) cos? 10° cos” 10° 146 +6c0s80°1+6cos 40" cos*10° 6(1+2c0s60° cos20°) 6(2cos? 10°) c0s*10 cos" 10° 3 1 fi) =# 5.10) = 48, yonjete t oats Zagesd 2 3 foy= 5 onesoluion oH eat UNS 00 SS a ASTON fn 1". 1. 18, 00 1 Zee solution f9 = tee solution AF Ea 1 2 total 8 solutions 3 6 ¥=1 Since the last two digts of AMC0 and AMC12 sum to 22, we have AMC + AMC = 2(AMC) = 1234, va AMCIOStE AMICI seers a am ae pr ate 22 ‘8 TBI AMC + AMC = 2(AMO) = 1234, +8714 17 sefere A= 6,M= 1 ste7etd = ene n=t2 No.of diagonals Frat ah aioe 0, - 12 65-12 54 2).8,,8, © B58), 2.8.8, © (2.48) Required number of ways Sie me: Gl x3) + @ x3! case-1 [-pe=2) =xt x<0 Dit aK=-x+9 axe 3 (sected arco case osxs2 + 2-2)- 2¢= +3 0=3 Nosolution af est #2 Cased 2 Py = BP, Now comparing the moles of gas in A and PN, 10P,Y, nye gy = HOM RT, RT, rye 10 my 10 109m ‘Again or gas 8A, AQ= AU + AW = O= AU + AW PY, -8P, x2 A (y-1) = onais = em, 7B 08x 10% = 2001 F=6P.a= 8x10%x10"= 2000 SIT A te aa aefere ary, Se Te He wT STA T,,P,, Vy, & cen tela Aven Bi dome a 228) ‘rte a echo tos tert 8 aR oH BA Ae emma rar & seria & | aeAT te & fet ae eA Mi = PaV, = PAV! = Poy (028Y,)) = Py = BP, wa Bt te 3 fae ca 20.4P,=4P, = P, a Raw es meh geen wel P, = P= 10", a a PkM 4, IRN, * RT, “RT, tm img= 10m, 10 100gm = tho AR fa fe TH AQ= AU + AW = O=AUe AW P,v, -8P, x ¥° = OF Aut 4 (y-) = su=2RV, = 2x 10°x 102 = 2000 8x 10°x 107 = 6000 N Fa aPy =[NResoreccs ——______ mar 3 22, intial the cylinder wil side down the icine, so Knetic felon wil actin backward direction, saree Ha A oY ae Tee ey afer eT eS fe ade em) linear acceleration eft FR 9, = MBSNO—wwnBCes = 2msee? ‘and angular acceleration ear hey eee Tom _ (Hxmgcos®)) 33, wp RE Teres 2 linear velocity at time tis cama wy ted Veutat=V=16+()t angular veloety at ime ts aa oe asia oma, t at > 020+ Ot for petiect ling Ua Stet 7H fire VE OR on = (16+ 29 = @b (1) 33 se. fort e (0, 3) tere willbe sing so ts acceleration. a= g sind y,coso =2 38. 8 (0, 3% fae Rrra arth a era CRT a= g sind cos =2 8 But ater = 3, wl perform perfect rting 8 fergt= 3 # vere me Ge Stes af wt gsino oc So now ts acceleration wil be a = Sp wo, mR v L gsino ae wae r 1 mR? Sograph between Vvistwilbe ; oft: Vata mea are PH 7. an 8 forte 0, 3) Fe «= ymg cos (R)=4 se. 8 mgsino rio eRe MRE : fort> 3 # fe oye aR? OO? 1 Sogreph of versest wile; ota mm Pet sm ay av 4[L+06r] ar L085) ~ at” a(Ls06ry No.of molecules = area under AB at $1 Sen = ARs ardra ara . (+4N0° (00 600)=10° 2 PQ = JA5? +20? = 25m _ V3 sin2(45) yee Visin?o—2:1012.5 =(55)' + V, sind = SVE m/s 25 V, =5vi0m/s \V,c080 = V, cos4s° = 5Sm/s and) =60° ae -Visina0 _ 5 Iv the block has moved by ditance x. ate ater gh 8 a aT 253 . uMg , 2uM9 SUMO vas ap |g nl AN ug ,2ug , 3ug \ se aa [gt gets da, 349 5 20 ty 2 3s nay 0 sete # Be (E) 002 y= SAL. 10 10°%kg/ms =10 “poise (“) 2 oe) 4 ‘Spring force isn internal force and the only extemal force here is the gravity force fon aa safes aa 8 aon as aA Ta Geeta as By aP=P,-P, = (m, £m) at-0 toa tox2 = 20kg mis Lets see relative tothe truck Ot go # ae Ba =P Resonance ‘Applying angular momentum conservation for the eynder about the contact pont sae fg fare das oe ahha dm aa ST VjREMV, Ryo where El if 2 oR, soking BH EH EV= 3 Vy Now 1 Vy 2 0/2 42, Tension nthe sting is 18 # we L qe Joma = [udxo*x Ge 2 io’ Ho" a-nx 7 e*) “The wave speed i, ft avi 5 aw 10V6 ve V@x1-05)05 v= 15mis PART-II CHEMISTRY $8. Wadaaa® Ge euuee 1.18%20+1%40 oe (Wpdageas #20 + 40 = 60 mL. Sb contraction in volume sara Her agers 60-56 Gp * 100" 6.66% = 56 mu 115.20 eo Keoot® TIO, a0 * 45 et vs 23 toys MHEOOH 00» 22 4 0 sat. 44, Port 1 corresponds to ineversible adabatic process for which A8y_ 0, SSyy,= 0, AS > 0, AU ¥ 0 (:2AT 0} Point 2 Seresponds to reversible adiabatic process, for which AB pe= AS. = AS, =0, AU #O( AT #0) Point 3 Gocresponds to ireverible isthermel process, for which aU ot sTate AT wil be maxmum for ireversible adiabatic process. So, AH Wil be maximum for irreversible adiabatic process fig taqaerta waht aa # org 8p, ® 2 8p = 0, By > 0, AU #0 (FAT # 0) fig 2onerha wate wm oT 8 = M8 = Spm = 0, AU# O(¥ AT#O) fig aagjoomoha emertea a argere AU=0(7 AT=0) av argos wate soon = fare ir Gr RE aH gone aha sa fre rr °, @ NH, fi man Resonating | ogre “Structure” © WEN N Ns oss 0 NH, NH Resonating _ age) e 7 x Sucre” A N N N AN Np og®%y aD ee Sy ee ° (©) (ybraicaton of in — NH, group 6%) e (-NH, aR Nar iam op? 2) e (0) ¢ybratsaton of Nin = 2 wy tnssaonetnin|=RC g |e op P 87 * GENC co [FN ser ap'8 50, (0) No.0, is powerul exidant and bleaching agent and bleaches Fed litmus paper to white in aqueous soliton, Na,O, + 2H,0 ——> 2NaOH + H,0 + [0] Red itmus + [0] ——> white itmus (bleaching) (0) N2,0, 0 Bat steerer wen Pore aftente 8 cea as ‘ata fron a ferems ws whe wa Refers a ST a1 ——> 2NaoH + ‘are fercue +0] —> athe fren (freon fy Na,0, + 2 +10) 4, ‘The resonating structures shoul! heve seme number of pared ‘and unpaired electrons sega sertal 4 afore ser rghhre sSesta a er aes =cosnst(k) sic ot AR leg V=logT+lapk where K=O 52. for 2 graph AR log fog 4 53, (R= Porn =1 mot for 1 graph nk log'e = 609.00 = 3 mol cs for 3 groph oR 1 jog «gong 2 oot = ng2s 4 oe a 49. Equation of straight line (eth Tar ar eee Hy (224) 0 bax vows 418 19 (3) v-0 spe av=72 (PVimax 7 aR For (PVs (Poa FE, 9P = 2 and (wen) v= 2 patave9 129 Bey = OK (A) This raph is possibie if temperature of gas is kept constant {and pressure Is increased from Ato B. (8) This raph is possible if temperature of gas is increased Continuously during the process A to B. 1 (6) This graph is possible if rng the process : Poe (PV. vr cant; Y(SE) cette comtnt AR (Aya ae wee & af AB Bar ey oh Toe ay Pe ce ‘omg eet era # gh orgy (0) 76 ora Gera 8, aR va AG BS ah AS TTT are gf oft me 1 (ye arta aera 8, a uM a ART: Pe TZ bv vreseen 2. V(ER) «fron se pve sft mR Since + m: = OCH, > = NHCOCH, 4% +m:—OcH,>~NHCOCH, Br wil attack wth respect to stonger - m group NO, at its meta positon. Br gaat gett He Rat we FATT — m TAR NO,F sate ara ear By Br wil attack wit respect fo + m group at is ortho poston Bretagne + mans arte gach after ow one ame) Fert 2st phat ptt eA HARD) GRA) LACT) ASD) OAD ‘So, condtion inthe question corresponds to rbtals of 2p and 5d subshelis Product of numberof haf filed and fly filed orbitals = 3 515, Fests! 2st pt st ptt (A OIARD GERACH) LALO) LACT) OAD om, WEA a vg afte ap aad Seah GET wattn 1 ea on sedge ven ighea wera a sea a PT 1305015 =MNesereccs —_____ mmr 55. Als) + 2Blaq) = 208) + D(aa) 4 os itn ee 3 : Ina 1 2 oo ‘Aleg. EUR tox x x 59. oo. 88. Ih]= JK,Cy +K,, = 3x10? 10? 10 * 26 10%M ax 10x20 * sv. 6. F=ia arg = 1.796 + 0007 A MF=GH, MW, = 84+ 8=92 Element ie Bromine (2 = 25) ara afin 1 2 =35) ad 12102 q* 1.0 * 10+ g=12*10-%esu fraction of charge (ater = ara) = CHA tH, H 4 ny " cH, Total number of hydrogen involved In hyperconjugation 3 afte Harm SF ara Es eagle THT A eT DR eS 2020S a AETV fm Resonance Educating for better tomorrow [UTC ALL INDIA OPEN TEST (AIOT) Target: JEE (Advanced) 2015 DATE: 02 FEBRUARY 2014 I COURSE : VIKAAS (JA) & VIPUL (JB) ANSWER KEY CODE-0 PAPER -1 PART -I (MATHS) 1 @ 2 #W 2 © 4 AW & OD & AW 7% A) 8 (0) (A) > p.a,sit(B) > p:(C) > s; (D) >t 10. (A) > (8), (8) > (Q), (C) > (P), (0) > (P) cr a | PART - Il (PHYSICS) 19, (8) 20. (B) oat. (C) 2B), CH, BY)’ (D) 26. (C) 27. (A) >p,t(B)->p,S(C)->a,r(0) >a,r 28, (A)=p,ts(B)—p.ts(C)-s;)-at 2. (2) 30.) 3H. 4) 8,4) fe () fh () FA () ES (th) PART - Ill (CHEMISTRY) 37. (c) 38. (D) 39. (A) 40. (D) wn. (B) 42. (B) 43. (c) 44. (8) 45, (A) (8). (C) > B.D) >Qns 46. (A) > p, ts (B) > q,6,85(C) 4, t;(D) ons 47. (5) 48. (6) 49. (8) 50. (4) St. (3) 82 (9), 5. (7) BB) USS 00S a ASTON fe CODE-0 PAPER -2 PART -l (MATHS) 14 (AB) 2 (8) 3 (BD) 4 =~ (ABCD)S. = (ABC) & = (C), 7B) BO) ee (Be tO (Cy ee (A) 12 pe tee ia 12 tae 15. 1216. «0817, 1418 BA 1,72 20.02. PART - Il (PHYSICS) 22, (ABC) 23, (AB) 24. (BD) 28. (BC) 26. (BD) 27. (0) 28. (A) 29, (c) 30, (D) St. (BY 32 (C) 33.72) 34, (06) 95.28) 36. (27) 37, (02) 38. (30) 38. (03) 40. (30) 44. (14) 42. (18) PART - Ill (CHEMISTRY) 43. (BC) 44. (B,D) 45. (ABD) (ABD) 47. (BD) 48. (A) 49. (8). (DY) SH. A) 52, (BY) 53. (A) 54. (15) 85. (50) 86. (20) $7. (10) 68. (12) 89. (92) 60. (35) 61. (25) 62. (10) 63. (13) =P Resonance

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